Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 12 (4)

Dear Diary,

We got to Floor 60!

The party is super fun! It’s gonna continue for like the next three days until every player is here. And then someone will decide ways of choosing who gets to push the button. 

Maybe. Or maybe we’ll all just keep partying until the Director decides we need to go back to doing the dungeon loop thing. I wouldn't mind that. 

Oh, it was decided that the dire wolves needed to stay on their Floor. As much as they would have loved this party, some of the players might have been scared by them.

I'm sad, but it’s ok. 

A couple people have tried to charm Athena, the spy catgirl, into giving them the reset button. But she now has a ring that makes her almost completely immune to charm magic. Samurai found it in a loot box and gave it to her. 

So no one can end the cycle before we’re all ready for it to end!

Somehow, in some way that was completely unpredictable and a shock to everyone who knows me, I ended up spending most of this afternoon helping Nyx in the diner.

Avi helped too; he showed her how to mix cocktails. Good cocktails, not just putting vodka in orange juice or rum into totally-not-Coca-Cola.

Oh, Nyx is the diner owner. I can't remember if I've written that down yet. She’s very serious about cooking. I get the feeling she likes making food that looks good more than tastes good. 

Like, I think she would rather die than make Gin’s version of mac and cheese. She knows how to make perfect lattes with lovely designs on the foam. She does things like arrange hamburgers and fries artistically on a plate.

And the fries getting a little cold while she arranges them doesn't bother her. It bothers me, though, so I did most of the cooking while she did all the plating. 

…We’re in the middle of an all-player party and yet I write about food for five paragraphs.

In non-food news! Everyone from Admin 6’s group is here. Frog and Octavius’ parties are here. Fire and Steel got here like two hours ago. Umm… Hash and 9 aren't here yet. Bacon should get here tomorrow morning, according to Mika. 

Kimi and Y made fireworks and set them off this evening. I don't know how, but people figured out that they’re the ones who blew up the sulfur floor on the first cycle, so they’re kinda in hiding now.

Apparently dying due to inhaling too much sulfur dioxide is like one of the worst ways to die. At least according to the people who tried to get through the floor after us. They… Yeah, Kimi and Y are not popular at the moment. 

Altho everyone in our group finds this situation to be anywhere from incredibly amusing to downright hilarious. Except Lily, who looks down on us for finding any enjoyment in anything at all. How dare we.

Tomorrow the party will start back up at about noon, so we can sleep in as late as we want. It’s a little past midnight right now, but the party is still going. I was just tired of being on my feet and wanted to sit down and unwind a little.

Avi and Mika were preparing some kind of band thing, but he just came back to our room. And is now watching me write. 

Watching… me… write… very… important… things… as… slowly… as… possible… because… he’s… too… polite… to… ask… me… to… stop… just… so… he… can-Okfine.


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