Return of Salazar Slytherin

55- In the name of Slytherin

The young wizards of Slytherin House enjoyed delicious food and chatted with friends until late at night.

When the hands on the clock jumped to "eleven", most of the students in the lounge had dispersed, and only a few scattered couples were still chatting in the corner.

"Good night."

"Sweet dreams."

Rhys and Daphne said good night to each other and returned to their respective dormitories. About half an hour later, Rhys returned to the common room - tonight was Halloween, and he couldn't sleep at all.

In Rhys's time, there was no obvious barrier between the world of the sun and the underworld as it is now. Every Halloween was a bitter battle between the living and the undead. Over time, Rhys also developed the habit of staying up all night on Halloween. Now that he was suddenly asked to go to bed on time, he couldn't sleep.

Rhys, who was suffering from insomnia, wanted to come to the lounge and read for a while. But after walking out of the dormitory door, he suddenly remembered that every Halloween, the dark creatures imprisoned in the dungeon would become active and become more hostile.

Although no monster has broken through the seal in thousands of years, he should go to the seal to fulfill his obligations. Even if it is just to clean up a few monsters that escaped from the cell, it would be great.

At this time, the lounge was empty, only the fire in the fireplace was crackling.

After making the decision, Rhys did not set off in a hurry, but first used the remaining fire of the fireplace to boil a pot of tea. After drinking the tea as quickly as possible, Rhys used the remaining tea leaves to do a divination for tonight's itinerary - this was something he learned from divination "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future" Tea Fortune Telling.

Looking at the divination results in the teacup, which symbolized "ominous", Rhys raised his eyebrows: Ominous? Then it is even more necessary to go there.

The poor divination results did not dampen Rhys's interest but made him even more excited.

'If the divination result is accurate, it means that there is a big mess within the dungeon's seal, and it is my duty as one of the founders of the school to suppress the seal.'

But before going to the dungeon, Rhys felt he needed to leave something behind.

He spread out a piece of parchment on the table, and after writing a few paragraphs, he felt that it was a bit verbose, so he simply balled it up and threw it into the fireplace, and rewrote a very brief note.

After putting the note into his own purse and sealing the purse containing all his wealth with a spell, Rhys left the purse on the table and left the common room.

The Slytherin House common room was very close to the dungeons, but instead of going directly to the dungeons, Rhys headed upstairs - he wanted to bring a few helpers with him.

The current headmaster of Hogwarts, Dumbledore, is very capable, but Rhys has no intention of calling him over. The reason is simple. Dumbledore has a very special meaning to Hogwarts and the wizarding world. If an accident occurs in the dungeon, Dumbledore's sudden disappearance will also have a very bad impact and make the situation out of control.

Hogwarts needs a headmaster, and the wizarding world also needs such a flag. The most important thing is that with himself as the founder, it is not his turn yet.

[My dear Basilisk, show up and obey my instructions]

Standing in a hidden corner, Rhys summoned the basilisk he kept in the secret room. At the same time, he pulled out his wand and pointed at several stone beasts serving as decorations in the corner of the corridor.

These stone beasts are the oldest stone sculptures in Hogwarts and existed since the school was founded. They are part of the school's defense system, and only headmasters recognized by Hogwarts have the authority to command them.

Of course, so can Rhys as a founder.

"In the name of Slytherin, Stone Dun, obey my command."

Several stone sculptures came to life, walked with heavy steps to Rhys, and accepted his command. At the same time, Rhys heard a faint hissing sound, and he knew that the snake king had also arrived.

After gathering his assistants, Rhys headed straight to the dungeon.

Outside the dungeon's seal, Rhys broke through the wall of the corridor and blasted a large gap in the pipe buried inside, allowing the basilisk to crawl out.

The terrain within the seal is just right for it to function.

After thinking that he was fully prepared, Rhys opened the seal of the dungeon, used the stone beasts as the vanguard, let the basilisk behind him, and drove them in with big strides.

After the basilisk's body completely stepped into the seal, the walls that formed the seal reappeared, sealing the corridor leading to the ground tightly.

After walking into the seal, Rhys noticed something strange: the magic power inside was much more active than the last time he came here, and it also had a cold air unique to the underworld.

Sure enough, there was trouble within the seal.

Without any hesitation, Rhys walked directly towards the depths of the dungeon.


The deeper you go, the lower the temperature becomes, and eventually white frost even appears on the walls. This is the favorite environment for dark creatures.

Plop! Plop!

Several gray wolf-like creatures were cut in half by Rhys and quickly turned into handfuls of ashes. Behind him, traces of ashes were everywhere in the corridor.

—Put the stone beast in front of you as a human shield, and then use the basilisk's gaze to exert strong control on the monster.

With this two-pronged approach, most of the monsters that encounter Rhys were killed instantly.

However, this guy in front of him is a little bit tricky - unless the core of the Ash Demon is defeated, it will be useless to destroy any number of clones. At this time, the Ashes on the ground are already showing signs of regrouping.

Rhys closed his eyes and carefully sensed the magic fluctuations in the air, trying to find clues left by the monster's core.

Soon, he thought about it and caught the key clue from the chaotic magic fluctuations. He immediately drove the stone beast and the basilisk in the corresponding direction.

Before taking action, he waved his magic wand violently, and a whirlwind immediately rolled up in the corridor, and the ashes that were slowly merging were scattered again.

However, when tracking the core of the ash, Rhys had a strange sense of familiarity in his heart. He stopped and carefully identified it, and then he really found a familiar magic rhythm.

It was the feeling of wind.

Specifically, Rhys felt a sense of an old friend from it.

A trace of surprise flashed in Rhys's eyes, and he couldn't help but speed up his pace.

The closer to the hiding point of the ash magic core, the more obvious this familiar magic fluctuation became. Finally, when Rhys came to an underground cave, the familiar feeling reached its peak.

When Rhys and his three friends had built the dungeon, they did not use 100% artificial mining, but cleverly used part of the naturally formed underground caves and the naturally formed cracks between caves. They widened these narrow passages and reinforced the caves to build a huge dungeon.

So when you really go deep into the dungeon, you will occasionally encounter a very open space, and this is one of them.

Rhys raised his wand and stepped into the cave in front of him with the stone beast and the basilisk, and then he felt shocked from the bottom of his heart.


A/N: They weren't the big stone guardians we saw in the movie but other smaller statues.

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