Remnants anomaly

War games

This lesson was a resounding success since by the end of it each of leon's students had a much better understanding of all kinds of traps even if they didn't realize it. the pranksters in the class obviously didn't even need this lesson since they were good at making traps to begin with. the week following this lesson a sharp spike in pranks occurred but leon refused to admit it was likely his own fault. not that it mattered anyways as glenda punished him for it regardless with a "rough" treatment when she came over for "stress relief".

Leon knew better than to complain about it as the last time he did she gagged before getting even rougher in her handling of him. if it wasn't for his aura and semblance leon was sure he would have been covered in bruises in uncomfortable areas. the next lesson leon had planned however was on an entirely different topic than ambushes since he had prepared his students decently in his opinion. before the lesson leon sent out a notification to his students to bring their familiars for his next lesson. this confused many but they still did as requested by him since he obviously had something in mind.

When the first class arrived with their familiars they were surprised to see leon standing there in full armor with his weapon in spear form. leon's armor was like nothing they had ever seen before as it was made of overlapping plates of black metal with the exceptions of the knees and elbows that had spiked caps. leon's armor didn't have a head piece but it did have armored scales covering his wings and tail. the tip of leons tail even had a sharp thick needle built into it's armor to give him an extra way to stab if he felt the need for it.

"Today we have a very unique lesson that will continue for the next five months. every saturday for the next five months i am going to be challenging each and every one of you and your familiars in a little event i call "war games". the way a war game works is simple , when it's your turn you get to choose the type of combat exercise that you want. these include capture the flag , duels , oni call , castle defense , heist off and of course brawling."

"Your job as the challenged is to try and defeat me while using your familiar while i am handicapped in a random manner. the only constant in these games is that i myself will not be using my own familiar. before any of you ask i will explain what oni call is since i created it myself. basically you look at the colors that you and your opponent have on or are and in the next clash both of you can only attack that single color on your opponent. each color is rated based on how dangerous it is for both parties for example black is a high rated color due to the pupils of the eyes having this color."

"You can only get hit in a high rated spot three times before you lose , fifteen times in a medium rated spot and thirty times in a low rated one. each color called however allows for only a single attack however as any past the first won't count towards the score. with this said the pairings will be entirely random for these challenges so none of you can plan when you get challenged." leon finished explaining and the entire class looked nervous.

At the same time however they were excited at the idea of fighting leon and getting a taste of a top tier hunter. "lets begin then." leon said as he produced an object that looked suspiciously like a magic eight ball. as it turned out it was pretty similar in that he shook it to activate it however it only caused a name to appear before said name was deleted from it's digital database. the first name that showed up was percy green a boy with average grades who summoned a pidgy as a familiar.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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