Remnants anomaly


Cardin summoned a familiar that almost made leon burst into laughter at how well it fit his needs. it was a small brown fox like creature with a fluffy tail that had a tan tip and mane. "eevee , high mid danger rating , omnivore with no set direction of growth until evolution." leon said while stopping himself from laughing. eevee's were notoriously empathetic and humble pokemon that were fiercely loyal despite their weak strength. cardin was selfish , arrogant and prone to abandon what he found useless , making an eevee the polar opposite of himself which was frankly hilarious.

"Is this good?" cardin asked with a confused look at the adorable little fox pokemon. leon nodded "it's current form isn't very powerful , in fact it is only just a little stronger than a normal house pet with a little bit of power. depending on how you treat it the eevee can evolve into one of eight different forms with an extreme emphasis on a type of energy that are all very powerful. until then however i suggest you treat it like your own best friend because it's species are fiercely loyal. it would be a shame to see it mistreated." leon said while giving cardin a stern look.

Yang summoned a bright red potted plant with a face but leon immediately banished it with his back covered in a cold sweat. 'fucking flowey of all things , if i didn't know what his deal was i may have unleashed that bastard onto this world.' he thought as yang gave him a weird look. he let her do the summoning again since the first time didn't go so well and no existential horrors showed up this time. instead yang got a small green lizardman creature with a tan robe and a lantern in one hand and a dagger in the other.

"Tomberry , low high danger rating , unknown diet and deceptively capable of dealing lethal damage despite it's slow movement." leon said and shivered at the misery this type of creature gave final fantasy players who didn't know about it, himself included. "cool!" yang said binding the little demon without hesitation. leon honestly felt bad for any enemies yang got in the future. blake summoned a small orange dog creature with black stripes and a tan tuff of fur on the back of it's neck. "growlithe , mid high danger rating , carnivore with fire type abilities." leon explained and blake reluctantly bound it and left with it following behind her.

Weiss summoned a small horned ape with black and yellow striped fur and a thin tail with a tuff of fur at the end. "rajang , mid high danger rating , omnivore with a strong body and electrical attacks." leon explained and weiss seemed satisfied with this information when she bound it and had it follow her. 'she's going to lose her mind when she figures out how wild that thing acts.' leon thought with a smirk. the only familiar that were summoned that leon really paid attention to belonged to the rest of jaune's team.

Ren summoned a creature that was a mix of eagle and horse with wings and brown feathers. "hippogriff , high low danger rating , carnivore with high amounts of self pride that can fly." leon explained calmly. ren silently bound the creature and lead it out. nora however summoned a sloth like thing with droopy brown eyes and tan and brown fur. "slakoth , mid high danger rating , herbivore with a lazy attitude and high physical strength at it's final form." leon explained and nora pouted but still bound and carried the thing out.

Pyrrha interestingly summoned another larvitar much like jaune however hers was male while jaune's was female. this had several implications as far as leon could tell that made him fairly curious. he knew there was something between jaune and pyrrha , but for her to be so interested in him as to summon the opposite gendered member of the same species as his familiar she must have been deeply worried about being incompatible with him. "well good for you i suppose." leon said after telling her the information on her familiar but she just gave him a confused look that he just chuckled at.


My p@treon is listed under my pen name : loskro if you are having trouble finding it.

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