Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 29 (1)

Dear Diary,

New cycle! We’re back in our house on Floor 97! The dire wolves are back in their house here too, getting all the attention from the kobolds. I think some of the kobolds are trying to figure out if dire wolf puppies can be a thing. 

I don’t have anything new to cook with this cycle. Which is sad, but Nat says this gives us time to improve the recipes we already have. I can’t argue with that! We’ve already made blackberry biscuits that are a hundred times better than regular biscuits, and I like them better than blackberry pancakes, too. We’re going to try making pasta, even though we have nothing appropriate for pasta making. It’ll be fun!

OH! Ok so, I found something out! I mentioned that it was weird the kobolds all had three-letter names. Like, Mika’s band members are Sam, Tif, Ash, Zoe and Mat. Nat told me the names the kobolds have now are just the first three letters of their original names. Her name used to be Natalia, and when she became a kobold it was turned into Nat. 

Which was super interesting and all, but I couldn’t figure out what Y’s original name had been. Unless his parents totally hated him and just straight-up named him “Why”. So Nat explained that some people got to change their names. People named things like Charlie or Grace, who didn’t want to be called Gra or Cha. Y’s name, the shortened version, is actually You

I feel like Mika or Kimi could find something really sneaky and clever to do with this information. I don’t know what to do with it. Other than randomly saying “hey, You,” when he walks into the room. Which just seems lame. 

I haven’t told anyone yet. I kinda want to, but a part of me doesn’t want to. I mean, it’s not a secret, but it isn’t my business. Who cares what his name was, because none of us use our old names. They don’t matter any more. Although, at this point I would probably freak out if someone called me Rachel. It’d just be too weird. Especially if it were someone who I know I didn’t tell. Like, it’s possible I’ve mentioned it to the girls and don’t remember. So if Mika called me Rachel it’d be super weird. But if Lewis called me Rachel, that would seriously freak me out.

Anyways, tomorrow we (the catgirls) are going to go down to the yetis and ask what their levels are. Just to know exactly how strong we are compared to what the average player is used to when they get here. I don’t know if I want it to be way higher or only a little bit. Way higher would be cool, but it would also be kinda scary in a way. I’m pretty sure the players all reset to zero every cycle, while we don’t, so we’ve had a lot more time to level up than the players do. But the players have… I don’t know, more incentive? They actively work at getting stronger through the cycle, while we kinda got strong by accident and for fun.

I’m making a couple pizzas for the yetis, and they’re just about done.

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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