Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 11 (3)

Dear Diary, 

Well, I'm on Floor 40 again. Lyra didn't come down to give me food when I showed up, so I kinda went into her kitchen and made food myself. 

I feel bad. It was rude. She’s specifically told me she doesn't want me to use her kitchen, and I did. 

But she wasn't around! Maybe she was super busy painting or something, and didn't want to stop. I mean, being interrupted by your job when in the middle of artistic inspiration totally sucks. I get that. So it would have been more rude to insist she come down and cook something for me. 

Besides, I cleaned up after myself. It’s like no one was ever there. And it was just one meal. I didn't make meatballs for the wolves or anything, only food for me. 

So it’s ok. I'll apologize next time I see her. Yeah. It’ll be fine. 

And maybe now that she knows I clean up after myself she’ll let me use her kitchen! 

In other news, everyone is still kinda acting weird. But they accept food and let me pass, so it’s all good I guess.

Oh, I ended up not kidnapping any dire wolves. Cuz it would just be one, and I don't want them to feel lonely without their pack around. I feel lonely without my people around, and I understand what’s going on and why I'm alone. Can't explain that to a doggo. 

Well, I could if I had the Talk With Animals spell, but I don't. I… kinda don't like it. Yes, there’s benefit to being able to explain things to pets, but I feel like if I can't tell how they’re feeling just by watching their body language I've failed as a pet owner. 

It’s a matter of pride. Or more like the spell is cheating. Something like that. 

And yeah, I miss having someone around to talk to. I really hope I get to spend all next cycle with Avi. I mean, we’re a couple because we like spending time with each other. Sure, we had most of three days together last cycle, but I want to spend most of every day with him. 

He wasn't too far behind me, so I hope he gets back to Floor 1 a day or two after I do. That would be nice.

But at least I know Fire will be there, so when I get back I won't be totally alone.

Being totally alone might kill me. 

Anyways, I should get some sleep soon. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!





From: Bonecrusher the Black
To: Athena
Subject: Something strange

The Director switched one of my kobolds with a player from my old dungeon. Not the player who used to be a kobold, either. 

The kobold she took was one of our blacksmiths; well enough known and liked, but not strategically important in any way. 

Ask the catgirls to report if they see the other players from Admin 6’s group. I'll let you know if they come through here. 



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