Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 11 (6)

Dear Diary,

Y got here, but Avi isn't here yet. Avi says he should be here tomorrow before lunch, if everything works out.

So here’s hoping everything works out. 

I asked Y what he thought happened, with the random switch, and he thinks maybe the Director was trying to figure out who was causing all the problems. Maybe. He hasn't heard of anyone else being switched, but then he hasn't talked to anyone other than Kimi.

Oh yeah, Kimi apparently gave up fighting and has been giving everyone cookies to get through the floors. She says it works, and I'm glad. 

I still don't know why the NPCs are acting all weird, but I'm glad they’re being nice to people with food. I think everyone should be nice to people who make food. And drinks. If you’re mean to someone who makes drinks, you deserve whatever poison they put in it. 

Speaking of drinks, Y agreed that making a night-night drink would be a good idea, but it’s surprisingly hard to make a drink that will put someone to sleep without resorting to hard drugs or lethal chemicals. Like, there are calming things, but unless the drink kinda damages the brain it’s not going to work on everyone. He then went into detail about how a significant percent of Earth’s population had sleep-related issues, and how people have been searching for a non-harmful and non-addictive cure for insomnia for decades, with no real success.

And then he forgot I don't speak Chemical and started explaining how to make chloroform and similar things. 

Altho it kinda got me thinking about chemicals for cleaning. Like, we have magic that cleans things, but I'm not 100% sure what it does. Like, if it gets rid of bacteria and germs, or just germs, or what. The only thing I was provided in my diner was dish soap, so I used that to clean everything that needed something more than water. 

But if we go to a new world, and that new world has magic, will someone make bleach and stuff? Or is a magic cleaning spell just as good as bleach?

I guess I'll have to wait and see!

Incidentally, I now know that bleach is an important ingredient in lots of chemicals that are suuuuuper bad for your brain. I'm kinda glad it doesn't exist here, cuz after learning about it from Y I don't ever want to be within ten feet of it ever again. If I ever have kids, bleach will not be allowed in my house. 

In other news, Fire said she wanted to try one of the ranch balls that we use to kill slimes. We warned her that they were super gross, but she insisted. So we made a batch and gave one to her. 

She now agrees they are super gross, and says she understands why they’re capable of killing slimes. 

I mean, the “ranch” that we make is really a mix of ranch and mayonnaise, with extra egg yolk. It’s not lethal, but it is very… unpleasant. And I don't bother putting anything in the bread to make it yummy, no sugar or salt or anything, and I bake them a teeny bit too long so they hold their shape better, so the ranch ball shells kinda taste a little like cardboard.

Altho I will admit I've never tasted both things together. I just tried them apart out of curiosity. …I’m a chef, I have to taste the food I make, even the food meant to kill slimes. 

Anyways, it’s getting late. I should sleep. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!

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