Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 25 (2)

Dear Diary,

We were so close to getting through floor 99 today! Only Lilly died, but since we’ve decided to only go through as a group we had to let the last tiger kill us all. She was kind of upset, but would have been more upset if we’d gone down without her.

Actually… I’m not sure if I should write this, but Y went down. He doesn’t come back to the same floor as us, so he thought no one would notice. But Kimi called him on the sending stone, and he told her. And then she told me, because apparently there’s a venomous dragon down there, and she asked if I wanted to change my bikini from white to green.

I decided to.

Oh yeah, the bikini top is stupidly great armor. Before, the bats bit us and it hurt, but now they bite and we don’t even feel it. Which made us realize that we probably should have bought armor before now.

We… Yeah, I never said I was the smartest catgirl on the floor, but the fact that I was one of the first two to buy armor makes me feel smart. We probably should have bought armor at the very beginning, we might not have died quite as much. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20. And I would have expected Mika to be the one to suggest armor, or maybe Kimi because she sells it, but not Kimi and me just because it’s super cute.

In other news, eggs are an amazing ingredient. Having them is wonderful. The pancake mix can be turned into pretty good muffins. One of the jams I got was blackberry, and it has actual blackberry pieces in it, so Nat figured out how to get the blackberries out of the jam, and then we made blackberry muffins. They’re sweeter than I’d like them to be, but that’s a problem for another day.

The first batch we made turned out super stupidly sweet, to the point that we couldn’t eat them. Instead of throwing them away Nat suggested I take them down to the ants. So when it was time to head home instead of having Lewis incinerate me I ran down a level and gave the ants a basket of muffins. They loved them. I guess they don’t really have much food on their floor, because Aya said they’re willing to eat anything. I’ll have to keep bringing them stuff to eat. I wonder how much they’d like calzone…

This cycle, instead of doing one marble races, we’re doing teams of four. First marble to get to the finish line wins, but the speed of every single marble affects championship position. So if one goes super fast but the other three are near the back of the pack, that’s overall bad. This way we don’t have to just race every day, we can do jumping competitions and stuff like that, too.

We drew on the marbles to differentiate them. My team this cycle is the Momos: Mimo, Memo, Mamo, and team captain Mumo. All we’ve done are the prelims, but I have a good feeling about this team.

Go Momos!

Goodnight, dungeon!

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