Remnants anomaly

Insanity at its finest

Ozpin was very concerned over the speed at which leon was gaining physical power. glenda had reported to him about the conditions leon lived under thanks to the skin suit he had on at all times. she had added that despite being under the effects of tripled gravity leon was still capable of fighting on the level of a well trained unawakened human. this meant that without that suit's influence leon was stronger than any other hunter alive minus the maidens. even worse was that maidens got most of their own power from the magic they inherited while leons was purely his own.

Ozpin may have been far warier of leons power if he realized that the only thing holding leon back was lack of a feat to level up. this very problem had left leon in a bit of a pinch as killing an alpha ursa while wearing the suit didn't count since he knew without the suit the creature would be helpless. this was true since stat wise leon could just barely match up with a newly leveled up level four. this meant he needed to complete a feat on that same level in order to level up.

To solve this problem leon needed to take drastic measures so he sought out ozpin. the top of the clock tower was where ozpin's office was and leon just skipped the elevator and flew up to the window. knocking on the huge glass window leon watched with a smirk as ozpin opened the panel with a confused expression. "good evening ozpin , may i come in?" leon asked while hovering in midair leisurely. "couldn't you have just taken the elevator?" ozpin asked with an exasperated look. leon chuckled "and miss the look on your face , not likely. " he said with a smile. 

Ozpin invited leon in and sat back down in his chair while leon sat on the nearby couch. "what can i do for you leon , as you know i'm quite busy after all?" ozpin asked calmly. leon went all business like flipping a switch "i need about a month of leave to visit mount glen." he said seriously. ozpin frowned "why do you need to visit mount glen?" he asked just as seriously. "i recently hit a limitation in my training and so i need a challenge to break past it , mount glen is populated by a few elder grim if my research is correct making it perfect for this purpose." leon explained.

"Why do you seek greater strength leon? you are already nearly unrivaled , so why do you seek higher power?" ozpin asked seriousness written on his face. leon shook his head "i want to reach my full potential and this isn't even close." he said with an unshakeable pride in himself. "and what about those you leave behind because they can't keep up?" ozpin asked curiously. "the only ones being left behind are those who died , just because i overpower someone easily doesn't mean they are useless." leon looked ozpin straight in the eyes and said.

"It would seem my concerns were unnecessary , i will allow you a month of leave at mount glen to seek your challenge." ozpin said and leon left the man's office through the window again. ozpin just watched leon leave with an unreadable expression while he held his mug of coffee. leon packed a month's worth of supplies in his duffle bags before posting his months leave on the learning platform so none of the students wonder why he isn't there on saturdays.

Mount glen was an attempt by vale to create a second city and expand the space available to people. it worked too until merlot industries started to experiment on grim under the leadership of the crazy dr.merlot who believed grim to be the next step in evolution. the mad man disabled the defenses of the city and set off grim bait in order to get more grim for his experiments. when the city was over run with grim it was assumed that he died in the chaos since no one was known to have escaped.

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