Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Chapter 21 – Acceptance

Sorry for the short chapter.

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It's been a week since I've taken the entrance exams. After I had finish the practical exams, I've caused an uproar. Many of the examinees rushed towards me asking questions, some even tried grabbing me to see if I was even real.

"Oh my god dude, how did you do it?!"

"You're so manly!!!"

"What's your name!!!?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?!"

I wasn't going to get bothered by this so I just left, leaving the examinees in shock.

As soon as I came to the house, Torino had asked me how it was. I responded by saying that I did good, in which return he smile and patted my back. Though he did received a call from someone, I'm guessing it was Nezu since he reports yearly about me. I already know what he was going to say, since I did a quite a turmoil when using my powers. Honestly everyone is going to know all of my abilities someday, so might as well show some right? Anyways as soon as Torino got done calling Nezu, Torino had asked me how my powers work. I had explained that I had control of elements, specifically lightning, fire, wind, and earth. Though I had only worked on lightning and fire. Then I had explained my other abilities, though I did leave out transformations and jutsus I could do, since I still didn't want anyone to know.

After done explaining, Torino had went and change my quirks since it no longer was a Lightning Quirk, but a elemental manipulation. This later was reported to UA who had seen what my abilities were. They were still shocked, they've never heard of someone able to control elements to this extent. Some teachers proposed that he should be recruited to the military but Nezu refused. Nezu knew who this boy was, he knew that if he were to go to the military then it would change him. Nezu wouldn't take that risk! Nezu had already made arrangements if anything bad were to happen to Cain, and if needed he'd need to kill him. Little does he know that Cain was just playing with the robots, he'd yet to go at 100%.

Now the public had heard of the boy who easily aced the entrance exams. No one knew his name. Since he had just left the battle center, no examinee was able to get his name. But they started giving him names like "Storm" "God" and other names that basically put everyone on edge. Cain knew this would gain unwanted attention, but truthfully he couldn't care less. He was already at the top, unbeatable. He far surpasses anyone in this world. The only person who he has yet to figure out was All For One. Cain thinking of the name narrowed his eyes. For some reason the name alone gave out a weird feeling. "One for all who?" Cain knew not to get overconfident but he could now say that he's truly a god. Cain chuckled as he enters his room and turn on the computer to play games. "Call of Heroes" the popular game in each country. Cain is the number one player in this game, having more than 1000 wins.

There was once certain man, of monster that was looking out towards the darkness. Sitting on his seat he ponders on what he has heard. 'A powerful boy has emerged, just as how I expected ....' This man grinned and tapped his chair and made a call.

"It's begun" The man said in a dark low tone. As he calls to a "Unknown number". The person on the phone in return smiled with a malicious glee underneath the mask.

"Very well...master"




"Package in delivery!!" A voice was heard out the door. Gran Torino being lazy tried to get up from his couch but fell to the ground.

"I've fallen and I can't get up" Sorahiko Torino said as he looks at Cain who was eating his ramen. Cain grunted in annoyance as he drops his fork and stands up and walks towards the door.

Opening the door, Cain sees a box that says UA at the top. Raising an eyebrow, Cain carried the box and dropped it to the couch. "Oh it's probably your acceptance. C'mon open it already!" Torino grumbled as he smacks Cain with his stick, foreseen from Cain he dodges it.

Cain sighed and took out his kunai he had under his sleeve. Torino was puzzled for a sec but then returned back to normal.

Cain cutting the box open, he sees an envelope. Easily cutting the top of the envelope, an object jumped and landed on the floor. The TV screen then changed and no other than All Might appeared. Sorahiko in return stood straight and narrowed his eyes staring at All Might at the screen. Torino then made a tch sound.

"Helloooooo!! I'm All Might! Congratulations! You young man have been accepted to UA!! You might be wondering why I'm here? Well your looking at the newest teacher for UA!! *Cough* * Cough* Anyways young man, you've passed the written test with flying colors!! Not only that, on the practical exam you surprised the teachers and even me!! Hahaha as expected of my teachers grandson..." All Might said the last part as a mutter as he spaced out for a bit.

"Hmm" Cain had already expected that the teachers would be surprised. He had seen the cameras on the building.

"Right!! Here are the scores!!" All might said as the screen projected the highest scores of the entrance exam.

-Entrance Scores-

[Cain-Rank 1st || 100-Written Exam || 200-Villain Points || 40-Rescue Points ]

[Katsuki Bakugo-Rank 2nd || 85-Written Test || 77-Villain Points || 0-Rescue Points]

[Ejiro Kirishima-Rank 3rd || 40-Written Test || 30-Villain Points|| 25-Rescue Points ]

[Tokoyami Fumikage-Rank 4th || 40-Written Test || 35-Villain Points || 10 - Rescue Points]

[Uraraka Ochaco- Rank 5th || 30-Written Exam || 28-Villain Points || 32-Rescue Points ]

[Midoriya Izuku-Rank 6th || 100 -Written Test || 0-Villain Points || 55-Rescue Points]

"Well young man!! I'll see you at school on Monday!! Goodbye!!" All Might said as he gives his signature smile. The projector then powers off, and the show that Torino was just watching turns on.

"Good boy" Gran Torino says as he puts his arm around Cain. "Make sure to give trouble to All Might for me ok?"

Cain removed Torino's arm and stood up. He then went back to kitchen and tried to finish his ramen. Cain then pulled out his phone and message Toga.

[Cain: I got accepted.]

After a couple of seconds his phone buzz. Cain had figured that Toga had read the message and replied to me back. He'd always wonder what Toga does in her house. Looking at the message, Cain formed a small smile. It was pretty hard to see but if you were to pay close attention you would be able to see it.

[Toga: OMG!!! Congratulations!!! I knew you'd do it!!! I'll go to your house and let's celebrate it.]

[Cain: Hmm thanks. You could come if you want to, but you don't have to.]

Cain replied back. Cain didn't want to be a bother to Toga. Even though it's usually Toga who bothers him.

[Ill come!!!! Wait for me!!!! You still have to feed me!!! I need your blood!!!!! Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!!! I'll be there in 10 minutes!]

Toga ended the conversation. Cain chuckled as he reads through her message. He grabs his coke can and takes a sip.

"Ahhh" Cain sighs as he finished his soda.

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