Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Unexpected Visit

It's been a month since I've entered school and it's all been the same. Same boring class, same situation with Bakugo wanting to duel me, and it ended with him on the ground. Then there's Deku always defending Bakugo when I'm shitting on him, but when Bakugo is bullying another kid Deku steps up and defends the kid. Like dude what are you doing? He also gets beat up by him and still thinks Bakugo is his friend.

Bakugo's quirk is quite a thing and packs a punch but it's still not good as my powers, my powers are too overpowered that might even destroy the moon at full power. Though that's just my observation right now, it might even change and maybe I would be able to even split the earth in half. All might quirk is pretty insane to say the least, might even come close to mine if we're talking about destructive power.

I've been acing school, since it was pretty much kids stuff and the teachers are already calling me a genius, in fact I place 1st place while Bakugo and Deku place 2nd and 3rd. I still haven't used my quirk in school but there have been times where I came close to using it, for example there was this one teacher who purposely gave me a hard time by marking my test as fails and I had to force him to grade my stuff correctly by blackmailing him.

Gran Torino was still bothered that I wasn't making friends. Though to my surprise not many people even talked to me the only people I've talked to in school was Bakugo and sometimes Deku but that's just about it. I don't count them as friends , there just ants for me to step on in the future.

Gran Torino has also asked me if I wanted a computer on my room to which I immediately agreed, I was shocked that he was saving money for it. There are still times where he trips me over but it's gotten so overused that I was able to predict them.

Anyways I've been watching a couple videos of All Might and wow , It is pretty cool seeing him fight. He's super buff and huge, like how? Do you take steroids? Regardless he is very strong and right now he is way stronger than I am, I don't think I would even be able to land a punch or even damage him.

I've also been training but there are very little time for it, so I mostly just practice my jutsus like [Chidori] and sometimes [Fire style : Fire Ball Jutsu]. Gran Torino however doesn't know I could breathe fire so I mostly kept secret about it, I want to save it for the future. My body is still pretty small but my body has gotten sturdier so I could take small hits. His body is still the same figure as how the original Sasuke is.

December 20, Saturday. 8:50 P.M

Cain had just woken up from his slumbered and took a shower , as well as getting breakfast just like any other day. This time Cain felt like today was going to be troublesome, a premonition that today was going to make him dive off a building.

"Hey Cai-Kun why are you making that face!" said Gran Torino as he sees Cain having a frown on his face. Gran Torino has been sitting on a chair whole time and noticed that Cain didn't have his usual emotionless face but instead this time he showed of something that was bothering him.

"*sigh* nothing what is it today?" said Cain as he sits down on the couch. He then grabbed the remote control and turned on the tv.

"Hmm it's Saturday why? are you going somewhere today?" said Gran Torino as he makes his way to the couch.

"No where would I even go? I'm just saying if there's like any event happening today?" Cain said as he switches between channels.

"Hmm nope , I haven't heard of an event happening today..." said Gran Torino as he lies down on the couch pushing Cain off.

"Tch... I thought so *sigh* maybe I'm overthinking" Cain said rubbing his temples.

"Oh right I almost forgot your birthday is coming up! What would you like for your birthday?" Gran Torino said making Cain go into deep thought.

'Hmm what do I want? There are not many things that I want right now, I have clothes, I have gadgets. Right I still don't have this but should I wait a couple years or should I get it on my 7th birthday?' Cain thought and came to a conclusion he wanted on his birthday.

"I want a phone, the newest one" Cain said making Gran Torino cough in surprise. Gran Torino definitely didn't expect Cain to want a phone now, he knew Cain was smart but to want a phone at this type of age is unheard of.

"What!? You want a phone ehrrr alright then but are you sure that's all you want? I could get you some toys?" said Gran Torino saying that last part gleefully.

"Huh?! Who wants toys? Look I may be a kid but I'm not childish to buy stupid toys" said Cain getting a bit irritated. He has always gotten toys for his birthday and Cain would always burn them though no one knew what happened to them since none are aware of Cain's capabilities.

"Alright then you don't have to get mad about it?" Said Gran Torino as he sticks his finger on his ears.


A knock was heard from the living room making both Cain and Gran Torino look at each other. Gran Torino was curious who was knocking this early in the morning since no one has ever knock on his apartment before. The only people who knew where people who were friends with Gran Torino. So Gran Torino suspected that his friends might have come to check on him.

On the other hand Cain thought that it was people to see what state he was in, since Nezu still wants to make sure that he's not having troubles in his life.

"Are we having anyone over today?" Cain said to Gran Torino who he just shook his head.

"Nope go check who it is , it might be important" said Gran Torino as he kicks Cain to go open the front door.

'*sigh* I really hope it's just someone going to the wrong house, I seriously don't want to be bothered today, wait could this be what I feeling just now? Nah it's impossible' Cain though as he makes his way over to the front door.


Cain unlocked the door and opened it so the only thing you could see were his eyes. Cain then widen his eyes realizing who was the knocking on his door. 'Why is she here? How does she even know I live here? I never even told her my name so how is it she found out? Hmm I better get ready for the worse' Cain began to think as he sees a ash blonde hair girl with a lollipop on her mouth.

"CAIN-SAN!" Exclaimed the little girl as he pushes the door and makers her way inside the house.

"Hey who is it?" Gran Torino said all the way from the living room. 'This person Hows Cai-Kun, her voice is feminine and it sounds like she's just a little kid... does Cain have a friend? *GASP* no way impossible' Gran Torino thought as he speed walks to the front door.

"Ah- I-hmm" said Cain not knowing what to say to this. He could say that she's a friend but this is so unexpected that he didn't have time to prepare for it.

Gran Torino had just made his way to the front door and saw a little girl with pearly white teeth smiling as she hugs Cain's arm.

''Tch what are you doing? Get off me!'' Cain whispered to the cute little girl. Cain didn't like people who went to his personal space especially hug him without his permission. It didn't matter if it was a girl or a boy he just didn't want people to be all touchy touchy with him.

"Hi I'm Himiko Toga! I'm Cain-San friend please to meet you!" said Toga as she gives a bow to Gran Torino.

This of course made both Cain and Gran Torino gasp in surprise.

"Cai-Kun i didn't know you made a friend! Especially so cute!" Gran Torino said as he squishes Togas cheeks making them puff out.

"Mou! That hurts you know old man! " said Toga making Gran Torino chuckle nervously.

"Cain bring her to the living room, I want you to tell how you met her" Gran Torino said motioning Cain to go to the living room.

Cain made a grunt noise and looked at Toga with cold eyes. After everyone got to the living room , Toga jumped to the couch.

"Wow! this couch is so bouncy!" Toga said with a cute laugh.

'*SIGH* what is she doing? I have to get her out of the house. I don't want Gran Torino to suspect anything, how will I explain this to him *sigh* I guess I'll just come up with something' Cain thought as he grabs Toga's shoulder pushing her down making her sit down.

"Well why don't I say how I met her" Cain said making both Gran Torino and Toga perk their ears and look at Cain with curious eyes. 'Why are you looking at me like that you already know how stupid!' Cain thought as he sees Toga expression.

"*cough* it was when I was walking back home and I saw her licking a lollipop. Well her lollipop had slipped from her hands and fell on the floor. I saw this and as I was about to go the other way she spotted me and cried. The nice guy I am I went to her and patted her back after she was done crying over a lollipop, I gave her money to go buy another lollipop. That how we met nothing too special" Cain said lying through his teeth. The lie was pretty believable that made Toga even believe it. Cain was always good at making up some bullshit story so this was particularly easy to say.

"Aww that's such a good thing you did Cai-Kun, I'm proud of you *sniff* " Gran Torino said wiping tears of his eyes.

'Don't get all sappy old man, ugh your getting snot everywhere' Cain thought as he sees Gran Torino.

"Ugh! Anyways why are you here Toga? Here let's go to my room we'll talk there" said Cain as he grabs Toga's hand making her blush.

"Ah- wait!" said Toga as she gets pulled by Cain walking to his room.

"Have fun kids" said Gran Torino watching the kids leave.

As both Cain and Toga get inside the room, Cain immediately shut the door and locked it. Toga went to Cain's bed sniffed his pillow and blanket making her face flush in red. Her eyes getting watery and mouth drooling.

"Why are you here" Cain said in a cold voice pointing his katana to Toga's face with glaring at her.

"Wai- wait! I'm here to have fun! You know I came all the way here just to see you!" Toga pouted.

"Why? How did you even know where I live? I never gave you my name so how is it you found where I am?" said Cain still pointing his katana at her, his tone of voice still hadn't change.

"Well! You said you were going to be my friend and I wanted to play with you! You also smell good!" Toga said cheerfully making Cain pushing his katana deeper into her neck. Making a slight cut in her neck.

"Alright alright! You didn't give me your name and I didn't know where you lived so when you went to school I waited for you but you didn't show up where we met. So I just researched of what school you might have been and I found it. I then talked to a couple of little kids if they knew you. After that I was able to find out your name, and on Friday I saw you walk back to your house. I wanted to go to you so bad but I couldn't until today! So praise me I did so much for you, you know!" Toga said happily.

Cain still had his katana still on her neck and began to think what she said. 'She went to my school and followed where I was? How didn't I detect her? *sigh* well that explains that' Cain thought to himself as he pulls back his katana.

"There's nothing to praise for, you're just stalking me." Cain said making Toga pout.

" *sigh* what do you want?" Cain repeated his question.

"Like is said I want to play with you!" Toga said cheerfully.

"*sigh*Oh god" Cain muttered under his breath. "What fun thing you want to then? This is also the last time you'll come to my house, if you ever come again you might not come back to your house the next day. Anyways why are you so interested on me? I literally blackmailed you for my personal reasons so why is it your here?" Cain said making Toga lower her head.

"It's because you're the only person I know who isn't disgusted by me" Toga said making Cain sigh. 'I don't know much about Toga but I have heard this.... it all makes sense now she found someone she could cling on and they wouldn't get bothered by her interest in blood. Tch I knew today was going to be troublesome. '

"My parents even pressure me to not do this to which I tried so hard to hide but I just couldn't anymore" Toga said and tears started to fall from her eyes.

"So when you said you wanted to be my friend even if you had ulterior motives , I still wanted to be your friend" Toga said looking at Cain in his eyes. Cain had indifference look, he didn't know what to say. If this was his past self he would have comfort her and tell her that it's ok but right now he can't even trust people anymore. People always find something to fault you on and end up leaving you. Then again Cain could just pretend to care for her, would that help what he's feeling on his chest right now?

"So please just this once, let me play with you" said Toga finishing off her speech, her eyes filled with hope.

Cain thought for a minute about what she had said. "*sigh* alright fine here let's play games on my computer" said Cain with a soft small smile.

"Really?! Are you sure?! Your not lying are you?!" Toga said with an uncertain tone.

"I'm sure , but if you cause me any troubles your going to force me to kill you... anywho let's play, I just got this computer" said Cain walking towards his computer and turning it on.

Toga shook her head many times and said "I promise I won't cause any trouble! But can you let me taste your blood? I really like your smell please just this once!?"said Toga as she blush staring at Cain's neck.

"No if you do that your leaving the house" said Cain with emotionless face.

"Mou! Fine then what are we going to play?" Toga pouted and walk to the side of the bed where she could better see the computer. The two of them played for a couple hours before Toga had to go back home.

It was already pretty dark so Cain took a hot bath and began to think what happened this day.

*SIGH* "what am I doing? Tch I don't like this at all, I hope I'm not making a mistake. " Cain mutter as he puts his face under the water.

After he was done bathing he change into his sleep wear and went to brush his teeth after that was done he went back to bed. As he got to the bed he put the blanket over his head, and sniffed it. He could practically smell her, the smell of a dandelion . 'This girl, how does she even smell like this?' Cain's thoughts were interrupted by a knock in his door.


Gran Torino was the one who knocked, he then opened the door.

"What is it?" Cain said as he looks at Gran Torino who is still standing by the door.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing. This is the first time you played with someone your age." Gran Torino said as he scans through the room with his eyes.

"*sigh* well I'm doing fine" Cain replied. 'I don't think she's the same age as me though.... she might be older than me by 3 years I think' Cain though.

"Oh well I just wanted to say that, Goodnight" Gran Torino said as he closes the door.

"Hn" was the only thing Cain said before closing his eyes.

(A/N: Yo! Some of y'all have wanted Toga to be with the main character. I do have to say that the main character state of mind right now is unstable which is going to cause people to be confused. He might act funny or be happy but that could be just an act. He has trusting issues so he still doesn't fully trust Toga, but ill later change that as the chapters progress. As for harem, not many people like the idea but then there's other people who do like it. I will say that there will be a harem but it's mostly just going to be only 3 girls right now, it might change later on though depending of what you guys say. Anyways that's all I have to say LATERS!)

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