Returning Transcendent Opens an Idol Agency

Chapter 377: Life Counseling – Alphy

A devastated office with the refreshments tossed all around the room, a few of the beanbag chairs torn up, and a desk flipped over and shattered.

At the far end of that chaos, Asako stuck up her middle finger as she walked into the elevator. "Go screw yourself, John!"

John chuckled and said, "I'll see you next week for the follow-up session after you took those action steps, Asako."

Asako let out an incoherent scream and then started spamming the close door button to shut the elevator faster.

Eventually, the doors closed and the elevator started heading down.

John laughed and then snapped his fingers, reverting the office to how it was before Asako went super tsun.

"I have to say, it's no wonder she's had trouble picking up guys if she's like that though." He walked back to his chair and then pulled out his tablet to write proper notes instead of the scribbles he did to mess with Asako.

Although he joked about it, Asako really did have a lot of repressed anger. It seemed like her coping mechanism to deal with all the trauma and consequent anger from that was to bottle up her emotions and use that as fuel to go through life.

John understood why. Although the situation wasn't quite as bad as the extremely paternalistic Three Realms, he could imagine that it was hard for Asako to be the heir to the foremost yakuza clan.

Not only that, but that Asako's father was a crazy psychopath who lived by the 'Might makes Right' creed.

Asako would have inevitably learned to suppress all emotions except for rage from a young age, and also to solve all her solutions with violence.

"Mm." John finished writing his summary and said, "It'll take a bit, but she should be fine like this."

John didn't know if Alphy was doing it intentionally, but poking fun at Asako was helping her unwind that strung-up tension she had been living with.

Well, that and Alphy was probably helping in other ways, but he wasn't going to pry into his daughter's personal life.

But speaking of Alphy...

John stood up and switched out the refreshments for fresh ones.

Chocolate chip cookies, a special triple chocolate hot cocoa made with a white chocolate base, dark chocolate toppings, grated milk chocolate bits, a hint of instant coffee to bring out the chocolateyness, then mini marshmallows and whipped cream to finish it off.

After carefully setting that aside for Alphy on a nearby table, John sat back down and waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

And then just when he was starting to wonder if his oldest daughter had finally reached her rebellious phase and planned to stand up her Papa, the elevator chimed and the doors opened.

Alphy rushed in with her face flushed and hair a bit wet. Wearing a comfy cotton pajama set and slippers, she dashed over and said, "S-Sorry Papa! Something came up and it took longer than I thought..."

John decided not to question his daughter's appearance for his own sake. Instead, he stood up and dragged a comfy chair over beside the table where he set the hot cocoa and ushered Alphy towards it. "No worries, Alphy. You're a big girl now, so Papa understands if you have other things to do."

Alphy sat down in the chair and frowned. "I'll always have time for you, Papa... Oh!" She noticed the hot cocoa and then let out a bright smile. "Is this for me?"

John pulled a chair over to sit next to Alphy and then nodded. "Of course. I saw that you liked drinking hot cocoa, so I figured I'd make a personal one for you for our talk."

"You're the best, Papa." Alphy carefully grabbed the cup. Blowing on it a bit to cool it down, she took a sip and then let out a content sigh.

John smiled and said, "Tasty?"

"Mmhm!" Alphy nodded and then went back to drinking her hot cocoa, smiling with every sip.

John sat there for a while, sipping on his coffee and just observing his daughter.

She was different now, and in a good way.

John could still recall how not long ago she was cold and aloof, treating herself like a disposable tool instead of a person.

Part of that was John's fault for not making it clear, but it was also because the Three Realms wasn't a place where you could let down your guard.

Especially for someone on John's level.

Because of that, Alphy focused on combat and being the one who took to the frontline to stop anyone who would dare to harm or plot against John.

It had been necessary, but it hadn't been fair.

But now...

"Papa?" Alphy tilted her head and looked at John with clear eyes. "Is something wrong?"

John stared back and then reached out to ruffle Alphy's hair. "Nothing's wrong, Alphy. Just reminiscing."

Alphy blinked and then giggled.

John frowned. "What's so funny?"

Alphy shook her head and said, "Nothing. I'm just happy." She idly kicked her legs back and forth as she stared into her hot cocoa and said, "You were always so serious and rushing, Papa." She looked back at John with a warm smile and said, "I'm just happy you can relax now and look back."

John poked Alphy's forehead and said, "I should be saying that too you, Alphy."

Alphy giggled and said, "Well, I've always just done what you did, Papa. So it's natural that I'm relaxing now that you are, right?"

John leaned back to sip on his coffee and said, "You've become a much better talker these days, Alphy."

"Well." Alphy shrugged and said, "It's only natural after talking so much every day to the Alfis, isn't it?" She sipped on her cocoa and said, "It's fun too." She idly swirled her cup around, staring at the marshmallows with a smile. "I never knew just talking and spending time would be so enjoyable."

John smiled and said, "That's good. Life is meant to be enjoyed, so I'm happy to hear that you're having fun, Alphy."

Alphy smiled again at John. But then she paused and tilted her head. "Um. I forgot to ask... but why did you want to talk to me, Papa? Asako was a bit mad when she came back down and wouldn't tell me anything."

"Mm... It's not as important for you, but I guess we could go through it as well." John summoned his tablet, catching it as it flew through the air. Afterwards, he opened up to the notes and said, "I just wanted to check up on all the girls and see how they want to do things going forward. That, and check if there are any problems we need to solve."

"Oh. So like how you used to go around helping the beauties in the Three Realms before meeting Mama?"

John coughed. "N-Not exactly like that, but similar." He cleared his throat and said, "Anyway... Do you know if you want to do anything other than streaming, Alphy?"

Alphy frowned. "Other than streaming... Mm." She swirled her hot cocoa around and then said, "I'm not sure. I want to help the Alfis as best I can since they've been so nice to me. But I think it might be dangerous if I do too much..." She looked at John and said, "I don't want to be chased around by people like you were, Papa."

"Smart." John quickly nodded and said, "Learn from your Papa's mistakes and don't go too overboard with helping. Healthy boundaries are important for things like this."

Alphy nodded and said, "Mmhm. Betty mentioned it too. She said that it would be easy to start a sect here that would worship me, but also that it could get annoying. And also, I think it'll be a bit sad later on if I do. The mortals in this world live a bit longer than those in the Three Realms, but time passes much faster as well..."

Alphy paused and then said, "I'd just like to leave everyone with beautiful memories and then disappear like a nice dream. That way, the Alfis could move on with their own lives, right?" She frowned and said, "Otherwise, they might be waiting on me for the rest of their lives. I like it, but I don't want them to waste that precious time... E-Eh? Papa?!"

John sniffed and wiped the tears out of his eyes. "W-What? It's nothing. J-Just got a bit of dust in my eyes, that's all."

Was this what they meant about time with your children being precious?

Alphy was already fully grown physically, but only recently started growing emotionally. Because of that, John thought that his first little girl would be cute and dependent for a bit longer, but...

Alphy frowned and said, "You have to be more careful, Papa!" She reached out with her right hand and brushed John's tears away with her sleeve. "I know you want to live like a mortal, but you don't have to go that far. I don't like seeing Papa in pain."

John laughed and said, "Don't worry. I'm not in pain. I'm just happy."

"Oh." Alphy paused and then said, "Even then, I don't like seeing Papa cry..."

John smiled and said, "Okay. Then I promise I'll do my best not to cry around you anymore, Alphy."

Alphy stuck out her pinky and said, "Pinky promise?"

John blinked and then reached out to wrap his pinky around Alphy's. "Promise. But who taught you how to do this?"

Alphy smiled and said, "Rin did! She made Asako pinky promise to make Rin the handmaiden at our wedding."

John froze. "W-Wedding?"

Alphy blushed and said, "I-It's not now! A-Asako's still a bit nervous about it and I don't want to push her. B-But..." She poked her fingers together and muttered, "Aurora is cute and I kinda want a baby too... That way I can raise it with warmth and kindness like Papa..."


"E-Eh?" Alphy stood up, eyes wide in shock. "P-Papa! Why are you sleeping on the floor? Did you not get enough sleep? ...Papa? Papa!"

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