Remnants anomaly

Level two

Leon got what he wanted as tye tested him out of school entirely letting him focus on training. leon maxed his level one falna with nine nine nine in all five stats but he was missing a feat to push him into level two. feats were odd things in leons opinion as it could be something as easy as winning a spar with someone to as brutally difficult as you killing an enemy who you have no business fighting to begin with. the harder the feat the better the level up reward might be , that's right it isn't even guaranteed to be worth it.

'Why can't it be something easy like punch a hunter in the face or something , this is just crazy.' leon though while dodging the downward smash of the alpha ursa. ursa were bear like grim with short bone spikes on their spines. the alpha versions of grim were usually bigger , meaner and more intelligent versions of the normal grim types. this alpha ursa was easily three times bigger than a normal ursa and had even more spikes on its back. leon knew that this thing could give him his feat but he also knew he had no business being anywhere near it.

Alpha grim were known to give freshmen at beacon problems much less little nine year old's with to much power. "YOLT!" leon yelled as he charged the big fuck off grim with his weapon , calamity. the grim looked at him confused but not questioning the free meal that was coming at it all on it's own. the grim smashed its right paw at leon bringing us back to the present time were he dodged the attack with a flap of his wings redirecting him out of the way.

A sliding swing of calamity gouged out a long cut on the ursa's arm causing it to roar now angry at the tiny persons act of defiance. leon knew better than to remain still and launched himself into the air as the ursa charged him. a twist and pull of the switch on the shaft switched calamity to spear form and leon spun the weapon blade side down and stabbed deep into the ursa's back while careful not to impale himself on the spikes. the ursa reared up while roaring to shape leon off its back but he fired the rifle part of the weapon pushing the blade deeper into the grim.

Seeing the ursa about to try and slam leon into a tree he actually let go of the weapon and leapt off the side of the ursa. the ursa finished leons work for him when it's slam pushed the blade all the way through its heart and out of its chest. "woooo! take that you oversized teddy bear!" leon yelled gloatingly at the dispersing corpse of the alpha grim. the feel of the exp was different this time thicker and more substantial feeling. interestingly leon noted that this new exp didn't fuse with his already existing exp pool but settled next to it.

"Guess this feat exp is some real gourmet shit right there. lets level up in this bitch." leon said to no one in particular before spending all of his exp on the level up in hopes of getting some good stuff. leon felt oddly hollow after using all of his exp but he could feel the difference from before he leveled up and opened his status.

  • Name: vermilion drake
  • Race: Faunus(horned ape/tailed bat)
  • LEVEL:2
  • Strength:10(i)
  • Endurance:10(i)
  • Agility:10(i)
  • Dexterity:10(i)
  • Magic:10(i)
  • Magics: Sharingan(3 tomoe) , semblance(vampire)
  • Skills: Devil's due(having chosen the path of the demon it is only right that the power of the deal is yours to use , beware that the terms of a deal bind even the devil and he'll get his due.)

Leon knew that his strength hadn't actually regressed like what his status made it seem like so he ignored that and focused on the important parts. his semblance had been improved to just vampire which increased his life force storage ability and let him directly steal life force at a heavy amount penalty. 

The biggest change however was the skill he had gained , devil's due that he gained from both spending all of his stored exp which was a lot as well as choosing to be a demon to grim. this skill ironically was useless for the grim but let leon make deals with people that were supernaturally reinforced. this meant that both parties needed to adhere to the conditions of the deal or suffer the penalty which leon admittedly didn't know what it was.

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