Remnants anomaly

Funny scenario

The most irritating group of visitors had to be teams rwby and jnpr amongst who ruby and yang made themselves right at home. by that of course i mean they raided his pantry for all the high end snacks he kept there. the others were more conservative in their raiding and merely sneaked off with their own chosen snacks. blake stole his salmon jerky while ren took his banana chips and nora his jumbo marshmallows. weiss was the oddest and actually made off with one of the caviar tins and a bottle of truffle sauce.

Yang and ruby both tried to get away with whole armfuls of various types of cookies and stuffed crackers which leon put a stop to quickly. "seriously you act like you're starved at the damn school with as much as you've grabbed , you didn't even leave the oatmeal raisin cookies!" leon complains while confiscating the majority of ruby and yang's stolen goods. "but you have all the good stuff that we can never find!" yang whined while ruby gave him her biggest puppy dog eyes , it was ineffective. leon sighed " i literally have an entire branch of my company making these things which is why i even have them or did none of you deign to look at the logo on the packaging?" he asked with a frown.

It irked leon just a little to see literally all of the pantry thieves look at their stolen loot right in front of him to confirm what he said. ""oh"" they collectively said and leon felt his eyebrow twitch. "oh is right , not a single thing in your sticky fingers has been released to the public yet and are here so i can serve as a guinee pig for their quality. not that i mind since most of them are great." he explained calmly.

"But since all of you minus jaune and pyrrha are so eager by all means dig in." leon said with a malicious grin. ruby and yang wasted no time opening the loot leon let them keep and biting into the cookies they had inside. the more cautious of the two teams waited for their reactions after they started chewing the cookies but stopped mid way through with confused faces. "why are these cookies really really sweet? i mean they are good but kinda uncomfortably sweet." ruby said not understanding how a simple chocolate chip cookie was able to be ruined like that.

"Maybe if you read the actual title of the thing you are eating you would understand." leon said with a smirk. the two girls turned the packaging to look at the front side of it and had dumbfounded looks when they read the text. "familiar cookies? seriously?" yang asked in disbelief. leon laughed at the looks the two girls had at the realization that they had just ate food meant for much bigger and less sensitive tongues. "yes , i had noticed most of the familiars summoned couldn't really taste much of their food and started working on making snacks for them to enjoy." he explained with a wide grin.

"The funny thing was that the only thing not meant for familiars was the banana chips that ren stole , those were mine." leon said and everyone turned to look at the boy who guarded his loot defensively. "but why the caviar and truffle sauce though?" weiss asked looking at the containers in disappointment. "oh genesis loves the stuff but since i don't like paying for gallons of the stuff for him to enjoy it i needed an alternative." leon explained while taking the two packages and giving them to the amused dragon nearby.

Everyone watched as genesis pulled open the tab for the caviar and dumped the whole container in his mouth like a softball size glob of green stuff. they saw him visibly shiver in pleasure as he crushed the little eggs on the roof of his mouth. following that they watched the dragon pull a large piece of meat out of the refrigerator and dump the bottle of sauce over it and go to town happily. "he's quite well taken care of as you can tell , now if you want something actually meant for people i have a separate pantry for that." leon said with a smirk.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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