Return of Salazar Slytherin

34- Who is Lockhart

"Should we eat first or go to the library first?" After the herbal medicine class, Rhys picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the greenhouse.

"Let's eat first and then go. I'm a little hungry." Daphne replied a little embarrassedly with a blush on her face.

"Sure enough." Rhys didn't force it. In his opinion, learning is actually a physical job, and you have to eat well to have the strength to do it.

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly a voice sounded, interrupting the conversation between the two. Rhys turned his head and saw that it was Hermione who had come over from nowhere.

"Did you just say you were going to the library? Do you want to go together? We can discuss about each other's notes." Hermione looked at Rhys expectantly.

Rhys never hesitated to teach studious students, even if they were not students of Slytherin House, so he naturally agreed to Hermione's "team request", but he still had to go to fill his stomach first.

The senior of Slytherin House at the opening ceremony was right, the delicacies at the opening banquet can also be eaten in normal times. Every time he saw the sumptuous dishes on the table, Rhys felt a sense of peace of mind, which meant that the school was still running normally.

"Speaking of which, you were really skilled in handling the potion that just spilled. How did you do that?" When Daphne thought of Rhys's skillful technique in Potions class, even the steak on the plate was unattractive.

"It's nothing. You'll get used to it after you come to learn a few times." Rhys sighed, and there was a hint of inexorable vicissitudes in his eyes.

Snape may not know that the person in Hogwarts who can empathize with him the most is Rhys.

During his time as Head of Slytherin House and Potions Professor, Rhys felt that his mental endurance had been greatly enhanced. The situation encountered in the Potions class today was really a small scene. Those little wizards who were suspected of having troll blood were really capable of getting into any trouble.

What's the point of burning the crucible?

In his times as a teacher, after witnessing the entire underground classroom being filled with the poisonous potion vapor that could bring you to the God of Death in one puff, Rhys had felt that there was no difficulty that he could not overcome.

Rhys was able to rescue all the students in the class, and he thought it was a miracle afterwards.

After the incident, Rhys and the other three founders got into a heated argument. The other three people couldn't figure out why Slytherin wanted to abolish the anti-disapparation spell on the Hogwarts campus, until he showed the other three people the "grand occasion" of the underground classroom.

But in the end, everyone still retained this spell, making it impossible to use the Apparition spell inside Hogwarts Castle.

In contrast, the four of them revised the potion textbook together and eliminated some potion formulas that were too dangerous.

After shaking his head to get those unpleasant memories out of his mind, Rhys began to fight against the food on his plate.

After a full meal, the three of them came to the library of Hogwarts and sat down at an empty table.

Daphne and Hermione took out the homework assigned by the professors from their schoolbags, while Rhys went to get a book from the bookshelf and came back.

"Aren't you doing your homework?" Hermione couldn't help but ask, looking at Rhys who was holding a book and reading it with gusto.

"Homework..." Rhys couldn't help but glance at Daphne.

He really didn't want to waste energy on these slightly childish things - what was the point of studying the werewolf code of conduct? As for little Snap's paper, it's even more nonsense. The formula of the boils potion was improved by him back then. It's outrageous to write a paper on this topic now.

In comparison, the tasks of Transfiguration and Charms are much more friendly.

He can teach Daphne various magic spells, so Daphne can also be said to be his student. Isn't it natural for students to do things for their teachers? ༼◥▶ل͜◀◤༽

After feeling Rhys' gaze, Daphne had a bad premonition in her heart.

"(TдT)There's a lot of homework," she laid down on the table with a whimper: "It would be great if the quill could write homework by itself!"

If given the choice, Daphne naturally doesn't want to do two homework assignments, so it is necessary to be miserable.

Don't say it, you really don't say it. This sentence touched Rhys immediately. The idea of ​​letting the quill do the homework by itself is indeed feasible.

He had previously invented a quill pen that could automatically write admission notices, so it would not be nonsense to make a pen that could automatically write homework based on it.

But after thinking about it carefully, Rhys found that it is still a bit difficult to actualize this idea, because unlike the admission notice, which has basically the same content with just different names, the content of the assignment is ever-changing.

Sometimes if you change a word in the question, the answer will be completely different. The ability of the quills to identify what should be written is very demanding.

Making a quill pen that you can use to write your own homework is no less difficult than making a sorting hat, but it can indeed challenge you.

Rhys put the 'Quill Project' on his schedule.

After a brief chat, the three of them went about their own business: Hermione was solving the homework assigned by the professors, Daphne took out a roll of parchment and wrote a letter to her father on it, and Rhys was immersed in the world of novels.

"What are you reading?" Hermione stretched after finishing writing a paper, and then her attention was attracted by the book with a fancy cover in Rhys' hand.

"Break with a Banshee, written by Gilderoy Lockhart, tells the story of his efforts to expel the ghost from Bandon. It's a very interesting novel."

"Break with a Banshee?"

"Lockhart's book?"

Hermione and Daphne caught different keywords from the words.

"A Banshee or a female spirit is a dark creature active in Scotland and Ireland. It looks like a woman, but her cry is as deadly to humans as a mandrake." Rhys explained to Hermione what a Banshee is.

"Who is Gilderoy Lockhart?"

"A novelist." This is the definition Rhys gave her.

"A very powerful adventurer!" Daphne's positioning of Lockhart is somewhat different from Rhys's.

Rhys had noticed this best-selling author when he was at Flourish and Blotts before, but his books were too expensive, one book was worth three other books. He weighed the pros and cons for a long time and finally gave up buying them. Unexpectedly, he saw these works in the library of Hogwarts.

These books of Lockhart were most likely purchased by the librarian Madam Pince on behalf of the Hogwarts school.

This is a very common operation. Hogwarts will regularly purchase books on the market to enrich its library collection. It is this operation that has been going on for thousands of years that has made the Hogwarts library the largest magic library in Europe.

In Rhys's eyes, Lockhart's adventure story is quite interesting, but many details are not quite consistent with the real situation, but it is understandable, after all, novels need to be processed literary.

He is a novelist with rich experience and can write interesting stories. This is Lockhart in Rhys' eyes.


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