Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 166: Leveling Up Begins

After Adrian had conversation with Celes, the young mercenary's resolve seemed to harden.

She stood a little taller, her awe transforming into determination as she prepared herself for what lay ahead.

Adrian gave her one last nod before turning back towards the assembled army. He noticed that they had finished grouping up. It was time to begin.

"Alright," Adrian's voice echoed across the training chamber. "Everyone, you've been divided into your groups."

Adrian, then looked at the remaining soldiers that were not divided, mainly his Draconian Batalion and few Captain ranked soldiers.

He then commanded, " Each and every group will be overseen by Draconian Awakaners. Your task is to fight and level up. Each one of you will be pushed to brink, so be ready."

The fifty draconian awakened, towering and fearsome in their armored forms, each strode toward their respective squads of soldiers.

These elite beings were a unique force—infused with draconic power , bounded by their loyalty to Adrian.

Even though they were capped at level 50 for now, their power was still immense compared to the soldiers they led.

He already had discussion regarding this matter with the system, the day he had entered the training chamber before attacking Mortimer. 

It had simply replied that though their levels can exceed his level by 20, they can only be a class higher than Adrian and that was also limited to third class.

After Adrian reaches third class, they would also be at the same class until Adrian crosses the threshold of third class, becoming fourth class Awakened.

Adrian then turned his gaze towards the divided soldiers. The foot soldiers, numbering in the hundreds, were divided into various groups.

Each group would be overseen by a draconian awakened. These soldiers, mostly between levels 7 and 10, were the backbone of Adrian's forces, but they only few had reached level 10, earning them their first class.

Despite their relatively low levels, their previous year of condensed training had left them highly skilled.

They could wield their weapons with precision, cast spells with efficiency, and perform in battle well above what their levels would suggest.

But skill alone would not be enough in the wars to come. Adrian needed their levels to rise, to balance their raw power with their honed abilities.

The chamber responded to Adrian's mental command, and a series of portals shimmered into existence before each group.

The soldiers knew what was coming. Each portal led to a simulation zone where they would face a series of increasingly difficult monsters, designed to challenge them and force their levels to grow.

The monsters ranged from beginner beasts like goblins and wolves to more advanced creatures as they progressed—ogres, trolls, and even low-tier magical beings.

As the soldiers began to move toward their assigned portals, Adrian raised his hand once more, calling their attention.

"This is your opportunity to grow stronger," Adrian said, his voice carrying with an air of command. "Push yourselves. Fight hard. And don't forget—this is only the beginning. What you achieve here will set the stage for what we accomplish out there."

The soldiers responded with a unified roar of acknowledgment before stepping through the portals, disappearing into their respective simulation zones.

Adrian turned his attention to the elites next. These soldiers, ranging between levels 10 and 20, had already proven themselves in battle.

They were not only experienced but capable of leading smaller squads into combat. Unlike the lower-level foot soldiers, these elites would be facing significantly more difficult challenges.

They would be fighting more cunning monsters, enemies that would require them to think strategically and work together as a team.

Each elite group had been assigned a draconian awakened leader as well, and they too began to disappear into their own simulation zones, their faces set with determination.

Adrian knew that these elites would be crucial in the coming battles. He needed them to rise to the level of first-class awakened, and this training would be their best chance to do so.

Finally, there were the captains.

Each of Adrian's captains was at least level 30, battle-hardened warriors who had not only proven their worth but had also commanded respect from their subordinates.

The captains, unlike the foot soldiers and elites, were already close to reaching their second-class awakenings.

The captains would face more advanced simulations—creatures that were both powerful and intelligent.

The virtual chamber would throw them into scenarios where they would need to use their leadership skills as much as their combat prowess.

Adrian's gaze lingered on the captains as they entered their own zones. His goal for them was simple: push them beyond their current limitations, preparing them for the day when they would lead entire divisions in his army.

Once all the soldiers, elites, and captains had passed through their respective portals, Adrian turned to the remaining fifty draconian awakened.

Though they were the most powerful beings in his army, they had hit a limit—bound by their inability to level up past the cap set by Adrian's own power.

"Your role is crucial," Adrian said to them, his tone firm but respectful.

"You will not be leveling up, but your guidance will shape the future of this army. Train them, teach them, and ensure that they come out stronger than before. Without your leadership, they will falter."

Each of the draconian awakened nodded in understanding. They knew that their strength was not in personal growth now, but in the growth of the army beneath them.

They were more than fighters—they were mentors, leaders, and guardians of Adrian's vision for the future.

With the soldiers now deeply immersed in their simulations, Adrian felt a sense of calm settle over him.

Everything was in motion. His forces were growing stronger by the second, and soon, they would reach the levels required to stand against the higher nobility.

As the hours passed, the sounds of battle echoed faintly through the chamber. Monsters roared, weapons clashed, and magic crackled through the air.

Adrian moved from one simulation to the next, observing the progress of his soldiers.

Each battle fought in the simulation zones pushed them closer to their next level, and he could already sense the increase in their strength.

Every time a soldier leveled up, a faint glow would surround them, signifying their growth. The lower-ranked foot soldiers were making steady progress, their numbers swelling as they rose from levels 7, 8, and 9 toward level 10 and beyond.

Their skills, already sharp from previous training, now matched their increasing power, and the balance Adrian sought was becoming a reality.

The elites were also showing promising results. Some of them had already surpassed level 15, their speed of progression a testament to the intensity of the simulations.

With each battle, they grew more confident, more capable. Adrian knew it wouldn't be long before many of them hit the threshold for their second-class awakening.

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