Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 19 (7)

Dear Diary,

Well, I asked about the saying “no thanks” if we win, and that’s basically the whole plan. 

Kimi and Aya said they need to do that, and the prize we need to ask for instead is a world where no one has any bad luck. They said it’s kinda complicated, but basically the losers here will all get super bad luck. That’s not nice, so we need to ask to give the bad luck to slimes and cockroaches instead. 

I like the idea of slimes having super bad luck. 

They said they were gonna sit everyone down and tell us about it on Cycle 20, so we’re close enough. 

I kinda think we should tell the other players, and ask for their help. Kimi and Aya said not to, though. They said we should leave it up to the Admins to talk about it to their players. It’s kinda too big of a thing for us to handle.

But now I'm wondering why the top prize is getting our own country in the first place. Maybe players were chosen because they have leadership qualities? Like, I know everyone was given some kind of personality test, and that’s how they chose who to put where. 

Doesn't seem like it, though. Like, I love Fire to pieces, but I don't think she’d be very good at running a kingdom. Steel might be. But Fire should be… I don't know, she just needs to be loved.

Unless people lied on their personality tests. Or maybe one of the questions was “do you want to run a country”, and players are all the people who said yes?

But then why the murder-loop dungeons?

I don't know. Maybe I should ask the Admin about it. 

Altho if I asked about it, I should ask through Admin 5’s message system thing. Since our Admin responded to my last message with her name on it. 

I kinda just want to write a big long list of random questions and send it off to him. 

Oh! Speaking of the last time he messaged me, I made all the desserts he asked for except Admin 5’s. I'm gonna make something epic for her next cycle, when hopefully I'll have more time with a kitchen. 

I'm thinking of making a tiered tray. Layer one will have ladyfingers, because they’re pretty basic and no one dislikes them. Then if someone is willing to pick the nuts out of the trail mix that’s sold in the shop I’ll make torrone for the second layer. Nat and I tried making it once, but in our old dungeon the only nuts we had were peanuts, and it didn't end up all that good. But I think I remember how to make it. And if I don't make it perfect, I'm sure someone here will eat it. 

Anyways, layer three will be cupcakes. I get the feeling Admin 5 would like lemon cupcakes with dark chocolate frosting. I don't know why. It’s just… a vibe

And then the top layer will be a big cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting. 

Because I haven't made any cinnamon rolls in a while, and the Sams were talking about them earlier so I kinda want one. 

I think that’ll be properly epic. Enough variety to not be boring, at least. 

Anyways, now that I have that extremely important thing figured out, I'm gonna go sleep. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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