Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 390: – Hana Homura – [Membership Stream] Ohanayo! It's been a while!

[Play: Yume Miru Kusuri OST - Orange Twilight So Close]



Calming guitar music played while the screen showed a beach at sunset. Beneath that music, the soft sound of the crashing waves echoed.


@[] Hana!

@[] A beachside chat?

@[] Aw, just chatting?

@[] ASMR waves and chatting?

@HanaOniiChan Hanaaaa! Have you been okay?!

@Ohanayo101 We've been worried about you!

@HanaFanGirl Is everything okay, Nee-chan?!


A soft laugh echoed, followed by the sound of shifting sand. "Ohanayo! Sorry to worry everyone, but I needed a little break from streaming for a bit."


@[] Is John working you too hard?

@[] Breaks are important!

@[] You've been streaming for a long time already, Hana! It's okay to rest!

@[] Huh? Doesn't Hana sound a little different today?

@[] Yeah! Hana seems softer?

@[] Is it the mic?


"Do I really sound that different...? Oh. The camera isn't on. Sorry everyone."

Rustling sounds echoed for a bit and then a screen transition played.

A wave spread across the screen from the bottom left, turning it gray. And then the video feed changed to show Hana sitting on a blue chair by the shoreline, with the sun setting in the distance.



She was wearing a light orange dress with detachable sleeves and had a flower hair pin in her hair.

After checking to make sure the camera was working, she gave a slim smile and waved. "Ohanayo. Thanks for coming even though it's late and I haven't streamed a lot."


@[] ?!?!

@[] H-Hana?! Are you okay?!

@[] That lighting, that expression... You aren't dying or anything, right?!

@HanaOniiChan Who hurt our imouto!?

@Ohanayo101 Was it a guy?!

@HanaFanGirl It's just like what Knight and the others said, isn't it?!


Hana kicked her legs and laughed. "No, no. I'm fine. You don't need to worry." She glanced off at the distance and said, "I've just... had a lot to think about recently."


@[] It's totally a guy.

@[] Is it John?! Did something happen?!

@[] Is it because of that guerilla Tweeter space?

@HanaOniiChan Who spilled the beans on the guerilla stream!?

@[] It was Tweeter! The space was trending, remember?

@[] Don't be sad, Hana!


Hana laughed and said, "It makes me happy that you're all worried about me like this... but I'm sorry to worry you too. But it's okay!" She smiled and said, "Everything's going to be fine from now on."


@[] That makes us MORE worried!

@HanaOniiChan Let me at'em! Let me beat up the guy who hurt our imouto!

@[] Wait, so are you actually at a beach?

@[] Those are REAALLLLY good graphics if it's fake.


Hana fidgeted with her hairpin and said, "Um... I didn't think everyone would act like this..." She sniffed and brushed her eyes. "...Now I feel bad..."


@[] T_T

@[] D-Don't cry, Hana!

@[] Noooo. I didn't sign up for kokoro damage today!

@HanaOniiChan orz I'm worthless. Can't even stop imouto from crying...

@HanaFan10100 I-It's okay, Hana! We aren't mad or anything!

@[] C-Cheer up?


Hana shook her head and then let out a thin smile. "Sorry, everyone. I'm just a bit emotional these days..."


@[] Emotional... hiatus...

@[] I-Is Hana...?

@[] M-Mini Hana soon...?

@[] N-No way!

@[] That's illegal!

@[] FBI! Ah, wait, that's Japan. Um... JDF!


"E-Eh?" Hana blinked and then quickly waved her hands. With a red face, she said, "N-No! I'm not pregnant! Geez." She puffed her cheeks and said, "You guys have been spending too much time around Aneue, haven't you?"


@[] Oh thank god.

@[] I was about ready to fly to Japan to ask John a question...

@[] Our Imouto is still pure. :prays:

@[] But isn't the age of consent in Japan-


@[] Oh yeah! Isn't Queen still streaming?

@[] Holy crap. She is!

@[] Queen must really not want to lose that bet, huh?

@[] Hasn't she been streaming for like 24 hours now...?


Hana giggled and said, "Aneue's still streaming, huh?" She placed her hands behind her back and kicked her legs. "That's no good. She should know better than to make bets like that... Though I guess that's why Onee-chan hooked her so easily."


@[] How DID the two get together anyway?

@[] Did you manifest Alfi being your real Onee-chan, Hana?

@[] When's the wedding? And are we invited?

@[] Wait. Can we go back to whether that's a real beach or not?

@[] Considering <World Line>, it could be either, right...?

@[] Where's GeoRainbow when you need him?


Hana smiled and raised her index finger up to her lips. "How Aneue and Onee-chan got together is a secret."


@[] Awwww.

@[] I bet it was Christmas.

@[] That Christmas party looked pretty wild...

@[] So the beach...?

@[] Those waves look great!

@[] I wish I could hang out at the beach. It's a blizzard over here...


"Oh! I should probably explain, shouldn't I?" Hana reached over to pick up the camera and spun it around. "I'm at a real beach right now. Mister John said that I needed some rest, so he flew me and Mom out to one of his private islands to take a small vacation... She's right there actually."

Hana paused the camera on a woman lounging on a beach towel nearby.



Unlike Hana, who was wearing a dress, the woman was in full bikini gear.

And by full bikini gear, it was an orange bra with strings that looked like they'd snap at any moment along with a matching bottom piece that barely covered the essentials.

In short, almost nothing at all.






"Hm?" The woman paused when she noticed Hana pointing the camera towards her and then frowned. "...Sweetie. Are you filming or streaming right now?"

"E-Ehe?" Hana quickly moved the camera away to point back at herself and said, "I-I'm just filming, Mom!"

"...Remember the conversation we just had about lying and oversharing things, Sweetie?"

"B-But Mom is so pretty! And this is a special camera that Mister John made 100000% sure won't show anything sensitive! Plus you said it was okay earlier!"

"I said it was fine as long as you asked permission first... Hah."


@[] Why is Hana Mama so hot?

@[] N-No! Bad thoughts!

@[] We're sorry Hana Mama! Don't blame Hana!

@[] Wait, so if it's a special camera, is she only hot because of the filter?

@[] Dummy. If it's the same as the MIRAIZ filter, all it does is turn you into Anime style. It doesn't make you hotter.

@[] That bod might on filter, but it's definitely 100% smoking.

@HanaOniiChan Hey! Family Friendly!

@HanaFan101 There are kids here!

@[] YABE


The camera suddenly lifted and spun around before focusing on the woman's face.

Hana's voice echoed from the side and said, "G-Give that back, Mom! I'm streaming!"

"Yeah, yeah. One sec, Sweetie. I want to talk to your friends a bit first."


@[] A-Are we in trouble?

@[] Must... be wholesome...

@[] oh god she's so hot

@[] Why is everyone so horny these days?

@[] It's like they've never seen a pretty woman before...

@[] Mommy?

@[] :facepalm:


"Hi honey~" The woman waved and said, "Nice to meet you all. I'm Hana's mother." She placed her index finger on her chin to think and then said, "Mm... Yeah. You haven't earned the right to my name, so you can just call me Hana Mama."


@[] Yes, Ma'am!

@[] Okay, Hana Mama!

@[] Mama is as Mama says.

@[] :facepalm:

@[] This is the problem with the internet...

@[] Why are the overseas bros more polite than our comrades here...?


"Now." Hana Mama narrowed her eyes and said, "I've been letting things slide since I trusted you all to keep my daughter safe and be proper. But since you haven't been the best influence on my Sweetie, I'll be keeping a close eye on things. And if I don't like the way things are going, my Sweetie will just have to stop streaming for a while until she grows up. Understand?"


Hana Mama turned to the side and said, "I'm just telling them how it is, Sweetie. We went over this, remember?"


@[] T_T

@[] :O

@[] E-Everyone! No more playing around!

@[] Damn.

@[] Oh yeah. Wasn't Hana Mama sick until now?

@[] Oooh. No wonder!

@[] So no more messing around or ecchi stuff...?

@HanaOniiChan We were never supposed to do ecchi stuff!

@HanaFan101 Got it, Hana Mama!


"Give that back!" Hana reached over and snatched the camera away from her mom before focusing it back on herself.

Off-screen, Hana Mama chuckled and said, "Okay. I'll leave it at that for now then, Sweetie. You can have your little play date with the Ohana... but remember. Boundaries."

Hana puffed her cheeks and said, "I'm not a kid, Mom!"

"You are until you turn eighteen, Sweetie. Now, I'm going for a swim, so be good. ...And no filming me unless you want to eat sashimi instead of cooked food tonight."

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair, Sweetie. We've been over this, remember? And you also shouldn't share everything with a friend unless they're with you in person. The Ohana don't count."

Hana pouted and turned her attention back to the camera.

As she did, the sound of a splash echoed in the distance. Hana Mama jumping into the water, no doubt.


@[] Hana Mama's a great mom.

@[] :nodnod:

@[] You should listen to her, Hana!

@HanaOniiChan Yeah! Please don't share everything with us!

@[] We have Alfi for that.

@[] Alfi-SAMA. Not Alfi

@[] We're Ohana, but we want you to be safe, Hana!

@[] You're still young! Don't make a mistake you'll regret!

@[] Yeah! Don't make dumb decisions like Queen!

@[] We're happy just seeing you happy!

@[] You don't need to tell us everything, Hana!


Hana sat back down at her chair and placed the camera back how it was before she picked it up. "I know, I know." She frowned and said, "But everyone's so nice to me. Can I really call you Ohana if I don't share things like family...?"


@[] Of course!

@[] Even family members don't share everything!

@[] I bet Queen and Alfi-sama don't tell you all the stuff they get up to, right?

@[] Family means we support you no matter what!

@[] Yeah! And if there are people who don't, they're not real Ohana!


Hana smiled and then lowered her head, causing her bangs to cover her eyes. "...Thank you. I really... *sniff* really appreciate it..."


@[] No crying now!

@[] Big girls don't cry, Hana!

@[] N-Now I'm gonna cry...!

@[] T_T

@[] orz


Hana brushed her eyes and then took a deep breath. After that, she smiled and said, "E-Enough sappy stuff! We're supposed to have fun!"


@[] Yeah!

@[] That's the spirit!

@HanaOniiChan There's our invincible imouto!


Hana's smile widened and then she said, "Okay! Now, we have this whole island to ourselves, so how about we go on an adventure?"


@[] Is that okay?

@[] Won't Hana Mama be mad?

@[] Did Mister John give you permission?

@[] Island perms?


Hana rolled her eyes and said, "I made a mistake earlier, but I'm not dumb! I 1000% asked Mister John about this! And he even said he buried some fun treasures around for us to look for!"


@[] :gasp:

@[] IRL loot stream is real?

@goodako Gachagachagacha

@[] Let's go!

@[] Be careful, Hana!

@[] Um. Are we going dressed like that?


Hana picked up the camera from the ground and then paused. "Dressed like what?" She looked down at her clothes and then blushed. "A-Ah. I forgot to change after drying my clothes..."


@[] ...

@[] PON

@[] You sure you're fine, Hana...?

@[] lol

@[] Did you seriously just start streaming just because it was time?

@[] Good thing this is members... yabe

@[] Bet's on whether Hana will find all the treasure first or Queen will win her bet.

@[] That's a sucker bet.

@[] Obviously Hana.

@HanaOniiChan Huh. Are Superchats off for this stream?

@HanaFan101 But I wanna spoil imouto!

@HanaMama <M> Real friends don't throw money at each other when hanging out for fun.

@[] !!!

@[] That's... a really good point.

@HanaOniiChan C-Can it be. This whole time... I've been a fake friend...?

@HanaFan101 orz

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