Return of Salazar Slytherin

44- Daphne shocked everyone!

Whoosh whoosh!

Only wizards like Madam Hooch, Malfoy, and Harry, who had talent and had grabbed their brooms earlier or whose brooms were of relatively good quality, held the flying broomsticks in their hands. The rest of the people's brooms all lost control and flew into the sky like rockets.

In just one moment, more than twenty broomsticks flew twenty feet into the sky.

Rhys: "!!!"

He really didn't expect the school's broom to be so fragile, "Ah, I made the nice going class into a mess!" Rhys reflected for a moment, he had used some of his magic while calling the broom and if the power of the spell was reduced to one-tenth, there would be a high probability that this would not happen.

Rhys's reflections can't make the broomsticks fall. As the broomsticks went berserk, the whole class fell into chaos. Madam Hooch no longer cared about the students. She hurriedly got on her broomstick, rushed into the sky, and began to "catch" the escaping broomsticks.

In the chaos, Malfoy noticed Harry, who was holding a broomstick like himself.

'Um? He managed to hold onto his broom. This is incredible, wait a minute...' Malfoy had a flash of inspiration, and a bad idea crossed his mind.

"Hey, Potter, do you have the guts to challenge me?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry with a provocative look.

"What do you want to say, Malfoy?" Harry was very disgusted with Malfoy. He had never thought that anyone could disgust him more than Dudley, until he met Draco Malfoy.

"How about we compete to see who can grab more brooms?" Malfoy pointed at the broomsticks that were flying into the sky.

"Show some shame!" Ron, who was standing aside, couldn't help it after hearing Malfoy's words. He said angrily: "Comparing your flying ability with someone who has just touched a broomstick for less than five minutes is really stupid!"

"Okay, pretend I didn't say that." Malfoy shrugged his shoulders, with an "you're right" look on his face, got on his broom, and took off directly.

Looking at Malfoy rushing into the sky amidst the screams, Harry felt a fire burning in his chest.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, Harry, he is just deliberately irritating you." Ron knew his friend relatively well, so he quickly tried to persuade him.

However, Ron's words didn't work. Harry was usually a very friendly and easy-going person, but when he decided on something, no one could change his mind.

He directly rode on the broom in the posture taught by Madam Hooch, kicked the ground hard, and rushed into the sky like Malfoy.

"Harry!!!" Ron's face instantly turned pale: Harry had been living at his aunt's house before and had never even touched a broomstick. If he flew up like this, the consequences would be disastrous.

Harry and Malfoy flew into the sky one after another, shocking the freshmen of Gryffindor and Slytherin. The sound of gasping and screaming could be heard clearly even dozens of feet away.

At this time, Madam Hooch had already caught two out-of-control brooms. Originally, she didn't pay much attention to the exclamations on the ground - the little wizards had never seen a big scene, and it was normal to be startled. She had to hurry up. Catch the broomsticks, otherwise, with the urinary behavior of the school board, don't expect to have flying broomsticks in flying lessons this semester.

But when she caught a glimpse of a black and green shadow out of the corner of her eye, she realized the seriousness of the problem. She turned her head suddenly and found that there were two little wizards flying into the sky on broomsticks.

Madam Hooch felt two sap blows on her head one after another, causing her eyes to go black.

When she came to her senses and regained her consciousness, she yelled with all her strength: "You two, stop it!!!"

However, if the two little wizards who were flying into the sky landed on the ground obediently because of the teacher's shout, they would not have been flying into the sky in the first place. Malfoy didn't take Madam Hooch seriously at all, and Harry selectively ignored Madam Hooch's words because of his growing enthusiasm.

Malfoy rushed under a broom and raised his arm to grab it. After succeeding, Malfoy laughed loudly and directed himself towards the ground with the broom under his arm.

Not to be outdone, Harry rode a broom for the first time and flew into the sky for the first time, as if he was born knowing how to fly. He leaned forward and grasped the broom tightly with both hands, and the broom shot like a javelin towards the ownerless brooms in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, he was level with two stray brooms. Harry drew his bow from left to right, holding the two brooms like headless flies firmly in his hands. He clamped the brooms under his crotch with his legs, and the brooms suddenly turned around and faced the ground.

Swoop away!

The little wizards watching the battle from the ground applauded, but after seeing Harry's amazing dive, they all exclaimed.

Malfoy couldn't help but feel proud when he saw his classmates on the ground applauding. Just as he was triumphantly landing on the ground, Harry whizzed past him on his broom, leaving only a dashing figure behind him.

Malfoy's face was full of astonishment. He never imagined that Harry, who was exposed to a broomstick for the first time, could fly so well.

After seeing Harry land into the Gryffindor team and win bursts of cheers, Malfoy couldn't help curling his lips and secretly cursing Harry for stealing his limelight.

After thinking for a while, he thought of a cooler way to land. When he saw nothing and forced himself to forget about Harry, Malfoy flicked his broom and landed on the ground in a drifting posture, stopping right in front of Daphne.

Malfoy, who felt that this landing was very cool, raised the broomstick in his hand and confidently said to Daphne: "Here, I got your broom back for you."

In Malfoy's plan, Daphne must have been impressed by his charm. She only needed to cooperate with him a little, and he could completely overshadow Harry in an instant.

But the reality was slightly different from his script.

After hearing Malfoy's words, Daphne couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"No need." She even took a step aside and distanced herself from Malfoy.


At this moment, Malfoy's performance collapsed.

The muscles on Malfoy's face twitched twice. After a few seconds, Malfoy finally reacted and threw the broom to the man standing beside him. Then kicked the ground hard with both feet and flew into the sky again.

He needed this opportunity to resolve his embarrassment, but before he had flown a few feet, a shadow brushed against his broom and passed him.

Malfoy thought it was Potter, but when he took a closer look, he realized it was Daphne. What was even more outrageous was that she was not riding a broomstick!

She held the wand in her right hand, her left hand hanging down by her side, and she was looking back at him expressionlessly.

"I can get it myself." After saying this, she turned around and flew high into the sky.

Everyone present except Rhys was stunned. In their understanding, wizards who want to fly must rely on the power of magic props such as broomsticks. How can any wizard or witch fly independently on his/her own?

Malfoy also froze on the spot, looking at Daphne's back in a daze.

"You! Stop! And You! Get off! Now!" Suddenly, an angry shout came to Draco's ears, followed by a sharp pain from his right ear.

Madam Hooch had rushed to him on her broom, grabbed his ears, and brought Malfoy and his broom back to the ground.

Mrs. Hooch's face was pale with anger as she landed back to the ground, and her hands were shaking with anger. Not only was Malfoy caught by her from the sky, but Harry, who had already calmed down on the ground, and Daphne, who had just returned to the ground, were also caught by her. 

"You, you, and you! How dare you three?! You'll break your neck!"

Harry was a bit better, obediently bowing his head and being scolded, while Daphne and Malfoy were dissatisfied.

In Malfoy's eyes, how could he possibly slip and fall off the broom? 'I have been playing with brooms since I was five years old.'

Daphne was even more confident in herself, because the other two still relied on the external force of their brooms to fly, while she relied entirely on the flying magic she had learned by her hard work.

However, no matter what they did, the two of them did not dare to contradict the teacher face to face, so they both closed their mouths and stood there silently.

"Harry Potter!" Professor McGonagall's voice interrupted Mrs. Hooch's scolding.

Harry looked up and his heart suddenly sank: Professor McGonagall was running towards him with long strides.

"Ten points from Gryffindor! Potter, follow me."

"Professor, Harry, he-"

"Stop it, Mr. Weasley."

Seeing that Harry had been deducted points by Professor McGonagall and had to be taken away, Malfoy almost laughed out loud, but he couldn't laugh anymore the next second.

"Twenty points from Slytherin. Miss Greengrass, Mr. Malfoy, you two also come with me."


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