Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 29 (4)

Dear Diary,

Well, we did it. After many, many, many fails, Nat and I made something that is almost pasta. It’s passable if you’ve never had pasta before. And we made a decent sauce to go with it. It would have been infinitely better with garlic and basil, but such is life. 

It kind of felt like sacrilege to make Italian food without garlic or basil, not gonna lie. If the Admin showed up and told Nat she could have basil in exchange for her soul, she would accept in a heartbeat. It’d take me three heartbeats, but I’d probably do it, too. Basil is a good herb. Maybe I should start a campaign, ask everyone including the ants and yetis to write the Admin asking for basil. Hang banners everywhere that say “We Need Basil”. Specifically fresh basil, because as long as I’m asking for something I might as well ask for the best. I won’t start a campaign for garlic, because if I add more than one thing the list will instantly explode into like a thousand different things Nat and I wish we had.

Oh, speaking of the ants! Aya and them finally killed the big giant evil worm thing! It took them forever, but they managed it. Aya says it was close, they lost two thirds of the ants. She says they lured it into the spider’s territory, so the spiders helped. The spiders didn’t know they were helping, but they probably took out a quarter of the worm’s HP. The tricky part was getting the worm out of the spider’s territory just before it died so the loot wouldn’t drop where the spiders would claim it. But they did it! And as a result, Aya gained enough XP to max out several stats. She’s officially the strongest of us, and will probably stay that way for a long time. I’m happy for her. Lilly is kinda jealous.

I get why she’s jealous, but it’s not like this was unexpected. I mean, Aya’s been down there for the better part of two cycles now, fighting with the ants. Of course she was getting stronger. Meanwhile, we were just hanging out and partying. 

Ok, not just that, but mostly that. I was already a lvl 100 chef, so I haven’t gained anything. I think the stat we’ve all collectively gained was wolf taming, since we’re pretty active with the dire wolves. I don’t know if that will ever come in handy, but who knows. It might, especially if we decide to go up through the floors and meet more wolves.

In other news, Mika and Via’s band are putting together an opera. Lilly and Staab are in charge of the actors, and Kimi and Y are in a competition to see who can design the most epic sets for it. I don’t really have a part in this. I mean, what would I do? Unless the play involves a giant cake, there’s not much I can contribute. It makes me feel left out, but at the same time I feel guilty for feeling left out. After all, Aya isn’t a part of it, either.

I think I’ll go ask her if she feels left out.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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