Remnants anomaly

Letting it out

"You need to stop leon , this isn't what summer would have wanted." tye said seriously. leon glared at him " and what else am i supposed to do besides slaughter grim , write sad poetry!?"  he asked angrily. qrow sighed "look kid i get it you are angry at the grim for taking her from us but you are literally glowing from the energy you have taken , if that's good for you i'll eat my flask." he said seriously. leon deflated as the anger left him at those words , he could feel his body struggling to contain the lake of life force in him.

"Tell how do you get rid of this crushing sadness in my chest? it's like i swallowed a stone and it refuses to go down." leon asked tiredly. tye sighed "you don't , you just learn to live with it , some just handle it better is all." he said honestly. "why do you think i drink so much kid , it dulls the pain , at least a little." qrow said honestly. "do you know how these eyes work?" leon asked surprising the two men. "the activator is the first surge of intense emotion , mine activated during that time." he said but the two men stayed quiet

"The second is from intense anger , i got that when i saw ruby getting bullied because of me. the third form is from the sorrow of loss , that is what gave me my eyes and the dreadful power that comes with them. i'm scared of what comes after the third form , the activator for that is the loss of what you hold most dear." leon said relieved to speak it out. tye and qrow on the other hand were horrified at the details pertaining to the sharingan's awakenings.

"The worse part is that these eyes made me more powerful the further along they are , the first form improved my eyesight and let me see energy currents. the second improved the same abilities to the first multifold but also made it impossible to forget anything i see. this third form did the same as the second on a greater scale but also enabled me to trap those who look into my eyes in an illusion of the mind were i can inflict terrible suffering without even touching them. the form after this strengthens the abilities of this form to much higher levels but also has abilities based on my own personality and experience at the time." leon explained how the sharingan functioned.

"How do you know so much about your eyes?" qrow asked worried since those eyes sound like a terrible curse , suffering in order to gain strength is just cruel no matter how you look at it. "it's a sort of instinct i suppose like how you know how to breath from birth , i am the first person to have these eyes , the progenitor if you would." leon said seriously. tye looked horrified "you mean your children with also have these eyes?" he asked concerned. 

Leon nodded "it's tied to my bloodline , i can feel it , my children and their own for an uncountable number of generations will have the ability to awaken these eyes." leon said honestly. "do you know where you got your eyes from?" qrow asked having a suspicion. "probably the same way summer and ruby got theirs if the energy flow around them is like my own , not that i can tell since the flow has to be where i can see it and you can't truly ever look at your own eyes." leon said seriously.

"Wait you knew this whole time about their eyes?!" tye asked incredulously. leon chuckled a little " it seems you have qrow's bad habit of forgetting details that i just said. first form energy vision remember?" leon said jokingly. "wait if you could see energy flows this whole time then.." qrow started but leon cut him off. "yes i am aware of your oddity , unlike summer and ruby whose eyes are part of their flow , you look like something of a totally different color was added later." leon said calmly. "i wasn't sure if that was normal when we first met but after seeing other peoples flows it became pretty clear that you were different." leon says staring at the shattered moon.

"Not much of a secret if someone learns about it so easily." qrow said with a tired sigh. "to be fair my eyes are cheats for this kinda thing." leon said with a chuckle. "just don't go all 'its a shame you saw that die' like some sort of villain and i won't ask what it is." leon said jokingly. qrow smiled and chuckled "yeah i think i can live with that." he said while sitting next to leon along with tye just staring at the starlit sky.

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