Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 19 (5)

Dear Diary,

Our Admin wrote me through Admin 5’s… message account thing? I got a message from Admin 5, but the first line said it was Admin 6 writing, so I don't know. 


He asked me to make apple pie for Admin 1, Gin’s version of mac and cheese for Admin 2, candied peanuts for Admin 3, chocolate cupcakes for Admin 4, and the absolute most epic dessert I can possibly manage for Admin 5.

So I have some cooking to do!

Oh yeah, and he said that next cycle everyone in the group should have silver magic available, but to please not use it yet. 

He wrote to me and Y about it, not anyone else. I don't know why. Maybe his message thing is broken, and he didn't want to take up too much time on Admin 5’s… computer thing. 

Do they have computers? I’ve only seen them use screens, like the ones we use to see inventories and our stats and spells and stuff. 

Which I guess is a type of computer? I don't know. 

Anyways, Admin 4’s group is pulling ahead of us. They’re only two Floors ahead, but that’s enough of a lead for us to think we’re probably not going to win. Especially since Admin 5’s group is ahead of them. 

I wish there was some way of learning how many wins everyone has. I mean, we’re all doing our best, but knowing if we can afford to lose a couple times or not would be good. 

Meanwhile, the Sams’ plans for having a beach party next cycle are gaining popularity. We basically have to convince all the players to not fight for a day or two, assuming we're told to, and I'm pretty sure everyone has agreed.

Except for a couple super edgy people who won't agree to anything fun cuz it's against their code or something. But they’re in the minority and can be ignored. 

Besides, if everyone is having fun and one person decides to ruin it, I think they’ll be the one ruined instead. 

Oh! The people on Floor 39, the ones who are just blood circulatory systems held together with magic, finally gave me their names! It took long enough… I haven’t been pushing, I just kinda kept mentioning that it would be nice and polite if I knew their names, and they finally let me know!

So now I have the names of all the people in the whole dungeon!

Well, except for a few players. I have most of the players’ names written down. Including ours, I have… fifty-three names. So only seven to go! They’re mostly in Admin 3’s group; I haven’t talked to them all that much. 

Seven out of… Well, with the dracoraptors and velociraptors and wolves and cats, I’ve got seven hundred and twenty-six names. I counted Floor 1 as the player’s floor, and wrote in sixty for the number of names. Even though I didn’t have them all yet.

Some people were suspicious when I asked their names. Like I’m gonna do some evil magic with it. But that’s silly. I don’t think name magic is a real thing in any of the dungeons.

Anyways, it’s getting late and I need sleep!

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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