Reincarnated Into A Hell Hound Bl/Yaoi


So, before I could even become cocky – which I didn’t ok? – we were attacked my mocking monkeys that literally, LITERALLY, threw their shit at us, making me realize how weak we still were, been made fun of by freaking monkeys. However it was beneficial somehow: I saw a flaw at our strategy that we needed to fix, a way to locate enemies around us.

The forest is an easy place to hide with its foliage, bushes and grass, as we prove countless times by using it ourselves, but been prey of it twice already wasn’t a great thing; and the first one almost got my brother killed.

But that’s the problem, skills, magic, title, they appear out of nowhere because of something you have done. How I’m supposed to know how or what to do?

That’s why we were going to try the Voice of Nature tonight. The Deer man did not explained to me how, but I could try to copy it. First, full moon, surrounded by trees – actually in the same place – second we needed to sing and/or dance, but I hadn’t had enough time to train that, so let’s try our luck I guess?

(Elfihe: Did he already forget my name or is you author that is lazy enough to not even put it there?

Author/MC: … both?)

And that fire… I was thinking about it for a long time; why creatures of ice danced along the fire, the opposite element? Maybe we needed to use water?

That’s why, at least, there was a river nearby. We would try there first, if it didn’t work than the easiest thing for us would be making a campfire, letting the wood already ready beforehand.

We sat, brother chewing a branch he found, while I kept looking at the sky, waiting for the moon to be in its highest point.

“Now little brother, let’s try it.”

“I don’t know brother, why don’t you try it first and see if it does anything?”

“Oho, what, are you shy now?”

“… I just don’t sing well.” He mumble.

“Ok, ok, I will go first.”

 I stand, for a moment lost in what to do, but them the lyrics come as if I had known them all along. I start humming the tune, the smoothing sound embracing the silent night, not breaking its spell but melting with it, carry by the wind like the sound of a flute.

“We sing tonight ~ ~in this glorious night~~

For the roots and trees ~ ~for the night sky ~~

Hid our pleas ~ ~ For naïve are we ~~

Guidance we seek ~~ as we thank thee ~~ “

I keep singing, like a single howl in a windy night, ups and downs in a smoothing motion, thanking as much as asking, been honest with my desires for strength, as well as how ignorant and inexpedient we were about the world.

I finish with a bow, done walking in circles on the river, and hear a melodic ding.

Ding – Hiding ability discovered – Sing 65

Ding – Title Whispering Voice

Ding – Ability learned – Voice of the Night

I rub my paw over my eyes and look at my status again. LEVEL 65?! WHAT!!!! I don’t know if I feel happy for such a high level skill appearing out of nowhere or if sad that my highest level ability is singing!

And it was hiding? Maybe a side effect of been reincarnated? I was a singer them in my other life? A bird maybe?


Are you going to keep ignoring me little one?” The cold wind of the night brought a chilling voice with it.


What? You called for me did you not?”

I look at my skills again.

“Weren’t you supposed to be the Voice of Nature?”

Well, if you don’t want me here than that’s pity, I liked your singing.”

“No no no, I was just surprise, that’s all.”

My brother seemed confused with me, and I realize how dumb I looked, talking alone and all. “It worked brother, I can hear the Voice of the Night now!”

He jumped, happy, and came close trotting.

“Ok, ahm… now is my turn? Uhm…”

“Try and sing as I did.”

“Ha, that’s impossible brother, I have never heard such a great voice before, why didn’t you tell me that you sang so well?”

“I didn’t know…” He turns his head sideways, and shrugs.

“If you say so…”

He takes his time looking at the moon and taking deep breaths, calming himself. I was kidding before, but maybe he really was shy after all?

How wrong I was.

He starts singing, and immediately the birds that were around fly away as I cover my ears. He was just screaming nonsense, and when I realize that I was losing HP from it me and the Voice of the Night screamed together:


He stops and I feel bad for him; but no more singing, definitely.  “If you let him sing for a second time I will never ever talk with you ever again.” Says the Voice of the Night.

“Let’s pretend that never happened them – cough – so the almighty me will clarify some things for you them – I came when I heard your call because you are special little one. Hell Hound aren’t known to be the most intelligent species, and are usually easily domesticated by humans, though they are not that usual to find, making them very precious.

But the domesticated ones aren’t as powerful as you and your brother may become. You have knowledge and wisdom and that will make you powerful one day”

“But what about my brother? He doesn’t have any odd skills.”

But he is already different the moment you shared your studies with him, or would you think that without you he would have realize how to increase and get better abilities?”

So… tell me, little one, what would you like to know?”


So, what did you guys of my "music"? Haha, first time writing lyrics, took longer the whole chapter...

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