Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 28 (6)

Dear Diary,

Home sweet home. I missed my diner so much. And my diner missed me, or at least it should have. I spent like four hours dusting and cleaning everything. Turns out dust is a thing here! I hadn’t noticed before, since I always kept my kitchen clean, and the tables were all used pretty often. My restaurant diner thing (I use the words interchangeably) is where the girls all hang out. We all have our shops and homes, but they get pretty boring alone. Plus I have food and milkshakes here. People always gravitate to food.

Thinking it over, I did know that dust was a thing. When Dorothy was here the inn was always pretty dusty. She didn’t clean much. Or at all. Mostly because she didn’t move. Via keeps the inn all nice and clean, so I haven’t thought about dust since she got here.

It’s not that I don’t clean, no. I clean my diner every day. And since I clean every day, nothing has time to get dusty.

Anyways, the going-away party the kobolds threw for us was epic. I’ve said it before and will probably say it again: the kobolds know how to party. They even put party streamers on Lewis the dragon, which he wasn’t all that thrilled about but it looked super cute. I mean, imagine a giant black dragon named Bonecrusher the Black… covered in party streamers. With a kobold-sized party hat. It was adorable.

Someone convinced Aya to let them tie ribbons in her hair. The ribbons all turned yellow, because that’s how things work here, but the effect was… well… ok honestly it looked like she’d let a couple three year olds play with her hair for an hour. Lewis looked cute. Aya mostly looked resigned.

Anyways, other than that we all had a great time at the party.

I kinda love the mentality the kobolds have about parties. I mean, there isn’t a year here, and cycles are different lengths. So instead of having parties for Christmas or birthdays, they have parties for everything. Someone leveled up a cool skill? Party. The wolves did something adorable? Party. Nat made something new and it was delicious? Party! Someone broke the record for fastest race? Party!! Someone was bored? Party!!! Who needs Christmas when you have one party a week anyways?

I wonder if the yetis ever have parties. Probably not. It’s easier to have parties when there are lots of reasons to celebrate, and with more people come more reasons. I mean, we never had parties. Staab mentioned that there weren’t ever parties on his floor. Although, since the yetis have a calendar, they might celebrate Christmas.

I’m super curious about that now. Next cycle I’ll have to go down to the yetis and ask. But they’re weird, so I’ll have to find someone who wants to go with me. Maybe Via will want to see their floor. And Aya might want to come, or at least we might be able to convince her to join us. I don’t think anyone really likes the yetis, so I’m not sure anyone will want to come specifically to talk to them.

But, never hurts to ask…

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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