Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 28 (1)

Dear Diary:

New cycle! That means we don’t have to deal with players any more, and can use the keys!!!

The keys work for us, which is super great! AND it lets us go up through the levels, so we were able to give Staab his key!

Sorry I’m using so many exclamation marks, I’m just super excited. Here, I’ll just… get it out of my system:

There. That feels better.

The first thing we did when the cycle ended was go up a floor to give Staab his key. His floor is a lava floor, and it’s super neat! I was going to write “super cool”, but, lava.

We met the rest of the hobgoblins and the ghosts that live on his floor. I guess they didn’t believe that Staab had us as friends, because they were super shocked to meet us. I know he’s told them about us, because they immediately knew which one of us was Lilly.

Anyways, then we went down to see the wolves, and they almost bit Staab! They didn’t recognize us for a few seconds, but they sure recognized the meatballs. After eating, we were all friends again.

Getting the dire wolves through the barrier was kinda hard, but eventually we figured out to tie the keys onto string, then tie the string around their necks like a collar. After that all we had to do was untie the string and toss it back through the barrier so Kimi and I (who had tied the string) could pass through.

We really need more keys. I wish Kimi had keys in her shop. Oh well.

We’d told Nat and Y that we had keys and would be coming down, so when we got to the kobold’s floor they already had a party ready. Via was shy at first, but it helped that Mika had already introduced her to the band over the stones. When the band got together and started playing she really opened up.

We had a great time at the party. Aya stayed for a while, even though she wanted to go down to the ants right away. When she left we gave her a pizza for them. By “we” I mean Nat and I.

Oh! Nat is super excited about the taco ingredients! We didn’t have time to experiment with anything, since we were too busy making food for the party, but we can’t wait to start experimenting tomorrow morning.

Speaking of which… When the party wound down, the food was gone, the band wasn’t really playing any more… Lilly said it was time to go. Kimi asked why we had to leave. Especially since we were just going to come back tomorrow. None of us had a good reason, soooo…

The kobolds built us a house on their floor.

It’s not the greatest house. I mean, it was built in half an hour by a couple dozen kobolds stacking bricks in a basic square shape, and doesn’t have a roof. There aren’t any rooms. The only furniture is three bunk beds.

Tomorrow they’ll draw up plans and build an actual house for us, but this is fine for now.

So, from Floor 97,

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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