(Resumed) Solstice

Chapter 48 – The Scariest

This chapter is a bit longer; sorry for the wait. That said, I do need to CW for there being a corpse. It's in Samael's section though, so you can skip over to Selene if it would bother you.


At the East Outer Gate, I stood. To my right, I saw Ser Feylance, the Upstarts' Sponsor, and Ser Lienne. To my left stood Headmaster Clarent.

Before me, on the other side, stood a stern male, black hair outlining the whole of his rigid face, an immaculate azure robe flowing down around him, bordered by orange highlights with a purple collar. In his left hand rested an ornate obsidian staff, runes aglow along the shaft leading up to a caged rectangular crystal.

And in his right hand was held the corpse of Romeo Jules and his severed head.

All stood at attention.

"First, my son was attacked by one Emmett Sinclair in the ghost town of Annul Rhombus. Then he awoke from being rendered unconscious, cursed with intense gynophobia. And now." He tossed the late Romeo's body onto the dirt and held up his face. "The Scion of House Jules has been slain, also in Annul Rhombus, presumably by the same Emmett Sinclair. Myrrdin."

Ser Feylance nodded to Lord Adams. "Yes, Lord Adams?"

"The Upstarts are your Squad, correct?"

Ser Feylance looked down, but Ser Lienne held her left hand before him. "Sinclair would never do any of those things-"

"Lienne!" Headmaster Clarent's voice cut Ser Lienne short. "I read Scion Adams' thoughts with his permission. Emmett did attack him in Annul."

"Additionally." Lord Adams thumped his staff. "The Mission was one you requested, was it not, Lienne?"

"If I weren't busy being a Provost, I'd have solved the issue myself, Kenny."

"Interesting that you sent First Years to fight a Demon who successfully stole from a woman of your calibre." Lord Adams turned his attention to me. "Ah, Son of Sargon. I'm impressed you have the integrity to face me regarding the crimes of your Squad. What have you to say on this?"

I looked down. "I must apologise, Lord Adams. I was unable to keep my Squad in line. They had committed mutiny, choosing to rally around Patrick Peterson, a longstanding friend of Emmett Sinclair. I would also like to contribute that shortly before this discussion, Grace Gardner, acting as my opponent's Second in a Lawful Duel, criminally interfered and froze me solid before I could land a hit on my opponent." I took a breath to compose myself. "It is also important to note that when we failed Ser Lienne's Mission, I had ordered the Squad, minus Emmett, who had already attacked your son at that point, to withdraw. They didn't."

I could feel Ser Lienne's scowl, but I had to do what was right.

Lord Adams brokered no emotion on his face. "Why did you not intervene with Abraham's assault?" His tone was level, even, and deadly.

I gulped. "Sir, because the Demon intercepted me mid-attempt and defeated me."

"As infuriating as that is, you are still a student." Lord Adams turned his attention to Headmaster Clarent. "Percival. One of your students is irreparably afflicted with an incurable fear of women, another is deceased, a third has committed a high-profile felony offence, and a fourth is all but confirmed to be a covert Emissary of Total Salvation. What do you have to-"

Gravitas filled the air. I looked behind me and saw, in the distant darkened sky, a Magus wearing gold and silvery armour, held aloft by a dark grey shimmer of Magick.

I saw Headmaster Clarent and heard Ser Lienne and Ser Feylance take stances. I looked back to see Lord Adams, staff aloft, pointed toward what had to be Lady Stahl.

My suspicions would be proven correct as the fully-equipped suit dropped to the ground before me in the way only a Triumvirate Matriarch could, facing Lord Adams without a hint of fear. "Hello, Kenneth. Is that Romeo Jules?"

Lord Adams nodded and gestured toward Headmaster Clarent with his staff. "One of the Seminary's finest students-"

"I beg your pardon?" interrupted Headmaster Clarent.

"Does Alejandro know of this?" interrupted Lady Stahl.

Ser Lienne and Ser Feylance remained silent in wait for Lord Adams' answer: "Notifying a deceased student's House is the Seminary's responsibility."

Headmaster Clarent shrugged lightly. "Romeo Jules failed his Entrance Examination and was thus never Matriculated, meaning he is not my problem."

Lord Adams thumped his staff hard. "How dare you lie! We are the Foundation of Can Vahs and the apex of its talents!"

Lady Stahl held her shield hand to her helmet as if to bury her face in frustration. "Freya informed me immediately after enrolling for her classes. Whatever grade reports Alejandro received have been falsified.

Lord Adams leered toward Lady Stahl. "All the reason to hold a Conclave and have this child of a Headmaster removed." He looked back to the Headmaster. "Your service in the Nightmare War against the Eldest Crusades was a boon, Percival, but you are unfit to run a school of any sort, let alone the finest Seminary in the land. Additionally, I want Lienne and Myrrdin removed from the Faculty at once. We can find more appropriate Provosts and Deans."

Headmaster Clarent scowled. "And who shall take my post?"

Lord Adams gave a slight bow. "I would, of course."

"Not yet, you won't." Lady Stahl stepped toward Lord Adams. "We will hold the Conclave formally. A change of Seminary leadership is within my House's purview to adjudicate, and as Head, I assert the right. I understand the allegations and concerns regarding the Headmaster and his chosen staff, so would it be agreeable to the both of you if I were to assume the role of Acting Headmistress pending the Conclave?"

Headmaster Clarent raised an eyebrow. "Wherefore?! We have not even begun due process!"

Lord Adams cleared his throat. "You might be safe from my word alone, Percival, but Myrrdin and Lienne are a different story, given their aiding and abetting of Emissary efforts!"

Ser Feylance advanced one step, but Ser Lienne spoke up before he could. "Fighting words there, Kenny! I'd have you roasting on a spit for that!"

Lord Adams pulled a large volume of Æther into himself and glared toward the soon-to-be-ex-Provost. "You got my son cursed. I claim defence of kin-"

"Enough." Lady Stahl interposed herself between the two Fire Magi about to fight. "I will not tolerate this infighting when there is already subterfuge between the Colleges and the Triumvirate! Headmaster Clarent, may I explain myself?"

The Headmaster gave a nod.

"Thank you." Lady Stahl gave as much a curtsy in full plate as she could. "Lord Adams has the political sway and arguable right to remove your Provost of Combat and Dean of Air. And given Alejandro Jules is currently unaware of his own son's untimely demise, you are in an extremely precarious position. I know you distrust Lord Adams, but do you trust me?"

Lord Adams snarled. "You're making a mistake, Temperence."

"I am serving our people, Kenneth. You will do well to remember that." Lady Stahl's arms tensed. "Headmaster. Percival, Sir, please. I know I injure your pride, but please consider my offer."

Headmaster Clarent looked sullenly at the dust on his feet. "If I give you this power, will you protect Lienne and Myrrdin? As much as I yell at them, I could not have run CVAC without their aid."

"The two of them are criminals of the highest-"

Lady Stahl held up a hand to silence Lord Adams. "They will not keep their current positions, I'm afraid. Maybe if exonerated, but right now, suspicion is far too high. And Kenneth, I am a woman just and fair; you will receive your consideration, so hold your tongue if you please."

Lord Adams grunted pensively.

"Now then. Percival Clarent. Here is my proposal. Pending this scandal, I would like you to confer your authority as Headmaster to me. This act will show Can Vahs that you are no despot. I will have to strip Ser Lienne and Ser Feylance of their positions as Provost and Dean, respectively, but I would be honoured to have you as my Acting Dean of Air."

Lord Adam's voice flared. "Nonsense! He will but abuse his power to protect these Emissary sympathisers from the justice they deserve!"

Lady Stahl turned to Lord Adams. "That's where you come in."

The two men cleared their throats in unison.

Lady Stahl curtsied again. "I would have you as my Acting Provisional Provost of Combat. I believe the Provisional restriction is more than fair given both your relative lack of experience and your interest in the position of Headmaster. As for Ser Feylance and Ser Lienne, I see fit to remind you that they are not convicts, merely suspects. Ser Feylance will still teach in the College of Air under Ser Clarent, and Ser Lienne will teach in the College of Fire under Ser Rose. You will have the opportunity to monitor them. However, you will report to me before acting on any suspicions. Are we in agreement?"

Headmaster Clarent gave a slow, grim assent.

Lord Adams hummed a moment. "If I accept this, then, as the Provost of Combat, I wish to field and Sponsor a Combat Squad. Samael Michaels, I opine you can redeem yourself from your past mistakes by joining this Expedition Squad. You will not be Squad Leader on account of youth and inexperience, but I believe the opportunity will benefit you greatly."

My chest pounded against itself; I killed any trace of a smile before it could form.

"Granted. Now, let us finalise negotiations within the Administrative building." Lady Stahl beckoned for the other four adults to follow her. "Ser Lienne and Ser Feylance included. You are still a Provost and a Dean, after all."


I found myself rather grateful for Layla's presence even while I struggled to keep my Strengthening on par with hers.

Light Magick?! And Patrick's Arm!? My Aura still howled even now.

"Selene, focus!" Layla's voice broke the darkening fog in my Mind, bringing me back to clarity.

"T-thank you!" My face shriveled at how whiny my tond turned. I was a Doyle; I should act like one!

"Don't beat yourself up; we just went through a Hell; it's alright if you're frazzled!"

A warm teardrop flushed my cheek. Then the other. A rush of gaiety filled my Magick, my footfall swift and alacritous.

Ultimately, we found ourselves in a position most unsafe, with Emissaries attacking without the home and the Triumvirate gathering to strife within the home. We really should hide and lick our tender wounds. We could not, for Emily would die. Thus, we chased after whoever pushed her from us in half a breath.

"When we approach, I'm throwing Patrick to you 'cause I'm hitting hard and fast!"

"Hey!" Patrick flailed much like a netted fish. "I'm not a damsel!"

"It's not about being a damsel, you twit!" Layla spat onto the soil, thankfully away from me. "Our next opponent's just too damn strong!"

We continued sprinting our course, with Layla occasionally Listening to the air around her for any trace of Emily or her abductor. I opened my arms, ready for Layla to throw Patrick at me in an eyelash flutter.

And in the passage of a good hectometre or so, My arms lifted, Æther cushioning the impact of one Patrick Peterson.

Sanguine filled my vision as sulphur tainted the sky.

I had known from the beginning that Layla was a Caller, but to truly comprehend it in the flesh. I raised my eyes to the sight of two scars borne into the sky, flanking the bloodshot Aura of my senior upperclasswoman. On her left, a horse with a man's torso and a falcon's face dragged a halberd along the soil. On her right, a humanoid glided forth with an eagle's wings, a black wolf's fur, and a hare's maw.

A sheer dark chill washed over us, heralding twin streaks of ice to impale the two Demons. I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY, the opposing Soul screamed.

The quadruped smashed his icy talon clean with a swing of its weapon while the winged biped gripped its wound and melted away the ice.

Yet it fared too late for them. A woman blurred into the starboard flank of the flying Demon, near-silver tail-braid resting atop a charcoal tone enveloped by verdant fibrous clothing much unlike the Robes of the Emissaries of Total Salvation. The next instant, a dense sphere of Darkness contorted the hare-head's form, carrying it hurtling into its apparent ally before expanding rapidly to flatten both into Hellfire.

Patrick kicked my stomach and sprinted dead onto the woman with the single arm aflame. "BAARBA-"

The woman, apparently named Barbara, blurred before and scooped the man into an embrace, radiating a sleeping child's serenity from her Aura. "Em's safe! Further, where is your left arm?!"

Layla projected a hand forth, fully intent on lacerating the woman with her Scorch Rays.

A violet veil bloomed from Barbara's back to catch the oncoming Spell and nullify it. "I'm not here to fight! Parlay!"

Patrick writhed and squirmed in Barbara's grasp. "Then why did you join them?! Why aren't you with Jacqueline?!"

Layla propelled herself into a dead charge straight for Barbara's throat.

Barbara tossed a purple-enveloped Patrick into Layla's chest, the fabrics of their robes entwining to bind them in a snare.

"The Hells?!" shouted Patrick.

"Shite!" cried Layla.

Barbara turned to me. "You not going to aid your allies?"

I stepped back into a Circleweaving stance and tempered my breath. "I am taking your measure." I did not wish to lie, but I knew. If I engaged this woman, defeat was certain.

Patrick thrashed vainly in his bindings. "Selene, run, damn it! I can talk to Barb. She lived in Charade Gin with me and Emmy!"

"No!" I called back.

Layla's voice filled the air next. "The instant I get out of this straitjacket, I swear!"

My Shroud swelled slightly under my will as I opened my Heart and Listened to the thoughts around me. She could have killed both of them in an instant. If she's an Emissary, why isn't she?

"Seriously, Doyle, we can handle ourselves! Don't trust an Etsy just cause she's nice to you! Run!"

"She hasn't attacked yet!" I protested.

"She's giving you a false sense of security!" yelled Layla.

"Miss Bauer and Mister Peterson have solid points." the grass-clothed woman relaxed her posture, letting her threat implicate itself through Æther. "I could demand your unconditional surrender here and now. I could be just sparing Patrick and Layla because I know them."

"You know me?!"

Brushing aside Layla's outburst, Barbara continued. "Though, I find it very strange that a Doyle of all people is holding back. What say you?"

I synchronised my breath to the pulses of our Magicks. Barbara held command of the space, and her Spirit surged throughout. It carried death, change, prowess, and utter mastery. If I peered further, I could feel the beginnings of a threat.

Beginnings, but never endings.

I let a sliver of my affection for Emily feed into my Shroud and Listened for a ripple.

My sentiment reached Barbara's space and passed through, completely unmolested, so much so that I noticed it had grown by a ghost of an iota.

I turned my attention back to the woman before me. "You love her."

The woman stayed her stance, refusing a response, challenging me to press on or yield.

I swallowed my doubt and projected as much resolve as possible into my voice. "I know you're trying to protect her. Where is she?"

Barbara's presence lifted to that of a peaceable human, and all speech left the room. I did not even need to focus my attention to know that both teammates suffered a complete lack of vocabulary.

I stopped myself from lowering my stance in the case that all of this was a trap.

"You prove your valour after all. I will show you, but Em is... not in the best, or even a good, condition."

"What happened to him?!" Patrick barked.

"What did you do?!" Layla snapped.

Barbara walked to them, restored their robes to their prior states, and led us deeper into a patch of forestry. Once there, a cerulean light guided my eyes to a deep grey metallic enclosure, surrounded by the source of the light: many squares of parchment laid down, with a Spell Circle drawn across them all. Finally, I saw roots from nearby trees uplifted and clamped down to the top of the box, funnelling Arboreal Æther into the fragmented void below.

That fragmented chasm... Emily, and the Demon I saw earlier.

"A Ser Lienne special." Barbara's voice drew my eye to the furiously held fist at her side. "And a living reminder that only a Caller has any legitimate business siring these fell beasts."

"Lienne?" asked Patrick, his teeth bared.

Layla trembled in her place, breathing loudly in and out her maw.

I approached and peered over the heavy metallic crate, making sure not to cross the Spell Circle. A glass window at the top revealed icy walls within.

And frozen inside that ice, Emily.

Barbara's voice broke the tension. "She has tapped into a mystery for which she was unprepared and fell under the possession of a Demon that Lienne had Named and thus formed. It is a feral sword-wielding humanoid by the name of Vanessa."

Layla started to scream, but Patrick's voice drowned hers. "THAT BACKSTABBING MOTHER FUCKING BITCH!!"

My Mind chilled. First, the Grimoire of Crimson. Now, this Demon. I heard a voice within myself assent that I would aid Patrick in striking that quack of a Professor down.

Barbara waited for the clamour to calm before furthering her explanation. "Whatever power you witnessed from that Demon, it would amplify by orders of magnitude if allowed to claim a human vessel. I have frozen Em's body to slow the progression using the patchwork Spell Circle. The roots infuse the water with Light and Earth to confer soul-mending properties and provide an additional barrier against Vanessa's machinations. If all goes well, she should be back up and running in a week, if not sooner."

Without interruptions this time, Layla chimed in. "And if it doesn't? If she stays possessed? Or dies?!"

Barbara pointed a thumb to herself. "That's why I'm guarding her. Not many people can fight a full-fledged Demon made with the intent of rivalling the Provost of Combat, but I think I have a shot. Speaking of. Patrick!"

"Yeah?" Patrick kicked the dirt beneath him.

"What happened to your arm?"

"Damned Water Etsy skewered it with Light Magic, so I charged it up with my rage and burnt her the fuck alive."

The eldest woman among us punched the sky above and cheered before quickly regaining her composure. "Sylvia deserved it after what she did to Sophie and Arthur. However!" She pointed her index at Patrick. "Promise me you will never use such Sacrificial Magick again!"

"Like hells!" Patrick pointed his finger back. "If I didn't do that, we'd all be dead! So you can shove it, Barbara! I still have your arse to kick for leaving Jacqueline behind and joining Aegis!"

"Can you wait to fight me until after your friend returns to good health?"

Patrick grimaced. "You helping Emmy is the only reason I'm not turning you into overcooked meat this instant."

Barbara smirked. "I'll take the compliment. Then, I suppose I shall challenge you to a Duel so you don't get any ideas of trying to fight me in open war, starting after Em recovers."

Patrick snarled. "To the death."

Barbara shook her head. "First blood. If you win, you get to kill me. If I win, I get to teach you how to use your Aspect."

"Second blood."

She sighed. "If you wish. Anyway, so make yourselves at home. CVAC's unsafe right now, and it's not like I can peaceably evict you."


Smoke scratched the inside of my chest.

Screams assailed my ears.

Colours flooded my eyes.

Everything felt so cold as to burn my flesh raw, yet I floated in a viscous invisible fluid.

Somewhere in the distance, a flickering warmth of affection pulsed through. It did nought to my environs, but I was grateful regardless.

"Thou drawst will yet?!" A fell voice echoed. "Just who in the Hells art thou?!"

I did not answer. Whether it was because I didn't want to or because I couldn't muster the effort, I could not say.

"Thou dost nought save thy suffering prolong. Spare thyself the trouble and fade, coward. Thou annoyst me so."

For a reason I could not fathom, My lips curled up into a smile. Just what kind of villain was I, who would take pleasure in some random woman's suffering?

Maybe they were right about me being a menace to women. Yet, some childish part of me couldn't do the mature thing and give up. My friends were probably dead anyway because of my weakness.

A growl answered my smirk. "If thou wishest, a war of attrition out to draw, then know this: I am the Precept of Tenacity, and thou willst ne'er me outlast! So thrash all thou wouldst. Thy corpse be mine, ever in the end."

Procrastion: 2 now, HRT: 0.

Okay, work also had something to do with it.

Cryonics is very risky business, even at current levels of medical knowledge. This was the main thing that had me worried from a credibility perspective. I did look up whether a tree can have one of its roots removed and be fine, to which the answer seemed to be fairly universally yes.

Now all I have to look up is... What do you mean I can't look up the plot of my own book?! Grumble grumble :)

Thank you for continuing Solstice. It warms my heart, and I want this to be the first book I end up completing. Even before transition, I haven't actually completed a single work before, and I feel kind of annoyed at myself about that. I'm just glad this is still alive.

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