Remnants anomaly


Percy was rather uncomfortable with how easily leon seemed to bust through the front gate but didn't think he was cheating thanks to the destructive way leon had done it. in the process of busting in leon had as ruined a good amount of the traps in the inner courtyard. leon didn't stop at the gate but continued walking forward only this time he had a proper grip on his weapon. percy's familiar tried to send glowing star like projectiles but with rapid after image like thrusts he struck each and every one without stopping.

'Huh , didn't know pidgy could learn that , neat.' leon thought casually as he advanced towards where percy was holed up. truthfully leon could simply flatten the entire castle if he wanted to since the power of A rank stats at level four were no laughing matter. do so however would defeat the purpose of this lesson. up until this point leon had only used the strength of a decently skilled hunter. the reason for this was to teach his students what they may face in the future should a war start up again. leon didn't expect a war anytime soon but he knew the bad habit of all militaristic nations and prepared for it anyway.

When you greedily search for greater power you get the itch to test that power in battle , leon channeled his itch towards the grim however atlas is much less likely to target such a futile goal. since no one seems to know where grim come from going all out against them without any reason beyond testing your power seems pointless. as a result atlas doesn't build weapons against the grim but rather weapons of war. leon knew that while it was not their true purpose hunters would also get inducted into armies should a war happen.

These war games were sort of mini simulations of the various different types of warfare they may encounter in the future should the worst come about. as if to prove this the higher ups at atlas recognized the purpose of these games and was definitely not happy about it. while it was true that these games made the hunters stronger it also indirectly challenged the military lead atlas had on the other kingdoms. to the higher ups of atlas this was unacceptable but after the last time they openly clashed with leon they learned to suck it up.

Percy waited in the fortified tower located at the far end of the castle courtyard that only had a single entrance and had a narrow curved stairwell that made it hard for invaders to attack. leon acknowledged that it was a good strategy on the boys part but the difficulty in attacking was only for the right handed majority of people. for leon who could use his left hand to wield his weapon at a slight disadvantage it wasn't a problem. the biggest obstacle for leon was actually the pidgy that kept using ranged attacks to successfully slow him down.

To be specific the move gust that he had been hit with that considerably slowed him down thanks to the harsh winds pushing him back. it didn't damage him thanks to his aura but the hair thin slivers of green energy in the attacks sliced across his shield with every use of the move. if someone were to tell leon that pokemon weren't magical he would beat them to death with a sandal. the fact that almost everything the creatures did contained a type of energy was almost directly the same as when a spell was used.

Thankfully magic all had an energy cost to it so after stalling leon with about fifteen uses of the move the pidgy was greatly exhausted. leon didn't give the bird time to recover as he dashed forward at the fastest he could go while still holding back to his current level of power. this let leon finally make it into the tower that leon then found to be booby trapped to hell and back. ' i know i told my students to be prepared but this is just ridiculous , who carries this much rope on them at once?' leon complained inwardly.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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