Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Swimming Pool

"Wake up" A tenderly voice said.

"Wake up"

"Nhghh 2 more hours " I said groggily. I didn't know what was happening nor did I know who was talking to me. I was just having a dream of Sasuke going through the chunin exams, specifically the writing test.

"Wake up!" The once tenderly voice turned malicious. This person jumped and fell down on my stomach causing me to wake up.

"Puaahh!" I said as I try to calm myself and see what was going. I could see a body figure sitting on my stomach. My eyes were still dazed from sleeping.

I closed my eyes and began to rubbed them with my hands. I then stopped rubbing them and slowly opened my eyes, i scrunched my eyebrows to block the view of sunlight hitting my face. After I had open my eyes I looked at the person who woke me up so savagely.

And to my surprise it was none other than Toga. Internally I wanted to scream at her to leave but I chose not to since my throat was sore from being outside in the cold. Just yesterday I was practicing my control of electricity. Anyways back to where I was, I was looking at Toga and to be honest I was quite curious why she was here. Toga wouldn't come so early in the morning, unless it was very important.

"Toga..." I said as I try not to fall asleep again.

"Yup it's me!" Toga said cheerfully as she jumps again causing me to groan. It didn't hurt but it was getting really annoyingly

"Stop, get off me" I said as I carried her by armpits and putting her to the side of the bed.
"Now tell me why you're here? It must be very important if you have to disturb my sleep" I said hinting annoyance in my tone.

"I just wanted to see you!" Toga said as she smiles brightly. Her cheeks flushed red and her eyes were shining brightly.

After I heard this I immediately turn my head to the side. "Ok I'm going back to sleep now" I said as I hug my blanket.

"Hey! Hey! Don't sleep!" Toga said wildly shaking me causing me to grunt.

"*sigh* , I release an annoyed sigh and looked back at Toga. She looked a bit mad and her eyes were starting to get teary. I release another sigh and tried to calm myself.

"What?" I said calmly as I stare into Toga's eyes. 'She must have had another reason why she came here'. That was my though as I try to listen to what she wanted to say.

"Well~" Toga started saying this with a flirtatious tone. At this point I already knew what she was going to say wasn't going to be important.

Toga would usually flirt with Cain, but Cain would always think it was her way of wanting things or said it jokingly.

"Get on with it" I said as I try not to sound annoyed.

Toga gave a pout and said "Fine! My mom gave me two tickets to a swimming pool" Toga said as she takes out 2 tickets. She was smiling as she was doing this, no one would think that this person was a psychopath.

Toga came from a really rich family so this wasn't really anything to her. Her parents were still creeped out by what Toga did a few years back, but they still loved their daughter.

"And you want to invite me to go with you?" I said as I try to guess what she wanted to do. I mean we usually don't really hang out outside , since we usually just play games.

"Yup! Now c'mon change!" Toga said as she gets off my bed , she then tries to pull my hand to get off the bed as well but she wasn't able to.

"*sigh* I really don't want to go, besides what time is it? It's still early to go, you know" I said.

"B-but I really wanted to go with you, I even bought a swim suit" Toga said with a sad tone. Her eyes started to get teary again. "Please Cai-Kun , I promise it'll be fun" Toga said with puppy eyes.

'*sigh* what to do? If I say no she's probably going to cry, or she might even force me to go' I began to think. After a minute I release another sigh causing Toga to look with anticipation.

"Fine, we'll go" I said.

As soon as Toga heard this she jumped with a joyful look on her face. "Yay! I thought I had to knock you out and bring you to the swimming pool unconscious " Toga said

"What? I didn't hear the last part" I said.

"Nothing! Hurry up go take a shower , you stink!" Toga said covering her nose.

After I heard what she said I got a bit embarrassed and went to smell my armpits. I wasn't able to smell anything, nor did it smell bad.

"Liar" I said as I get a towel from my closet.

"Hehe" Toga giggled.

"*sigh* I'm going to take a shower don't touch anything while I'm gone , do you understand?" I said as I opened the door and waited her to answer my question.

"Hai!" Toga said and saluted. She had a serious face expression with made her look cute.

I then got out of my room and went to the bathroom. I took a quick flaming hot shower and put the towel on my waist covering my genitals

I then proceeded to go to my room. 'Crap I think I should of brought some clothes with me, *sigh* whatever she's going to see my bare chest when we go to the swimming park either way' i thought to myself as I started to slowly opened the door.

After opening it I saw Toga sniffing my pillow. This wasn't the first time I've seen her do this, but she's probably been smelling since I left to take a shower.

"Have you no shame" I said without a hint of emotion. Honestly I didn't really care but it was nice teasing her a bit, I mean she does it so I have to get payback right?

"A-Ah Cai-Kun i-its not what you think it is" Toga jumped out of the bed and stutter her words. Toga eyes widen as soon as she saw me without a shirt. Her cheeks were now furiously blushing, her eyes were hinting a bit of lust.

"Your the one who has no shame coming into my room without clothes on!" Toga said pointing her finger at me.

"This is my room, and you're going to see my bare chest when we go to the swimming pool" I said.

"Oh yeah I forgot!" Toga said knocking her head.


Alright get out, I'm going to change" I said as I opened the door for her.

"No" Toga muttered it. I wasn't able to hear it so I said "what did you say?"

Toga look at me again and then her eyes looked down , right where my waist is.

I raised an eyebrow trying to see what she was seeing.

"Fine" Toga said reluctantly as she leaves the room. I then closed the door to my room and went back to the closet to find something to wear.

I didn't have any colorful clothing, so there were only black, white, and gray clothing. But there was a couple red t-shirts that were red that I got for my birthday.

I then got that red shirt and placed it on my bed. I then went to look for pants to wear, so I just chose a gray jeans and placed them on the beds as well. I then grabbed boxers and socks and put them on. I also put the clothing I had on the bed on.

After I had my regular clothing on I then went back to the closet and search for shorts that I will be using at the swimming park. I then choose black shorts that weren't to tight but weren't loose.

I then grabbed a backpack put my shorts there , as well as other necessities I would be using after.

I then put my shoes on and looked at the window, I noticed the sun was already up. I checked the time on my phone that was charging right next to the bed.

9:30 A.M

It was still early but wherever this swimming pool is should be opened by now. After I check the time I put my phone on my pocket. I then walked towards the door and opened it to check on Toga.

As soon as I opened Toga felled down. 'It seems she was waiting right where the door is' I thought as I try not to laugh.

"Hey! You should of opened it slowly! That hurt you know!" Toga said as she rubs her knees.

"*sigh* there there" I said as I start patting her head . Toga then pouted and blush, "hmph! C'mon let's go! I already told your grandpa where we going" Toga said as she starts walking towards the living room.

I then followed her and saw that Gran Torino was watching T.V while eating Taiyoki .

"Alright old man, I'll be back later" I said as I wave goodbye.

"Hm, have fun" Gran Torino said not looking at me.

Toga then put her shoes on that were left on the doorstep. She then opened the front door and as soon as she did, rays of sunlight hit my face. " I should have put a hoodie on" I said .

"Too late now!" Toga said as she closes the door.

"I can still go get it" I said as I reach to opened the door.

"I said it's too late!" Toga said as she smacks my hand from touching the door knob.

"Hey! Why did you do that for?" I said.

"Your just making excuses not to go" Toga said with a frown on her face.

"Am not" I said as I try not to look at her eyes.

"You are! Why? Don't you want to go somewhere with me?" Toga said as her voice breaks saying the last part.

I then looked at her face and noticed that she looked sad. I then patted her head , and looked at her eyes. "I do want to go with you, I'm also not making excuses, it's just that I don't like the sun" I said as I smile warmly.

Toga then looked at me as if trying to see if I was lying. She then nodded and lowered her head down. "I'm sorry Cai-Kun for yelling at you" Toga said with a sorry expression.

"You don't have to be sorry" I said as I pat her head again. Toga then blush and took my hand off her head.

"Right, I'll be right back then" I said as I go back inside the apartment and quickly grabbed a black hoodie. I then went back outside and found Toga waiting for me.

"Ok are you ready?" I said as I see that she's holding a backpack to which I assume her extra clothing is there.

"Yep! Now let's march!" Toga said as she walks up ahead.

I then followed Toga all the way where this swimming park was. It did took around 15 minutes to get there. Both me and Toga were now in front of the swimming pool entrance.

It was pretty big and looked like only rich people could afford going here. The building was huge, the walls were clear white.

"Wow, are you sure this is the place?" I said as I turn my head to look at her.

"Yep! This is the place, it's cool right!" Toga said with stars in her eyes.

"Heh, yeah it is cool" I said .

We then went to register and gave the person who was at the front desk our tickets for us to enter.

"Ok here are your keys, and the changing rooms for boys should be in the right and the girls are in the left" The women said with a smile .

"Hn" I nodded and I looked at Toga who nodded back as well.

"Well Toga let's meet up back here" I said.

Toga then looked at me and smile. "Ok!"

I then went to the changing room and Toga did so as well.

As I entered I could smell a tantalizing odor that made my nose buzz. The walls were sky blue and the floor had a crystal clear look on it.

I then walked to where my locker was and unlocked with the key the women gave me. I then proceeded to change into my swim wear which was just my shorts .

I the put my backpack inside the locker and noticed it wasn't going to fit so I just smashed the backpack inside and to my wonders it worked.

I noticed that almost nobody was here, only 1 or 2 came here but that was about it.

I then began to leave the changing room, and as I step out I could feel that it got warm. This must be one of the perks of going to a rich swimming pool.

I then walked back to where I said I was going to wait. I only took around 4-5 minutes inside there so Toga should be out in any minute.

"Hey you waiting for anyone darling?~" Said a women who was around 17-18, she had big breast that were at-least D cup.

"Ouu! He's so hot!" Another women said as she approaches me with, this women didn't have big breasts as her friend but she did have a plump butt that looked like it can hypnotize anyone if they were to stare at it for a long time.

I looked at these girls who were now in my view. My face showed no expression whatsoever but deep inside I was a bit disgusted by their antics. Either way Cain chose to play along with this act.

"Hm? Why yes, I am waiting for someone" Cain kindly smile.

The two girls looked at each other than looked back at me.

"I bet that person can wait right!?" The big breasted women said as she takes a step further. She then pushed her boobs against my arm. 'These girls deserve to die' was what I was thinking deep inside. I didn't really like these types of people.

"Hmm how about you come with us, we can show you a good time~" The other girl said as she comes closer.

"Cai-Kun!" Toga said happily as she runs over to me pulling my hand.

"Sorry girls he's mine! Now back off thots!" Toga said as she hissed at them.

"Oh my, look at this little girl. It must be her little sister. Aww how cute, don't worry we will just play for a bit. Right? What was it again? Cai-Kun?" The big breasted girl said.

Toga was definitely not having it and launched herself at her began to punch her in the face, yanking her hair. Her friend watch this with her jaw opened.

"Aaah! Let me go you little brat!" The big breasted girl said as she pushes Toga away.

Toga didn't let go and continue to pounce on her. Breaking her nose and she even took out knife she had on her hair and was about to stabbed the big breasted girl.

I wasn't shocked to say the least but this was quite unexpected. As soon as I saw Toga take out a knife I knew I had to interfere not because I didn't want the big breasted girl to die but because we were in public and I didn't want to go back in jail again.

"Wait Toga! Calm down." I said as I hold her wrist from stabbing the big breasted girl.

"Ha?! Why do you like this girl?!" Toga said as she gets angry again.

"I don't ok" I said to her but she was still mad at the girl. "You shouldn't stab someone on public" I whispered her to her ear.

Toga then looked at me and nodded. "Fine! Hey you two I better not see you or else!" Toga said as she points the knife at them.

"Your crazy!" The big breasted girl said as she weakly gets up and spits blood.

"Let's go!" The other girl said as she helps her friend walk away.

"*sigh* glad that's over, c'mon Toga let's go to the pool" I said as I patted her head.

Toga showed a regretful look not stabbing them but then looked at me and then became happy.

"Okay!" Toga exclaimed as she pulls my hand and walks the direction where the pool was.

As we got there she had let go off my hand and had a light blushed on her cheeks. "Hey you never told me how I look!" Toga said and this surprised me.

I didn't really pay attention to her swim wear but now that I do I noticed that she was wearing a school swimsuit. It was appropriate for her since she still looked like a little girl. I then looked at her and smiled. "It looks good, you look pretty cute" I said .

"Hehe!" Toga blush and giggled.

Toga then jump inside the pool causing a small splash.

I then looked at the pool and I hesitated getting in.

"C'mon let's swim!" Toga said smile showing her canines.

"How about if I just watch you swim?" I said .

"No come here!" Toga said splashing water at my face.

"I kinda don't want to swim" I said as I look the other way.

"Why?! It's not fun if you don't swim with me" Toga said .

"I can't swim" I muttered.

"What did you say?" Toga said as she splashes more water at me.

"I said I can't swim!" I said a bit louder and that caused Toga to laugh.

I was embarrassed since I didn't know how to swim, not even in my past life I've learn to swim. I have been waterboarded before so I wasn't really afraid of drowning.

"I'll teach you how to swim!" Toga said as she pulls my hand.

"Hey wait!" I said but I was already to late since I already got inside the pool.

For a whole hour ,Toga taught me how to swim. Then another hour for us to play around.

We then started to get a bit hungry and bored of playing in the pool so we decided to leave.

It was around 1:30 P.M and we're going to a fast food restaurant. As we got there I noticed that there were a lot of people there.

"Hurry up will you! I'm hungry!"

"It's useless! They'll take a long time before we even order something!"

"Let's go to another fast food restaurant"

I could hear many people complaining. I looked at Toga who in return looked at me.

"Do you want to go to another fast food restaurant?" I said to her.

"No it's ok let's just wait, we could talk while we wait for our food" Toga said as she pulls my hand to where there was a long line of customers waiting to order food.

After 12 minutes of waiting we finally got to the counter.

"Hi I'm sorry about , there not many of us here so it gets hard getting to everyone at the same time" The man who was worker said as he gives a apologetic look.

"No it's fine" I said.

"Well then, what can I get for you two?" The man said.

I looked at Toga and she said what she wanted to order. I didn't really know what to order so I just went with what Toga said.

"Well it'll take at least 30 minutes before we get your food" The man said.

"Eh alright" I said.

"Okay! Here's your receipt and well call you by the number that is on the receipt" The man said.

"Hn" I replied to him.

"Well Toga let's try to find a place to sit" I said and she nodded .

We were able to find a place to sit but that is because some people left. Probably tired of waiting and there were also people who had take-outs.

As we sit down i started to think of what to talk about.

"So Toga, do you know what your going to do after high school?" I said starting the conversation.

"Hmm... my parents want me to be a dentist" Toga said with an uninterested expression.

"Do you want to be a dentist?" I said noticing the look on her face.

"No! Who wants to be a dentist?! That's so lame!" Toga said ranting about dentist.

"Alright alright, then I'll repeat my question what do 'you' want to be?" I said .

"Honestly I don't know" Toga said as she slumps down on the table.

*sigh* since I came into her life I changed a lot of stuff that were supposed to happened. She's probably confused on what to do.

"Why don't you become a hero?" I said giving her an idea.

"My quirk is a villain type and it won't allow me to become a hero. I also don't really want to be a hero" Toga said.

"Hmm I guess but you do what you want. I'll be here to support you" I said.

"Thanks Cai-Kun" Toga said with a light blush appearing on her face. She then tried to hide it .

After 30 minutes of waiting we finally got our food.

We then began to eat our food and after we were done we decided to go back to my house.

As we were walking through the neighborhood I spotted someone who looked very familiar. It was a man who was carrying a women younger than him.

'Is that Bakugo's dad? Hmm I cant really see from here' I thought to myself.

"Is something wrong?" Toga said with her eyes staring at mine.

I looked back at her and said "no nothings wrong ". 'Hmm I wonder if that really was him, could that be why Mitsuki was disgusted by him?'

After we got to the house we played games on the computer.

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