Reincarnation from Pirates

Chapter 283 Chapter 282

Chapter 283 Chapter 282
Read through the entire navy's research on domineering color.

Lin Xun understood something.

Domineering look and arrogance are actually the power of a person's beliefs, but a person's beliefs are not achieved overnight, but something that has been cultivated, through continuous subduing subordinates, defeating powerful enemies one after another, and spontaneous awakening.

It's not that the navy has no research on Bawang color domineering, and they even have a complete experimental product.

But these experimental products, without exception, cannot be controlled by the navy.

In this file, there are also some pirates who have realized the domineering look and arrogance and were captured.

Some of them gradually dissipated after being arrested, and some of them died of hunger strike because they did not want to submit to the navy.

There are still some who succumbed to the navy, but the domineering look can no longer be used.

In the end, the navy came to a conclusion, that is, if you want to have a domineering look, then that person must become the leader of the navy.

But will the five old stars allow such a leader in the navy?

The answer is of course no.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the navy clearly knows how to comprehend the domineering look, and the admiral's aptitude is not inferior to the monsters in the new world, but they still can't comprehend the domineering look.

Lin Xun dragged his chin and thought about it. The overlord-colored domineering should not be as simple as adding some colors to the armed domineering color.

Perhaps a person with domineering domineering can not only be attached to the armed domineering body, but there may also be rank suppression.

He is not an unreasonable guess, but has a basis.

Those supernovas were able to escape from the hands of the admiral, but they were helplessly captured by the Four Emperors as proof.

Admiral's two-color domineering has reached the peak, and the devil fruit has also been developed extremely deeply, but he still has no power to wait for the battle emperor level, and cannot exert his power to the extreme.

And the four emperors who have the domineering color of the king can wrap the domineering color around the domineering, not only can they exert 120% of their power, but each blow can also erode the domineering energy of the enemy, thereby suppressing the domineering energy in the opponent's body.

Moreover, the domineering aura that is always open can suppress the speed of those who do not have arrogance, making it impossible for them to escape.

This is simply the embryonic form of the field.

Lin Xun was a little dumbfounded, and became more and more interested in forcing the king's domineering.

It seems that we have to find a plan, like the red hair, ask for advice.

He possesses all the qualifications for domineering and domineering, the only difference is that he is not from this world.

But he has lived in this world for a while, and he can feel that his connection with this world is constantly deepening.

The system can provide domineering exchanges, but this thing is related to one's own will. What if the system instills in itself the belief that all women in the world belong to me, and then awakens domineering domineering?
Wouldn't that be cheaper for others?
No, no.

Lin Xun shuddered at the thought of those fat women, old women, and muscular women.

In this way, in fact, Sanji Blackfoot also has the opportunity to comprehend the domineering look, but he doesn't know it.

As long as he leaves the team, he can form his own forces.

Lin Xun held the folder in his hand, and his thoughts drifted to the distance.

New world, Whitebeard's territory.

The redhead drank the wine in the big bowl with a smile on his face.

"Then, since you agree to form an alliance, I'll take my leave first." The redhead came quickly and left very resolutely.

Whitebeard stroked his beard and smiled all over his face: "Hey, hahaha, the red-haired kid is getting more and more interesting. I really want him to be my son."

Although he regained his youth, Whitebeard's mentality of accepting his son has not changed at all. When he sees outstanding people, he is interested in recruiting them.

But he also knew that this was impossible. If the red hair could be easily persuaded by others, then he would not be a red hair.

Walking out of the warehouse, Marco had a strange expression on his face: "Father, is the red-haired Shanks gone?"

White Beard turned around in a daze and said, "What's wrong?"

Marco was a little dumbfounded: "This guy just drank all the drinks in our ship's inventory."

It turned out to be like this, White Beard suddenly realized, and then laughed loudly: "Guhahaha, you can just buy the wine if you run out."

"But, father, all the drinks in the territory have been purchased for the banquet, and they have been used up. The only remaining stock is reserved for emergencies. When the red hair comes, now the drinks in our territory have been exhausted." Not enough."

"Even if you sail to the nearest country to buy wine, it will take a month at the fastest."

The smile on Whitebeard's face froze, and he understood what Marco meant.

"Not at all?" White Beard asked tentatively.

Marco nodded: "Not at all."

"Damn red-haired brat." Thinking that he would not be able to drink for a month, Whitebeard couldn't help cursing.

The good mood suddenly turned extremely bad.

The redhead who ran away after drinking didn't know anything about it. On the contrary, he felt that Whitebeard was a bit stingy, and he only had such a little wine in his inventory.

Beckman focused on cleaning his favorite gun, and didn't even lift his head when he heard footsteps.

"You're back, how are things going?"

Shanks smiled all over his face: "Of course."

Beckman nodded without speaking.

The red-haired approached Beckman tentatively, and put his arms around Beckman's shoulders carelessly: "To celebrate the success of the alliance with Whitebeard, shall we hold a banquet?"


Beckman broke free from the shackles of the red hair without hesitation, and hit his head hard with the butt of his gun.

"Asshole, do you want to eat dirt this month?"

Shanks crouched on the ground drawing circles with an aggrieved face, and muttered in a low voice, "You can go without food for a day, but you can't go without wine for a day."

Beckman held his forehead with black lines on his face: "Don't think I don't know, you must have been drinking at Whitebeard's."

"Tch, cheapskate." The red-haired Shanks immediately made a grimace at Beckman's back when he saw that the trick was seen through.

And wipe booger on each other's shoulders.

Feeling his own captain's behavior like a child, Beckman's face flashed a trace of helplessness.

Then suddenly burst into flames: "Do you think I didn't see it?"

"Ah? Was it discovered?" Shanks turned around and ran, and Beckman got up and chased after him.

The two chased and fled, and soon disappeared into the woods of the island.

The pirates of the red-haired pirates are not surprised, they are all used to it, and they are sitting on their own affairs.

One of the newly joined pirates was a little strange: "Will the captain and the deputy captain fight?"

Jesus Bu squinted his eyes and aimed at an ant with a gun, and made a strange sound of "呯呯呯": "The two of them often do this, don't worry about it, the relationship between our captain and the deputy captain is good."

A fat man in white and green clothes with a chicken leg in his mouth leaned over and smiled wretchedly: "Hey, if the vice-captain wasn't a man, I would have suspected that they were doing something like that."

Jesus raised his brows: "Your skin is itchy again? Last month you suggested that the vice-captain go to Eva the She-Monster King, and give Shanks a sex change operation after getting drunk. It's not over yet."

As if thinking of some bad memories, the fat man shrank his head with lingering fear.

New Pirates:
The new pirate looks confused. Are you not afraid of being killed when you tease the captain and deputy captain like this?
 The Fat Man in the Redheads: Want to know the secret between Shanks and Beckman?
  Hurry up and vote.

(End of this chapter)

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