Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 26 (4)

Dear Diary,

Sorry I haven’t written in a week. Now that we’re stuck here again not much has happened.

Kimi is better. She’s quieter than usual, but joins us for all the marble races. Not for all our meals, though. Her marble team is in the championship bronze spot, so she gets pretty invested in the races, which is good.

My team is mostly good, but I have one marble that I think I’m going to have to replace. He’s consistently one of the last marbles to finish, meaning the other three marbles have to be in the top six for the team to get a medal.

Actually, yeah, tomorrow I’ll run a set of races to replace him. Life is too short to race with slow marbles.

Anyways, Mika made Via a metal drum, and it sounds super cool. They play music every morning, and have a bunch of different songs. Aya writes poetry, and they’ve asked her to help them with lyrics a couple times. Via can write lyrics and come up with basic tunes, but Mika is purely an instrument person. So she takes the basic tunes and turns them into something epic. It’s cool to listen to, to hear how a song changes from the first basic drum rhythm into a full song with lyrics and multiple instruments.

That just leaves Lilly, who has been helping me cook. She’s not as excited about cooking as Nat, but she knows what she’s doing and has nothing better to do sooo…

She has more experience with East Asian food than I do. Like, she knew that sushi rice has vinegar in it. Which is why it tastes kinda, well, vinegar-y. It’s not a strong flavor, I couldn’t put my finger on it until she told me, but once she said it I could tell. Via also has soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger in her inventory, and Lilly immediately knew like a dozen things to make with those.

Oh, we were all around when Via pulled all the food out of her inventory. Aya, turns out, has never had sushi. Which means she didn’t know what wasabi was. I guess she thought it was some kind of green tea or vegetable paste? She took a huge blob of it and popped it into her mouth before anyone could stop her.

Her head almost exploded. Pretty sure that if her hair was short, it would have caught fire. She ran to the sink and spit it out, then shoved ice cream in her mouth to cool her tongue down. That gave her a brain freeze, so she curled up on the floor and cried for like ten minutes.

I would have done the same.

Anyways, Via has three types of sushi. Well, it’s all the simple seaweed/rice/fish sushi, but there are three types of fish. The first two are tuna (not canned) and salmon, but I’m not sure what the third one is. Lilly says it’s sea bass, and I have no reason to doubt her. I would have killed for there to have been shrimp, or maybe crab, but I’m not complaining.

That’s about it for now.

Goodnight, dungeon.

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