Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Chapter 23 – Combat Training

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The next morning

Cain had just woken up and changed into his school uniform and headed to school. As usual many students and teachers were looking at Cain, as if he was a god. A god who might of been stronger than All Might, a god who can destroy this city apart if he wanted too. That's what they were thinking about anyways.

The public however were scared, well only a part of them. They were scared that a boy could end them all. Many reporters have tried finding Cain, but were getting nothing. They didn't even know where he lived. Almost everything about him had been classified or erase. The public had demanded that the boy should be put under supervision by someone who can easily put him down if he ever were to turn loose. However the hero industry had refused and stated that he's a part of UA, hence he wouldn't become a villain. The public were silenced but It soon started to rise as they heard rumors that this boy was somehow connected to the storm that had happen 15 years ago. No one know where this rumor had started but the Nezu had guessed it was the Heroes that had found Cain on the crater.

While the public were going on a riot. A certain person was secretly gathering people. Villains to be exact, small villains. This person had gray hair with a hand covering his face, only his eyes could be seen. His face was pale and his hair looked to be unkempt and long almost covering his eyes.

"Kurogiri are they ready?" A raspy voice led out of the gray-haired mouth. A man wearing a suit and black fog fusing out of his head looked at the man who was fidgeting.

"Yes sir. Should I get them prepared for the attack?" Kurogiri calmly said as he stops from wiping the cup.

"No! Not yet. I already have everything planned..." Said the man who was furiously scratching the nape of his neck.

Kurogiri gave a court nod and continued to wipe the cups.

Back to Cain. He went to his classes like math, science and other subjects. If Cain is being honest, he didn't like those particular classes but it was way better than middle school. Even if he was smart, he was a still lazy when it came to studies. This was a habit that Cain had in his past life. Cain had just got done eating his lunch alone.He headed to his last class to finish it off.

"Oi!! Cain! Where were you?!" Bakugo said as he slams the table. Most of the students inside the class looked at Cain, all of them had different emotions. Fear. Interest. Relief. Respect.


"Ahh it's him!"

"Hn Cain. My fellow companion."

Cain getting there he hears the loud ashen-haired boy screaming at Iida who was scolding him. Then Cain glanced at a pink-skinned talking to a yellow spiky hair boy. Cain then looked to the left of the class and saw a girl with a ponytail looking at him with a stoic face. Cain let out a sigh out of his nose and walked to his seat.

Sitting down on his seat he crossed his arms and put his head on the table.

"You can't sleep" a feminine voice got Cain's attention and had noticed that this person was in front of him. Cain was a bit confused since he didn't see anyone, that is until he saw the floating clothing. He then remembered that this person was Toru Hagakure. Cain also had remembered what had happend 10 years ago and hope she had forgotten about him.

"Who says im going to sleep?" Cain responded in a lazy tone as he looks at he puts his hand up to his chin.

"You looked tired. So I had guess you were going to sleep." Toru said as she also puts her hand to her chin.

Cain sigh again and looked at Toru. He then glanced out the window. "Why does it matter to you?" Cain said in a cold tone as he looks back at Toru.

"Whoah!! You don't have to get mad about it. I'm just saying, if the teacher sees you sleeping he might kick you out." Toru said as she turns back around and faces away from Cain.

Cain hearing this hummed and took a closer look at Toru. Cain had theorize that he might be able to see her if he activates his Rinnegan. Cain had wonder how she looked like, and had guess that she had brown hair and looked like a normal girl. Cain wanting to see how she looked was about to activate his Rinnegan to confirm if it's true, but was distracted as he hears a loud voice.

"I am!....coming through the door like a normal person!!" A tall built man with his hero suit on said as he enters the class. This was no other than All Might. The number one hero! That is to these students.

The students seeing All Might , they got excited and were filled with happinesses.

"It's All Might!"

"No way! He really is a teacher!"

"Isn't that the costume from the Silver Age?"

"I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units in this subject. Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today. Combat Training!!" All Might said getting the students stoked.

"Combat Training!!??"

"And to go with that are these! Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and request you sent in before school had started!"

"Woah!!!!" Many of the students roared as they see their costumes being shown in front of them.

"After you change, gather in Ground Beta!" All Might said getting the students to rush to their costumes and quickly headed to the locker rooms.

Again like last time Cain was the last person to get up. Getting up from his chair he put his hands on his pockets and walked to his costume and grabbed it with his left hand. Cain looked down at the costume and nodded.

"Young man that's quite a costume you got there!" All Might remarked. Cain didn't even glance at him and continue looking at his costume. Cain grinned and said "yes. It is" After saying that Cain had walked to the locker room, making sure he didn't walk to the girls locker room.

Entering the locker room, he could see the guys getting into their costumes. Some were still naked leaving their bare chest and genitals out in the open. Cain walked to his locker and put the code in to open it. Taking off his clothes , many guys were looking at him. Cain had noticed it got quiet and glanced around the room to find out. But then he sees that the guys were looking at him with small glints of blushes. Cain got a bit disturbed quickly put on his costume.

"Wow Cain-San! I didn't knew you had such a strong refined body!!"

"Yeah yeah what he said!!"

"You're perhaps to... sparkly"

Some of the guys said while others grunted in jealousy.

Cain hearing their comments shook his head and close his locker and walked out of the locker room. Soon other students started to leave and walked to the ground beta.

Cain getting there he saw the costumes that the girls were wearing. The costumes were making their bodies be more pleasing to the eye. Cain then looked at Momo who was wearing such revealing clothing. Her thighs and part of her chest was out in the open making some guys drool. Cain grunted causing the attention of the guys to look at him with fear. The girls had also looked at Cain, and were admiring him.

Cain was wearing a gray sleeveless shirt with the Uchiha symbol, similar to which Sasuke had on the war. Cain was also wearing black pants and shoes. Finish off his costume he had a black cloak. Cain had his katana on his left side of his waist making him look like a ninja. Cain then looked at the costumes of the other students and noticed that Izuku was wearing such an oblivious costume.

"They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware from now own you are heroes! That's great everyone! You all look so cool! Now shall we begin?!" All Might said getting the students to be excited.

"Sensei! Isn't this the battle center from the entrance exam? Will we be conducting urban battle again?" Iida said.

"No, we're going to move ahead two steps! Most of the time, fighting villains takes place outside. Then they're villains who fight indoors. For this class, you'll be split into villains and heroes and fight 2-on-2 indoor battles!" All Might said getting the students on edge.


"But we don't have basic training"

"This battle is to understand those basics! They key this time is that there's no robots you can just beat up." All Might said getting some students to question him.

"How will wind and losses be determined?" Momo said getting the attention of Cain. Cain sigh to himself and looked back at All Might. Momo had noticed the pair of eyes focusing on her and figure it was Cain. Feeling a bit embarrassed she took a step back.

"Will the punishment he expulsion like with Mr. Aizawa?" Uraraka said getting the students to worry about themselves.

"How are we going to split up?" Iida said.

"Am i sparkling?"

All Might getting bombarded with questions started to sweat. "I'll answer all of your questions! Now listen, the situation is that the villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The heroes job is to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or capture the heroes! Teams and opponents will be determined by the drawing lots!!" All Might said as he shows the box that the student will draw their teams.

Cain had already heard this before in tv and only thought to himself who he was going to get paired up with.

"One problem! There will be a one-man team!" All Might said getting the attention of the students. Cain ears perked. He's never heard of this happening on the anime.

"What?! Why?"

"Who is it?"

"How is that fair?!"

"Cain! You will be your own team! You're strong! Maybe strong to even land a finger at me!"
All Might said getting the student to admire Cain even more.

Cain scoff and laugh. "A finger? Haha, you don't even know" Cain said getting the students to get goosebumps.

All Might hearing this sweat and felt uneasiness. He made a nervous chuckle "Well everyone but Cain come here and draw out your teams!" All Might said getting the attention back to him.

After everyone had draw their teams, Cain noticed that everyone was on the same teams as the anime had portrayed.

"Now I will draw your opponents! The first team to fight will be....Team A will be heroes, and Team D will be villains!" All Might said pulling two different balls out of the box. Both teams were put on edge seeing this. Bakugo however grinned and laugh. While Izuko looked at Bakugo with nervousness.

"Everyone else head toward the monitor room." All Might said as the students walk to the room.

The fight went the same with Bakugo and Izuko going to the nurse office. Everyone but Cain was amazed of the power play that those two students put.

Momo had noticed that Cain wasn't talking nor watching the fight and walked towards him.

"Hey, aren't you going to watch?" Momo said getting Cain to look at her.

Cain shook his head. "No, I already know what's going to happen. There's no need for me to watch." Cain replied with no hint of emotion.

"Mhmm but it's still interesting to watch. Hey, I never did get to know what your quirk was. I only heard that you could amplify your speed and strength,and shoot fire and lightning. That's like 4 quirks there, but that impossible since no one could get that much. Unless the fire and lightning come from the same quirk. Then there's that huge sword you had pulled out of your chest. Your quirks doesn't make sense. Cain you don't make sense." Momo said putting her hand up her chin as she looks at Cain.

Cain sigh and scratch the back of his neck. "You're correct that Lightning and Fire come from the same quirk. You see that quirk is called elemental manipulation. Then I have another quirk, but I'm too lazy to explain." Cain said causing Momo to be surprised. She was even more surprised hearing that Cain had more quirks.

"Next battle will be Team Cain vs Team B!!" All Might had announced causing Cain to walk to the battle center and soon Team B had followed.

Team B was the heroes and Cain was the villain. Cain was looking at the Nuclear weapon that was right next to him. Cain already knew what Team B was going to do. So he just waited until they had come.


And soon enough the building was covered in ice, the walls, the floor were all frozen. Cain had already impacted this was going to happen and used a fire ball to melt the ice.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu" Cain released fire balls inside the building heating everything up. He had also made sure to put fire next to the nuclear weapon for it to not get frozen.

Cain then dashed to look for the heroes. Amplifying his speed with coated chakra he manage to find them in a minute.

Todoroki seeing this widen his eyes and quickly raised his hand and released an ice pillar blocking a fireball. The fireball however manage to break into the ice and hit Todoroki.

"Agh!" Todoroki groan as he releases more ice pillars. Shoji seeing his opportunity rush towards Cain blind side and went for a punch. However Cain had expected this and raised his arm.

"Almighty Push" Cain said as a strong force pushed Shoji knocking him out as he hits the wall and breaking it.

Cain then focused on Todoroki who was running towards the Nuclear Weapon. Cain seeing this raised his hand again. "Universal Pull" Cain muttered as Todoroki gets pulled back towards Cain.

Todoroki feeling this release another pillar behind him but it was useless as he kept getting pulled back. Todoroki finding no way to stop himself from getting pulled he launch an ice towards Cain.

Cain seeing this, he Chidori the ice and made a fist and punched Todoroki as he finally got in front of him. Cain had made sure to not kill him.

"Guh!!" Todoroki groan as he flies and collapses to the ground out cold. Everyone in the monitor room were quiet. They were still shocked to what happened. Cain had was like a wolf, while Todoroki and Shoji were a sheep.

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