Reject Human. Become Demon. [Mutation Evolution LitRPG]

Chapter 7: Go to Church.

A month had passed since my birthday. I found myself being carried down the main road once again.

We were en route toward the baron’s manor at the very center of town. That was where most of the shepherds that ruled this town lived, and where the big church was located.

We failed to attend last month's service because I went and got myself injured. The following day when we were supposed to come to church was spent instead on actually celebrating my birthday. I was very happy for it.

Speaking of the incident that happened back then, when I was punted across the room and a man was killed; some guards did come by to talk to my parents about it. They were this close to trying to arrest Baston and Fiya when we arrived, but Mom and Dad had quickly explained the same situation that their friends had already described, about how I was punted across the room by the merchant they killed. The guards listened somewhat nervously to their story, and they expressed sympathy in the end. Other than a quick fine, and what I presumed might have been bribes, there wasn't anything else done…

I hadn’t always been on the right side of the law in my past life. I’d worked whatever odd job I could, which included smuggling some things sometimes. I knew just how people were willing to look the other way for the right price… or just because of incompetence. But I wasn’t expecting there to not even be a trial. The guard here had seemed very strict, if anything.

This leniency made sense, however, when I found out that my parents were actually nobles. Knights to be specific, humans couldn’t climb any higher than that.,. They couldn’t be the lords of their own territories, nor was the title hereditary, which was bizarrely annoying because I certainly did not want to be a noble, but being deprived of something just because of my current species was grating. Everyone else must feel even worse, because humans were very well off in the empire, relatively speaking. 

Regardless, their titles were enough to sweep under the rug the death of a merchant or two, which was great news. I was glad that I really didn’t cause too much trouble for my parents in the end.

We eventually reached the central river that divided the north and south of the town. The streets here were cleaner, and the stores fancier. People were healthier, perhaps happier, their clothes not tattered and with a few fancy embroideries. There were some very well-decorated houses clearly made for leisure.

They were nothing compared to what was on the other side.

We crossed the large bridge along with many other people. The place was very busy today because it was a church day. We arrived on the other side, and the change was immediately apparent. From houses and mansions of gleaming marble, to exclusive shops and stores with shining glass fronts. The roads of the noble quarters were patrolled by templars in shining armor instead of the common guards. They all walked in at least groups of five, and were very agreeable to the people that lived there. They watched those who came from the other side of the bridge closely, questioning those who clearly didn’t belong here if they lingered off the path to the church for too long.

A curious tidbit that I’d learned was that very few of the people here were even actual nobles. Most were just very wealthy humans. Knighthood was a difficult thing to achieve, and the only proper nobles were those of the shepherd race.

“We’re here!” Mom announced, and we found ourselves in front of a fenced manor. We entered through the glimmering gates, and stepped towards a destination of white brick roads and immaculately maintained hedges and lawns. There was a large mansion in the middle, surrounded by relatively smaller buildings of differing purposes and denizens. I was sure the place was big enough to qualify for a palace. 

Our destination dominated the whole left wing of the manor, and it was even more imposing than the homes and mansions. It was a gigantic cathedral, whose outside face alone was already decorated with countless depictions of the angels. Most of them were very pale, androgynous, and winged humanoids with twisting features that almost made their flesh look like trees or tendrils shaped as people. Instead of hands, they had swords, axes, or spears growing out of their arms. Some had spikes sticking out of their back as either arrows or javelins, and others yet didn’t even have proper feet but instead had various implements therein such as more spears, spikes, and blades.

And those were just the small fry.

We entered inside the massive building, and the amount of art crammed within was staggering. The glass of the walls depicted a thousand battles, and the ceilings were filled with paintings of the Empire’s greatest triumphs. There were statues of the archangels hanging from the massive pillars, and each of them looked properly eldritch. From a massive eye lined by many organic lenses, to a sapient crossbow with a biblically accurate number of sensory organs and other facial features. 

There were other equally unique ones, but I knew that all of the other archangels had died in a battle that happened centuries past. 

Fucking awesome.

We walked with the constant stream of people of varying species, making our way towards where our seats were supposed to be. Some weren’t even humanoid, and I couldn’t help but have my eyes drawn towards the gigantic ten-meter-long sapients among us. 

One of them was a sundertop man who looked like a triceratops with far shorter but more numerous horns. His whole body was covered in bright gold and white feather-fur, concealed only by the bright white suit he wore. It must've been difficult to put on, but the civilized and the sapient must wear clothes, no matter how impractical. To do otherwise would be the mark of a savage.

The other was a tyranight woman. She looked like a bulkier tyrannosaur, but with particularly large and long arms. Her scales were black as the night, and she seemed sluggish this morning. A tight green gown clung to her body, just like with the other giant. Except I’d heard that tyranights did often wear clothes unlike the sundertops. 

I found these dinosaur-looking fellas to be so cool, but there were so few of them.

My parents greeted the people as we passed them by, and the trip toward the front where the humans were supposed to sit was slow and tedious. At least I could tell that my parents didn't enjoy it either, but that made me question why they even bothered.

The other races thinned as we made it to the very front row, the seats for a long way around this area occupied only by humans. I noticed that Dad towered over the rest of our peers, as most humans here were only an inch or so taller than what was average back on Earth. Those who reached the same heights(literally) as Dad were few and far in between. It required some specialized Mutation Evolutions, and it had its downsides too.

I felt calmer once we’d taken our seats. At the front, upon the podium and the stage, was Priest and Baron Lathary. His skin sparkled like glitter, and there was a natural crown of gold and silver growing out of his skull. He was a shepherd, the baron of the town of Latarus, and its highest religious figure. The two leadership roles often intersected and were always held by the shepherds, from what I understood. 

There were a couple dozen of them up on that stage. There were seats prepared for each of them, all facing towards the gathered crowd as they watched us all with benevolence in their eyes. I knew they were at peace, and by their grace and that of the angels, so was I.

Truly, they deserved their place at the top.


My fury threatened to boil over, but I managed to calm myself, blastedly drawing upon their influence.

For that was what the shepherds did. They influenced the minds of those around them, bent me to their will, no matter how gently. I even suspected it was a passive effect, at least to an extent, and see it's totally not their fault. It totally was their fault, and I wanted them out of my fucking head!

I cried because of it, for how powerless I was to fight back right now. I didn't care how it looked, I just made myself into a nuisance.

Mom picked me up, and rocked me in her arms. "Shh… shh," she said. "It'll be okay. It'll be over soon," then she paused. "You just have to get your baptism later."

I cried harder.

Eventually, the church service began. Priest and Baron Lathary raised his left hand, giving a gesture to quiet down. Those at the front passed on this message to those behind them, and then they passed it on to those behind them in turn. A process that repeated itself until the message reached those at the very back.

Everyone just knew what to do. It was one of our common social rituals, I supposed. It could easily be skipped anyway, since there were sound enhancements that could carry and project Lathary’s voice.

The murmurings died down, and the priest and baron finally spoke.

"I greet you everyone, as you greet me. I honor you with my leadership, as you honor me with your loyalty. It makes me happy to see that you have all made it here this month, safe and sound. It is a testament to our bonds, that we still remain standing, and strong, so close to savage and uncivilized land. The Angelic God and His Angels are with us, and we are instruments of their will. Let us pray."

Everyone bowed their heads and clamped shut their eyes. I got away with not doing so, because I was a baby.

"I bless you, my fellow shepherds. For assisting me in my holy task, of seeing to this land's prosperity. May you continue to do well in your work, and may you shepherd our sheep, with both purpose and power."

"Amen." They chorused.

"Now, please bless the humans, just as I have blessed you." The other shepherds followed the baron's words, and they stretched out their arms towards our direction. Lathary continued, "Bless you, humans, for you have acted as our hands and feet, and in your duties you have not failed. You follow your shepherds with loyalty and obedience, and in doing so have cultivated even greener pastures. May you continue to be the leaders of the other races, to make the rest of the sheep understand the grand design that we are all meant to follow."

"Amen," the humans at the front seats chorused. So did my parents mouth the same word.

"Now please bless the ishkawtans and the fountans. Creations of Archangel Angelo Himself."

Mom and Dad stood, stretching their arms towards the back, and I watched them without following suit. Fiya and Baston had not attended today, nor on any of the days that I had been present. Luine and Salaire on the other hand were both here, but they and the orphan children were scattered all across the hall, and towards their proper places, with people of the same species. It would not do for them to be together and think they were equal after all, even if two of them were literally married.

"Bless you, ishkawtans and fountans, for you were created for a purpose. The Angels had given you the tools with which you shall serve, and for hundreds of years you have enriched our civilization. From the fountans who allow the other species to make use of magic, to the ishkawtans who make use of their senses, to warn us of oncoming danger. We bless you and your service."


My parents sat back down, and then the Fountans and Ishkawtans turned to bless the next group.

"Now please bless the Ogres who were among the first to accept the rightful rule of the Angelic God and His Angels, second only to the humans."

The ogres were people around 4 meters tall, with rough rock-like skin and generally muscular bodies. Their height actually ended up blocking the view of the others who may want to see the Shepherds up on stage. But they were meant to sit behind the Iskawtans and the Fountans, and so that was where they stood. It did not matter that the shorter people behind the ogres may only listen to the projected voices, but could not truly see the show. Fortunately, there were light mages projecting the uncanny and unmoving likeness of Priest Lathary across the entire space. I preferred that to the real thing certainly.

Amen to that bullshit.

"We bless you, Ogres, and your chief Rag'Narok who was able to see the Truth and the Light of the Angelic God and His Angels. For centuries your kind has pledged your fealty, and we can feel and see it here, how you have served your purpose well as our vanguards and protectors. May you continue to bear the burden of our crusades for centuries more."

"Amen." The ogres spoke in their gravelly voice, and soon they were also blessing the kobolds behind them.

My attention was more piqued, however, by something that Lathary had just said. I remember only this week, that my grandfather had told me of a very interesting story. About how Rag'Narok and the late Archangel Bladillo had dueled, and it was the former's defeat that cemented the fealty of the ogres.

It was still quite an inspired story on its own, of course. But it was very curious that the duel was entirely omitted from the prayer. Perhaps it was only a coincidence, but it could also be a purposeful omission.

I just get that feeling.

The prayers and blessings continued on and on and on. Until finally, the priest finally neared the end. 

He heaved a weary sigh, before he began to address the belfegors, showing just how much he truly cared about them. They were of the same species as that of Salaire, the bald pink woman from the orphanage.

"We bless the belfegors who are here with us today, for they have shown wisdom that some of their brethren have not. You have realized the mismanagement of your lands, and you have reconciled in your hearts the wisdom in accepting the rule of your betters. I vow to you, as the baron of this town and as a shepherd, that we will surely herd that sheep that you are towards a better path. So please, convince your allies that yet remain scattered in the fringes of this continent." Lathary's voice began to crack, he became emotional. "I do not wish for bloodshed either, but we will use a heavier hand if we must. So please, allow them to be saved as you have been saved! Before it is too late… Amen."

I… was not privy to the intricate details of this conflict. I only knew of the basics. But what I did know, was that the nation of New Grandera that the empire would never acknowledge, truly did live in the very fringes. Their territories were two small pockets in both the very north and very south, occupying the spaces that intersected both the ocean and the impenetrable barrier range. They had made alliances with some of the only entities that could resist the might of the Angelore Empire.

So what, pray tell, did this shepherd expect of the local belfegors? Did he want them to send out an email using the non-existent internet? Maybe send out a stork to carry a letter over, telling what were likely to be complete strangers that they should surrender?

What is the game plan here???

The centaurs sat back down on the ground, and the belfegors they just blessed stood, to in turn bless the most unfortunate of all.

The crustecars. A species of people that looked like giant blue, red, or purple crabs. They were typically about as tall as half a human, but far wider. One of their claws was a large and savage weapon, while the other was a collection of three dextrous hand-claws that were thinner and more dextrous. Curiously, from the few crustecars who were even present in the settlement, I’d noticed that quite a few of them were missing one or two of those smaller hands or even whole arms.

Not that I could see any of them right now, being in the front row and all, as an all-important human (baby). 

Priest Lathary began to address them with barely concealed scorn. "You of the crustecar people. We bless you here today, in hopes that you will be better. We bless you as a reminder of the mercy that was shown, when we spared your people. You who are cursed with bodies like that of the cursetaceans, mindless creatures that have plagued the Angelore Empire for centuries. You whose terrifying exteriors only reveal the vile, disobedient, and rebellious nature underneath!" Lathary took a deep breath. The rage was no longer concealed at this point. "Even now our coastal towns and cities are under assault by your brethren. You have constantly shown yourselves to truly be no different from the cursetaceans that you've descended from. Our people are being killed, and our babies eaten by the invasions of the crustecars and the cursetacens!" The priest took a deep breath, and I did the same. I felt Lathary's rage, and the genuine grief he feels for his people–Wait, fuck! This is his mind control. Fuck! You're wrong anyway! 

I reminded myself of the truths that I knew, from the many stories Grandpa had told. The cursetaceans were literally cursed creatures, born from when the Angels tried to kill the Cursed Dragon Cursifix. The mythical creature created the cursetaceans as a final 'fuck you!' to the angels and their empire, and quite honestly it was a very respectable 'fuck you!' The accursed critters were still a big fucking problem to this day, arguably the biggest. They just kept on coming, endlessly, they never ceased to attack the territories of the Angelore Empire, and nothing else. Or at least none of the other sapient kingdoms and polities, unless if they were in the way, but only if there were no other routes leading to the ocean. There was always another route, because it would be way out of character for the empire to not conquer its neighbors. That was always the goal!

In contrast to all that bullshit, the crustecars had been in this continent since before the angels even arrived on the planet of Varyala. The empire's forces then conquered them when they landed on the shores of Grandera and now the crustecar kingdoms from deeper down the sea were trying to take revenge for their people who had been unjustly persecuted. Which means it's completely justified! And Lathary is dumb! This whole thing is dumb! The church, the shepherds, the angels, all of it! Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU!!!!

I kept on shouting in my mind, to try and get rid of the invasive mental influence, for that was all I could do. The magic clung to me like a parasite that just wouldn't let go, and its constant presence made me seethe.

"But the Empire only wants peace," the mind control prick known as Lathary continued. More like Lathar you in oil and burn you with fire! "All we want is to lead you all to a better tomorrow. To shepherd the sheep that you are into greener pastures. That is why I do commend the efforts made by the crustecars here today, to try and correct even a meager amount of the wrongs committed by their people. Sinners that you all are, there's still a path open to redemption. So work hard, toil, become a shield against those that invade us, including that of your own people. Show that you're different! Show that you can change!" The priest panted, hands gripped around the podium. "...Amen.

Well, that was fucked up. I thought, as everyone settled back down to listen to some songs.

The lyrics were horrendous, all about how the angels were great and shit. But I had to admit that the actual melodies were nice. It’s good art.

We had an even more lengthy sermon afterwards which didn’t prove to have any value. People settled in to listen, while I instead worked on dozing off properly. Good sleep is important!

The Priest drawled on and on, speaking about how the Angels arrived, and saved the humans from their sorry lot in life. The then human queen Shanayah was given the opportunity to turn into the very first shepherd of the planet. 

"This is not an uncommon arrangement for planets under the Heavenly Hegemony. Angels are sent out by the grace of the Angelic God, in order to save the many worlds of the galaxy. Humans have often been a vital part of this, as they are present on most planets. And it is from them that we shepherds are made, a higher being ascending from the flawed. So keep faith, my sheep. Perhaps someday, you too may be uplifted by the angels."

A higher being… I banished the desire to live up to his expectations. This constant mind-control aura from all the fucking shepherds in front of me was really pissing me off. I could just claw their faces off.

But more importantly than that, was how the human queen became a shepherd. This was a story I genuinely loved, and not because I believed in the righteousness of the angels and their mission or anything, but because of how it unambiguously affirmed my own dreams. 

It gave precedent for a human evolving into something else. It was possible to evolve and change one’s species. Therefore demonhood should be similarly achievable. I just had to work hard and figure out a way, without asking for the help of the angels. Then again, the concept of demons doesn't exist in our culture at all, so maybe I could trick them into it…

I snapped back to attention right towards the end, when I heard something potentially interesting. Lathary had circled back to the topic of Shanayah. The First Shepherd and Angelore's One and Only Empress.

"Empress Shanayah was someone who worshiped the Angelic God in a time long past, and a land long forgotten. For while we know much of her heroic feats and battles, some from even before the advent of the angels upon Varyala, all those tales barely scratch the surface of Empress Shanayah's true history."

Priest Lathary opened his Angelic Bible into another page. He cleared his throat and spoke in a higher-pitched voice.

"Oh how I've looked for you in the past life of mine. I was ridiculed and persecuted for my faith, in a land ruled by ignorants. Those who denied His light and salvation! But I see now, upon your descent, Archangel Angelo, that I was not mistaken. My faith that persisted, even in the face of reincarnation, has been rewarded!" Baron Lathary took a deep breath, his eyes steady. "That was a direct quote from Empress Shanayah herself, before she was even crowned queen, when she was yet a human woman. She had spoken of an alien world, with… buildings of steel and glass, metal birds that released chemical trails of death, and invisible waves that threatened to warp the people's minds called 'the internet'. It's so hard to imagine, I would not be surprised if it was in another plane of reality entirely. How hard it must have been for her, to exist in the unfathomably dangerous hellscape that was Earth!" Lathary was shaking now, with both sympathy and awe. "But even then, the light of God reached her! Even then, her faith remained true! She knew her role, and she followed in His Angelic plan! And for that she was rewarded! She was not forsaken! Even in death, even after death, SHE WAS SAVED!"

Lathary panted, and I must say that even I was taken aback in awe by the delivery. And of course I am because that's his mind-fuck power. Fuck you! Get out of my head! 

"...You are all called to the same. To have faith, no matter what happens. Do not doubt. Always pray. And follow not what you want nor your own selfish desires, but instead walk the Angelic path paved for you. Obey and follow the plan of the Angelic God and His Angels!" Priest Lathary took a deep breath. "Do so, and you shall be saved, just like how Empress Shanayah was saved."

My rage settled into a cold fury. I considered Priest Lathary's words. 

I was not convinced, of course. I will never be convinced to throw away my freedom. But it certainly was interesting how there was another reincarnator among us. One so open about it and broadly believed. One who was even from the same world as I.



*Slaps hood of car.* Wow, this chapter could fit so much trauma! We’re going continental baby! All the different people will be ground down in the wheels of despair. No fucking exceptions, except for the exceptions!

All the jokes aside, allow me to level with you. DO NOT FREAK OUT YET. 

The mind control powers. I know exactly why people hate it. I understand the severe issues with the trope, in terms of morality and in terms of story-telling. And I want you to trust me. Trust that I have a plan. Trust that I know where I’m going with this. Trust that I am doing something different which will eventually blow your mind. Trust me and I won’t let you down.


If you still want spoilers after that promise...



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