Reincarnated With the Seduction System

Chapter 164: Mission Complete

Adrian let out a deep, weary sigh as he watched his women slowly begin to file out of the room.

The teasing session had finally come to an end, though not without its fair share of tension and embarrassment.

Rosalyn and Eve, in particular, still looked thoroughly mortified, their faces red as they hurriedly tried to gather their composure.

Even now, the others couldn't help but continue teasing them with playful remarks.

Sophia's parting words had been lighthearted but clear: "Next time, Adrian, don't you dare leave me out. Or else."

She had shot him a threatening glare before turning and leaving with others.

Meanwhile, Seraphina was still giggling softly to herself, clearly enjoying every second of their flustered reactions.

But getting them to leave hadn't been easy. Adrian had to coax each of them, making small promises and agreeing to different conditions before they'd finally relented and agreed to leave the room.

Isabella, calm and acting as the mediator, had simply smiled and told him, "You'll have to make it up to all of us eventually, Adrian. Just be ready."

Now, alone in the room with the echo of their footsteps growing fainter in the halls, Adrian leaned back against the wall, rubbing his temples.

His mind swirled with a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction. This is what it means to be blessed and cursed at the same time, he thought wryly.

His life had certainly become an intricate balancing act, juggling the affections of his women while managing the myriad of tasks that came with his newfound position of power.

He couldn't deny it, though. Despite the teasing, the occasional jealousy, and the playful power struggles, this was exactly the kind of life he'd always imagined in his past life.

A life filled with love, strength, and the companionship of powerful and beautiful women by his side.

He smiled to himself, feeling a tinge of bliss as he thought about each of them—how they supported him, challenged him, and made his life infinitely more interesting.

His thoughts shifted, and he turned his attention inward, focusing on the familiar hum of his system. As expected, the notification appeared in his mind as soon as he called for it:

Mission Completed: Oyakodon Mission


+50 Charm

100,000 Seduction Points (SP)

Virtual Training Chamber Vouvher (Leveling Version) x2

Adrian's face had a wide grin at the sight of the rewards, especially the last one.

The Virtual Training Chamber was one of the most valuable assets he had acquired through his system—a perfect tool for training and leveling up quickly as well as the solution for current problem.

With these, he could not only speed up the process of getting stronger for himself, but for everyone.

His men would be able to level up much faster, gaining strength and skills that would make them a force to be reckoned with.

The same went for his women—they, too, could benefit from the accelerated training, further solidifying their positions as some of the most powerful individuals in the world.

Besides, like the way they came to Mortimer's castle, he could now return back without alerting anyone, especially Count Blackthorn's family, of his movements.

Adrian's mind raced with possibilities. Tomorrow, first thing, he would gather his army and have them move into the training chamber. He would then return back to Everhart Manor and open the training chamber from there.

He let out another sigh, this one more content than before. Things were falling into place.

The rewards from the mission were a blessing, and now he had a clear plan moving forward. His future was brighter than ever, filled with opportunities for growth and conquest.

But for now, he needed to rest. He would need his full strength for tomorrow. Organizing the training sessions, managing his army, and overseeing the progress of his women would require both mental and physical endurance.

He also knew that he would need to fulfill the promises he had made to each of his women earlier—something that, while pleasurable, would certainly be demanding in its own way.

With a final glance at the system notification, Adrian allowed himself a small smile before dismissing it from his mind. The path ahead was clear, and he was ready to walk it.

The next morning, Adrian gathered everyone from his side. Seraphina, Sophia, Rosalyn, Eve, Isabella, and the key figures of his army stood before him, listening intently.

The next morning, Adrian stood tall in the training grounds of Mortimer's estate, the crisp morning air filled with anticipation.

His soldiers were gathered, alongside the enslaved Vincent, Isolde, and Asmodeus, the former men of Count Vortigern.

Adrian's gaze swept over the crowd, knowing that this day would mark the beginning of a new phase in his future plannings.

Addressing Vincent, Isolde, and Asmodeus first, Adrian spoke in a low but commanding tone.

"You know the plan. Blame Mortimer's exiled son for everything. His disappearance makes him the perfect scapegoat. Your loyalty to me is sealed, and your safety comes before anything else. If things go south, do not hesitate to abandon Mortimer and fall back."

The three nodded, their expressions serious. The soul-binding contract made it impossible for them to disobey Adrian's command. It was in their best interest, after all.

"After that follow whatever Count Vortigern has instructed, but make sure to report everything to me," Adrian added, his voice steady but laced with authority.

Vincent, the first one to be enslaved, of the trio, responded, "Understood Master. We won't let you down."

Adrian gave them a final nod of approval, then turned his attention to his army. His soldiers, battle-hardened and loyal, stood ready for the next step in their training.

They had been through much under his leadership, and now it was time to elevate their strength to even greater heights.

With a subtle motion, Adrian discreetly activated the Virtual Training Chamber Voucher. Before his army's eyes, a shimmering portal materialized in front of them.

The soldiers, who had already experienced the chamber once, recognized the opportunity immediately.

Excitement and determination surged through the ranks as they prepared to step through the gateway.

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