Resident Evil: Eddie [EN]

Chapter 103:

T-Serum gave Eddie a rapid recovery ability; usually, people should sleep for eight hours to recover their stamina and energy. But Eddie only needed four hours to regain all his power!

"Hey, Eddie, do you have a minute? Want to go out and have breakfast with me?" A phone call came in. Apparently, it came from Katherine, the daughter of the mayor of Raccoon City.

Eddie raised his eyebrows, and he replied, "Sure, why you ask?"

"I just want to buy you a meal. You've been so busy lately. Have you got a job piling up? Can't we go out and eat together?" Katherine said.

"Alright." Because a beautiful woman invited him to eat, Eddie wouldn't refuse. The opponent may want to talk about something important; who knows.

Plus, he won't mind changing the fate of this beautiful girl.

Svetlana sits in the car staring at a man sitting in an expensive restaurant.

In Svetlana's heart, she was a little confused, 'Why is this man always surrounded by beautiful women?'.

Katherine is dressed nicely today; she looks beautiful with the minim makeup she wears. "Really, it's hard to ask you out, Eddie."

"Well, what can I do? A career matters anyway." Eddie doesn't argue; he's been swamped these past few days.

"Hmm, I love my career too, but I happen to be on a long day off," Katherine said softly. It's rare for a rich girl like her to be humble and kind.

"By the way, what do you do all these days, Katherine?" Eddie doesn't really know the other side; all he remembers is some minor information from a game he's played before.

Honestly, this girl doesn't appear much in the game.

"I'm a teacher, wait... Have you forgotten yet? Didn't you see me picking up Sherry Birkin the other day?" Katherine rolled her eyes, clearly unable to speak to this man. Whether he had forgotten it or didn't realize her when he picked up Sherry...

"Haha, anyway, is there anything important that makes you want to meet with me? We're close enough, so don't be too reluctant." Eddie asked as he cut the grilled steak he had ordered.

Katherine suddenly ducked down, looking sad. She said in a small voice, "Hiks, I find that everything I know is a lie, but I can't express this feeling."

"I don't know what to do; when I think of you, I think that you can help me in this situation."

Eddie was confused, "Hey, don't be sad, okay? At least tell me what really happened; crying won't solve the problem."

Katherine sobbed a little, wiping her tears; she looked at Eddie and said. "I recently learned a secret that my father turned out to have conspired with people to cover up some of the crimes committed by the Umbrella."

"When I discussed this with my father, he said that he didn't have any power, eighty percent of the city was built by Umbrella investments. So Umbrella's power doesn't even make my father do much."

Eddie still looked wondering; he said thoughtfully, "Is that so? This case is indeed often happened..."

"But it's not fair, especially for Brian's police chief. He's a cold-blooded corrupt man who doesn't hesitate to beat up civilians!" Katherine frowned.

"This is not something I can solve, Katherine. You may need to go and tell this to the Independent Anti-Corruption Commission." Eddie said powerlessly. Almost every citizen of Raccoon City knows that this city was built with a massive investment fund from Umbrella.

This kind of case does happen a lot. Even outside of Raccoon City, officials tend to be corrupt!

Even for a reincarnated man like him, he still can't change the fate of this city because of Spencer's ambition. The rottenness arose and began to gnaw at Umbrella from the inside and the outside.

Besides, T-virus just showed up in this Raccoon City.

"Eddie, these last few days, I've been threatened by someone. The man threatened me that he would disclose to the public some evidence of the bribes my father had made. I don't know what to do; I'm so confused now. Can you help me?" Katherine said sadly; she was confused about whether to favor justice or whether to show affection to her family.

"In that cases, I can help. Just leave it to me, but I won't work selflessly; what reward can you give me?" Eddie nodded, after which he asked questions with a chuckle.

"Ah, a reward? I didn't have much money." Katherine was surprised; didn't friends have to help each other? Then why does this man want to ask for a reward?

"Not money is okay; it doesn't matter. As long it's good stuff, I'll take it. You don't think I will work for free, do you?" Eddie raised his eyebrows. Indeed he wants a reward; he's not a free agent anyway.

Unless Katherine's his own wife, Eddie won't help her for free.

"Eddie, I wanted to ask you a question. What is the best thing I should do in this situation? Shall I side with my father?" Katherine was craved for a moment.

"It's up to you, ask your little heart, then do what you think it's worth doing." Eddie shrugged.

Katherine sighed deeply; she looked at Eddie; "I can't let my father go to jail; my father has sacrificed so much for this city. This city is the result of his life's work."

Eddie's heart sneered a little. He knew that when the Outbreak happened, the top officials of Raccoon City would immediately flee the city by helicopter.

Even Michael would leave his family for his own safety. Even if his daughter dies or becomes a zombie, he won't care.

From this point of view, we can tell that the top officials of Raccoon City are entirely inhuman.

At least the subordinates who work under them are more respectable than those high-end leeches.

"All right, then I'll go and finish your request. But remember, you owe me a favor, be sure to pay it later." Eddie rose from the chair with a satisfied expression.

"Hmm, whatever you ask, I'll do it!" Katherine nodded; though the other side wanted a fee, Katherine was still happy that Eddie was willing to help her.

"Anything?" Eddie looked at the beautiful girl with a seductive smile.

Katherine, who knew what 'anything' meant, immediately felt blushed. She replied as she lowered her head, "As long as it is not excessive..."

"Well, looks like you misunderstood my words. But, okay, I think it'll be worth it." Eddie shrugged as he chuckled.


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