Remnants anomaly

Preparing for the festival

This most amusing part of this final month before the vytal festival was how everyone kept trying to sucker leon into participating in the up coming prom. "C'mon you are super loaded ,you could totally help!" yang complained loudly from leon's couch. "could i? yes , will i? no , after all i won't be participating and you all seem to have it covered." leon said ignoring her while eating a oran berry that he summoned. he had a fondness for the stupidly sweet fruit that was also a bonified super food , the things literally healed injuries in moments after all.

Sure the healing ability of the fruit was wasted on him but it was filled with calories which was super useful since leon burned the things like dried leaves in a bonfire. this was a side effect of having a higher level thanks to the falna , it was the reason adventurers seemed to be able to put away huge amounts of food easily. "i still don't know why you are being forced to work so hard during this time anyways." weiss said honestly. leon shrugged " the vytal festival is a huge even and requires all hands on deck in order to ensure nothing goes wrong." he said honestly.

"Due to a certain event that happened awhile ago i am very most in agreement to give my full support to the festival. as a result however i am too busy to take part in the prom this year i'm afraid." leon said calmly. he wasn't lying either as he was indeed very busy with the various things around the whole of vale and beacon to prepare for the vytal festival. whether on his legal businesses side or the less than legal side leon had a plethora of task and checklist that he wanted finished before the festival arrived.

On the atlas corps side leon needed to beef up the security at all parts of the city with top of the line defensive measures. this sounds easy in theory but even leon had to jump through a fuck ton of hoops just to even begin the planning stage of this act. that's right the planning stage , see it turns out that the city council of vale was extremely strict when it came to any form of large scale modification to the city. the fact the changes leon was proposing were militaristic in nature only made the rules stricter.

Even after a month leon had only just had his plans accepted by the council thanks to ozpin twisting their arm a little. the council had tried to run a stall tactic until the vytal festival was over before flat out denying his plans on grounds that they weren't necessary anymore. leon picked this up and had a talk to ozpin about it who in turn put his foot down as the world council leader of the kingdom of vale. needless to say the city council could only grit their teeth angrily as they passed the plans leon had submitted.

The actual installation of the security measures would still take another week at the minimum and two at max. this means leons new measures will be up and running just before the vytal festival which was a relief. on the illegal side of things leon had cracked down on all the other illegal organizations that operated in a nefarious manner. this meant a sharp decrease in drug and slave trafficking along with assassination and general thuggery from the mob like organizations. the few that tried to stand against leons actions were silenced , permanently.

This made a good amount of the other organizations nervous of the guillotine that was leons organization hanging over their heads daring them to fuck up. the spiders den was the only illegal organization that was in the know about why leon's organization was behaving in this manner and tacitly gave support in their own way. the devil's den had ironically made vale safer than ever with the tyrannical manner that they pressed down on the throat of the illegal groups in the city.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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