Remnants anomaly

Heavy is the head

Leon knew about blakes affiliation or rather former affiliation to the white fang , how could he not when it was common knowledge. ghira used to lead the group in the past before that position passed to sienna , blake trying to imitate her father by joining the group was fairly reasonable. unfortunately from what leon's sources told him she was drawn into the lies and sweet words adam told her until she soon realized to her horror that the group was attacking innocents. she left after that and wanted nothing more than to forget her dark past , it would seem fate was not kind enough to grant that wish however.

Leon scoffed when he thought about fate how could he not when he had met a god that had broken this worlds fate by sending a single person into it. leon could already figure out how the white fangs operation would have gone had he not been in this world. sad fact is that they would have succeeded in their attack which would have been listed as a dark day in the history books. none of that happened because of the changes leons presence in this world caused led him to shut that future down.

Leon knew that he had shifted the worlds fate dramatically but had no clue as to the actual degree he had done so. he shook his head to ignore that train of thought since he didn't need to deal with the potential mental break that diving into it brought. leon hadn't even realized when he had arrived in the elevator to ozpins office until it dinged to let him know it arrived. ' i suppose he would be able to help me get my head on straight.' leon thought as he hit the button and rode the elevator up to the office.

Ozpin wasn't surprised to see the weight of leons actions pressing down on his mind when leon showed up in his office. he himself had felt that weight for so long that he couldn't remember a time it wasn't there. "heavy is the head that wears the crown and stained is the hand holding the sword. and you leon are having the distinct misfortune of experiencing both." ozpin said softly as leon just stared at the moving gears overhead. "does it ever get easier?" leon asked calmly. ozpin shook his head "it does not and if it ever did you will have truly fallen into the dark." ozpin said seriously.

"It's hard to not think about it all the time you know?" leon said with a sigh. " with everything you've done i find it hard to remember you are just fifteen sometimes. " ozpin said and paused to take a sip of his hot chocolate. "what you have is known as the commander disorder , you had to make the choice that killing those people saved far more in the future , but it's all those what if's that came with that decision that are dragging down your thoughts." he said seriously.

leon nodded in agreement " i keep wondering about things that i know i shouldn't after the operation was over , horribly complex what if's you could say." he said honestly. "then all you need is something to ground you in the here and now , for most it's a loved one but you have already made it clear you have no such person. we are social creatures leon , we weren't made to be alone , it simply doesn't work out when we deny it." ozpin said calmly. "i am not alone ozpin i have friends , but romance isn't for me." leon said honestly.

"Find a nice girl , settle down , have kids , stagnate , age and die , the way things usually go for people. i can't even stand the thought of it , it makes me ill even considering the idea. there is always greater heights to reach and i can't stand not even trying to fulfill the oath of awakening just to perpetuate the cycle." leon said looking more and more spirited as he spoke. "For it is through power we grasp immortality. through this we ascend all limitations and burdens. unending in imagination and potential , i release your soul to seek the infinite and by my hand guide you forth." leon stated and ozpin marveled at the majesty and oppression that seemed to roll from him as he spoke. 

Leon locked eyes with ozpin "that is my aura chant , the very essence of my own soul laid bare for you to see , do you understand now?" he asked seriously. ozpin nodded "each person's aura chant is unique and speaks of the nature of their soul. your soul is that of a challenger always walking forward and unable to stop. a path that no one else can follow forcing you to live a solidary existence , you cannot settle down anymore than you can betray your own soul." ozpin said sadly.



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