Reject Human. Become Demon. [Mutation Evolution LitRPG]

Chapter 86: The War Symbol.

I stared at the warsymbol’s eyes and it stared back into mine. My gaze was laced with fury, but so was my enemy’s. And yet I was confident that its beastial wrath was nothing compared to my own. From the constant burning need to erase every trace of my foe, to the maddening desire to war against all the worlds and more. I will never be satisfied, I will never be sated, and you shall be just another beast to fall by my hands!

I commanded the wall of infernal flames behind me to consume the target of my ire, and the wildfire surged forward. It grew hotter, and it burned for longer, as I pumped more and more of my infernal reserves into the attack. A savage grin crossed my face when the unstoppable wave of heat collided with the warsymbol, but the monster only pushed through the fire with a roar. Its claws extended past the flames, and my eyes widened in panic and fury as I narrowly dodged its counterattack.

I slid through the soil with a disbelieving snarl as the beast’s paw struck way too close to my flailing body. That one swipe cracked the earth, and it sent a ferocious shockwave that rumbled through my ears. For a moment, I felt fear, but that terror soon turned into rage as I processed how I was nearly critically injured just now. I was a demon, and I did not come here to lose!

The fury roiled through my body, and I channeled all that emotion into my sword as I screamed out a reckless charge. My muscles pumped with furious power, and they tore under the strain but they did not buckle.

The warsymbol had become distracted, it had deemed the infernal flames that clung to its form to be a more pressing issue than me. That insult gave me an opening and I took full advantage as I raked my sword through its side. Scales broke, fur and hide were cut down, and viscera was freed from the confines of its flesh. My sword nearly got stuck, I probably still failed to reach its true vitals, but my attack had been effective.

The warsymbol howled in pain, and I grinned as it suffered the consequence of ignoring me. My eyes widened when the animal then blurred into motion, but not in surprise. I stared at how it moved so deceptively fast for its size, and then I activated my aura and my Evil Eyes.

The bear-dinosaur hybrid barely flinched despite the infusion of wrath mana. It was hardly enough to be of any help, and I could not dodge its descending swipe fast enough.

No matter, I don’t need to run, I can meet its power head on!

Wrath magic pumped through my body, I used what little time I had to position myself after having been put off balance by my earlier attack, and then I slashed for the second time against my hated foe.

Claw met sword, my feet buckled as I desperately tried to push, and then I was tossed away!

My hooves landed a couple of meters away, and I nearly fell on my butt. My hands had gone numb just from that single exchange. And then my eyes widened again as the beast had immediately given chase.

Quickly, I gathered what strength I had left, and forced more power out of my body as I desperately took a defensive stance. The first exchange nearly tore the sword out of my hand, the second forced me to back away, and every clash that followed was a desperate fight for my life. I had to use wrath magic to strengthen my body with every parry, but that too deteriorated my body further.

I focused my mind on different solutions, and managed to summon a storm of infernal flames around us. The blaze converged and sought to consume the charging warsymbol, but it only roared through the pain and redoubled its efforts as its fury was solely focused on me now. My own fury built as I pushed further and further into a corner, but it was not enough to bridge the gap. The gap between evolutions only widened, and I felt relieved that I was even able to hold off this long as I finally reached the burning treeline where I had started a wildfire meant to consume everything.

I commanded the infernal flames that lingered here. I tore them away from the trees and towards the predator that hunted me. That finally gave me an opening to flee, and I ran with all my might no matter how my legs protested from the strain.

The warsymbol gave chase. I jumped high and then resummoned my wings. They flapped once, enhanced by my wrath, just at the same time that my enemy swiped at me from the burning ground. The attack nicked me by the foot, my flight turned unsteady, but I still managed to rise. The monster then flexed its legs, readied itself, and then jumped.

My eyes widened–I was doing that a lot this battle–and they bled as I forced more wrath mana into them. That gave the monster enough pause, I was barely able to swerve out of the way, and then I rode the force and momentum of my enemy’s own strike as its claws raked across my back.

I flew away unsteadily as blood spilled out of my mouth and into my helm. My left wing struggled to hold me in the air as I flew, because part of it had been torn through by the monster’s latest attack. I had gotten a new set of nature molars hidden in my mouth from Moonwash which could potentially heal me, along with some spare wands, but it would all be useless here. The forest below me was on fire, and I was the one who did it.


The warsymbol was coming, it was tearing down the trees in its way as it rampaged straight towards me. I narrowed my eyes at this display as I contemplated my options.

I could still fly, but maneuvering had just gotten so much harder when I was already bad at it. I could choose to retreat, but mere notion made me mad. I had to force myself to calmly examine the option. Elfrafim was here along with my parents. I was sure they’d pull me out regardless of my protestations if I was actually about to die. Permanent injuries were hopefully not an issue either, for I now had my memory core.

There was no reason for me not to see how far I could go here.

Having justified my choice to myself, I glowered at the warsymbol that had nearly reached me again, and then I turned around and fled upwards. The monster roared, it continued to give chase through the burning forest, and then its cries worsened once the first of many infernal bullets crashed down upon it.

I grinned at the damage caused by the rain of fire, and then focused on the creation of a wrath bullet. I fired the first one, and then made adjustments for the second as I fumbled around in the air. The warsymbol jumped again, far higher than anything of that size should be able to do, but a burst of wrath mana allowed me to dodge its bulk entirely this time.

I grimaced as the maneuver broke my wings further, but not from the pain. I had to use a trickle of the wrath mana flowing through my wings to compensate for the damage, but that only worsened the damage further, which I would then need to compensate for. I would not be able to remain airborne for long.

That made me mad. I had the irrational urge to just go down there and show that scum its place, but I managed to hold myself back from doing something that stupid.

More wrath bullets followed as I pushed my wings even harder. I decided it was better to do this sacrifice now, rather than allow my opponent the opportunity to potentially close the distance with one powerful leap, but I also had to remain low enough to be an enticing target.

My mind cycled through the meaning of wrath as I floated there. I felt the feeling, and how I existed each and every second of the day. I thought of how difficult it was, and how I desired for my enemies to feel even a fraction of my pain!

Wrath bullet after wrath bullet shot towards the warsymbol, and they savaged the flesh of my opponent, albeit not to devastating effect against something this strong. The sheer number still took its toll, and the monster yet remained on fire.

It didn’t take long for the warsymbol to wisen up and take evasive maneuvers, but thankfully, it chose to still remain close and hang around. Perhaps it knew that I would be forced to land soon, or maybe that was just how much it wanted to fucking kill me. The feeling was mutual, except mine was far more intense. Finally, I managed to get the effect I wanted, and my wrath bullets began to chage.

From destructive damage, to a mental hammer that slammed against the psyche and sought to dissolve all rationality. I could no longer confuse like I once did, but I could inflict the same wrath that I felt upon my enemies.

How much more effective would it be if my target were already in a state of fury?

It took a few projectiles, and many more that missed, but gradually the warsymbol became so hellbent on catching up to me to the detriment of everything else. It didn’t care anymore to try and dodge my rain of projectiles, it didn’t consider that I had now flown too high out of reach, it jumped uselessly to the air while I remained safe. It was almost pitiful, and I couldn't help but sneer.

I focused my mind, and packed as much power as I could into my next projectiles. A rain of blackish purple and sickly orange fell from the skies, and they all hit the warsymbol with their full might. All its fur had been reduced to dust at this point, and its scales were cracked and bleeding in the most intact areas. The monster continued to leap up at me over and over, as if the next attempt would work where so many had failed before.

It only began to slow down, when my wings had started to break apart. The pain that came from them was surreal as this was a new set of limbs with an entirely different structure. The membranes were like skin packed with nerves, and the bones that held them together felt akin to fingers that had been crushed by a hammer.

I angled the wings just right, and then wrung it dry of everything it could possibly offer as I sped up and fell towards the ground as fast as I could.

I landed with a resounding crash, sending embers and smoke floating away from me. I immediately heard the approach of the warsymbol, for the monster still dared to stand against me after everything I’d done.

But that was just fine. I felt refreshed, and my arms and legs had been healed just a little from the time I spent in the air. I commanded my blood storage to absorb some of the blood that had gone stale, and then I willed it to replace what had been taken. The beating of my hearts thundered through my ears, healing me, and pumping more mana through my veins with every strike. This was to become our final clash to the death.

My eyes bulged, my blood boiled, and my muscles clenched so hard that they tore. Mini-rituals went off, the blood that I’d spilt before ignited into a chaotic mix of fire and curses, and the bear-T-rex growled at the pain. It panicked further when a sudden burning sensation came from everywhere at once as my gaze became infused with the infernal suffering of hell.

And then I exploded into motion. Muscles snapped and bones tore as I felt the weight of the greater magic push me to greater heights of power. I took all of my mass and that of my greatsword, and then I slammed it all into my hateful abhorrent foe.


The warsymbol staggered. Its skull had caved from the attack, and blood spilled out from numerous cracks.

My mouth split open into a drooling grin as the pain of the damage I’d done to my own body registered. My limbs shook, I could hardly even lift my sword, but I forced them to move with sheer wrath for the fight was not yet over!

The warsymbol agreed, I could tell. Its eyes still blazed with life even as its body was so close to death. The monster swiped at me with all its might and I met its resolve with my own as I smashed my blade against the descending claw.


More pain spiked through my body, but it only added further fuel to the furnace that was my wrath. I saw the burning forest reflected in my opponent’s eyes, and I knew that in my gaze the same thing could be seen. I screamed in a blind rage, and my opponent screamed back, as we slashed and clawed at each other with our broken bodies.

Clash after clash we fought, and I felt the tremors in my flesh with every strike, but my will alone did not break. Infernal flames blazed to life around us, and the warsymbol no longer had the leeway to dodge as its body burned. Waves of wrath followed, and that only further exacerbated the wounds. A few swipes landed on me, but I landed even more slashes, and so many towards my enemy’s face. My armor had become dented in many places, my muscles felt like splinters, and my bones were nothing but mush. But I was still alive, and victory was ripe for the taking. An explosion of wrath and flame blossomed from the blood that I’d shed in this clash of wills, and then I gouged out the monster’s left eye.

The warsymbol screeched, the sound carrying strongly through the wind, but I was already moving. From the blindside that had been created, I attacked, and the monster’s retaliation only grew more sloppy. Its will finally began to falter, and I pounced on the opportunity. Wrath mana flooded into my eyes once more, and this time the beast buckled.

I grinned. I immediately capitalized on the opening, and took out the other eye. The warsymbol had been rendered completely blind.

The battle only lasted for a short while after that. My body seemed to creak and groan with every move, but that did not stop me from decimating the monster’s head, and ripping apart the leaking brain that it so desperately tried to protect.

That… that’s it. I win. The warsymbol is dead.

It did not quell the rage.

But I was also elated.

Those feelings thrummed through my body as my greatsword dropped, my legs crumpled, and I fell to the toasty forest floor.

Ah fuck. My armor did actually melt a little. Now it's deformed.

I couldn't move a single muscle. I could not even twitch.

[Wrath Heart has reached Level 23.]

[Demon Horns have reached Level 21.]

[Infernal Heart has reached Level 16.]

[Evil Eyes have reached Level 21.]

[Demon Wings has reached Level 21.]

[Demon Arms has reached Level 21.]

[Demon Hooves have reached Level 21.]

[Demon Flesh, Demon Bones, and Demonic Musculature have all reached Level 21!]


“Haell! Are you okay!?” I heard my mom’s voice the moment I closed my eyes. My gaze immediately snapped open, or at least it tried to, but my eyelids were too heavy right now. For a brief moment, my endless pit of wrath became directed at her, but I swiftly swallowed the impulse. I would not be swayed to push away the people that I loved.

My dad arrived next to me, and he crouched down. His brows furrowed as he looked at the state I was in.

“You’re hurt,” he stated the obvious. “This is too much…”

It’s okay dad. I have my new memory core. I’ll heal in time. I tried to speak those words, but it only came out as a tortured groan. That only caused my parents further worry, and I felt my annoyance building. It was so easy for that to rouse my temper, but I ruthlessly subsumed it down once more.

“Hey Haell!” Elfrafim dropped down from above next. She looked at her surroundings and the fires that dimming in places, but strongest near where I lay. A frown crossed her face for a moment, before she twirled her staff and blew it all away.

I tried to wave back at my friend as she greeted me, but I could not even feel the attempt. My limbs were so fucked, and I was in so much pain, that all sensation just blurred together into one giant oozing wound. Oh devils, everything hurts. If only I could still move, then I can hurt someone back. Anyone.

“Mahka, Rallem,” Elfrafim addressed my parents. My mom had just taken out a light wand and was trying to heal me. “You shouldn’t worry so much. Haell will be fine. She has her memory gem.”

“I know she does,” my Dad responded, his eyes still glued to my form as it tried to heal. I could feel the soothing energies flow through me, but I couldn’t yet tell if it was working. “But this is just so much…”

“Why did you stop us?” Mom complained to Elfrafim. “We could’ve helped her sooner!”

“That’s what Haell asked for, isn’t it? I wanted to step in sooner too, myself.” Elfrafim glanced at the scenery around us, of charred trees and ashen ground. “But her life still wasn’t in danger, and she had a Mutation just for situations like this. Now let’s see how good this ‘memory core’ works.” She took out her nature wand, and began regrowing the forest that I’d burnt down. A bed of flowers caressed me from all sides, and I felt soothed by the stronger healing energies coming from her. My flesh shifted faster, and I could feel it trying to mend.

I hoped so hard that my Memory Core would work as advertised. Its new functions weren’t even included in the descriptions after all!

The two women worked together from that point on, and my Dad flipped me around and got rid of the metal that had gotten stuck within my many many wounds. Every fixed muscle or mended bone gave me a palpable sense of relief. I was elated for every second that the healing still worked.

It took until the sun began to set for my body to be in a coherent demon shape again.

“That was awesome!” I eventually choked. I laughed at the absurdity of what had happened and what I did once I was pretty sure that there would be no permanent damage.

“Yes, but I don’t know if breaking yourself like this is the best strategy!” Mom complained.

“You said it yourself,” Dad added. “You won’t always have people to help you.”

…They were right. Even if I would heal back to full so long as I lived, I might not even survive at all if I crippled myself like this in the middle of hostile territory.

“You’re right… still awesome though?”

“Fine,” Dad admitted.

“It definitely was!” Mom nodded. “You’re like, about as strong as us at this point! That’s crazy!”

“It was really fun to watch!” Elfrafim added. “That new evolution really gave you a massive boost!” She looked around us again, at the trees that I burnt down, and the smokey smell that still lingered in the air. She looked distressed, like all the other times. “I don’t think… I get it’s like part of your instincts, and you’re already doing really well… but do you have to burn forests down all the time? I know they’ll regrow from the ashes, and it’s unavoidable sometimes, but I just…”

I stared at her. My teeth ground at the criticism and accusations. But I very reluctantly thought over her words carefully, and I was… reminded of my own connection to nature. How I loved it, how I respected it, and the many happy memories I’d had within the lush and vibrant trees, as opposed to in the middle of civilization.

“...You hate to see it?” I finished the sentence that Elfrafim just let hang in the air.

“Yeah… I get that it’s your business, and it’s not like I haven’t ever done similarly destructive things, but this was just so… callous and cruel.”

I felt another bout of rage, and this time I allowed it to flow through me. I must’ve been really agitated earlier to have buried it inside and allowed it the chance to fester.

Elfrafim’s words rang true and deep, once I allowed it. I recognized that violence was part of nature. I accepted it, and I even reveled in it. That was fine enough. But to burn it all down, just because I hated everything and for no other reason, was a vile thing to do.

I was glad that I wasn’t actually able to succeed at burning down the whole forest this side of Grandera. The inability still grated at me, but that was exactly why it was good that I had this experience now, while the damage I could do was still limited. That would not always be the case.

“You’re right, Elfrafim. I’ll try to do better.”

“Thanks!” She smiled brightly. “That’s all I can ask!”

The four of us settled into companionable silence for a while. The day turned to dusk, until I was finally fully healed. My wings flared as the waves of relief I felt earlier turned into a whole entire tsunami. I stretched, I moved everything to check that all was right, and then I flew.

It was such a sheer joy, and it cheered me right back up.


Idea! What if… you just talk nicely to the global warming? Maybe it’d rethink some things? It worked on Haell!

Find more great ideas on my PATREON!


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