Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 9 - 437 - The final clash between Eden and Arc-Arcadia!

We were now officially in the end phase of guild battle.

It was also time for us to finally begin with the plan we had been laying groundwork for until now. We had put up all sorts of tactics to delude our opponents to make sure they didn't get a single hint of our action.

The execution was intricate, but the plan was simple. We were to take down the ?Northern Big Castle? and ?Western Big Caste? for our comeback and defend ?Eastern Big Castle? and Red Base from falling into our opponent's hand.

But simply doing that wouldn't grant the wish we desire for. Not when they could simply reclaim the part. The victory boils to how we're going to make the Big Castles fall. Twisting the circumstance to our advantage is the name of a game called strategy after all.

Pamela and I swoop down at ?Western Big Castle?.

?Arc-Arcadia? of course took notice of our action and gathered together for strategy. And from there, Noel, Lacritta, Reglam and Kairi ran in the direction of ?Eastern Big Castle?. Apparently, our opponent has decided to play a two-pronged war this time.

Their plan must have been to take down ?Eastern Big Castle?. Well, not that it's going to be easy for them. For we have put Rika at the ?Eastern Big Castle? as our 'Reinforcement.' They couldn't win unless they take down our general.

PvP were generally avoided in the E-rank promotion exam. The key point was 'generally.' As there are some exceptions to it, and 'Reinforcement' was one of them.

It was the name of a tactic where one defender side would dispatch their member to the base or Big Castle to defend against the attack of opponents. Guardian monsters were basically mir-a-dozen with hardly any value. So dispatching a reinforcement term was meant to compensate for that.

Then why is 'Reinforcement' actually allowed? Well, as they say, restrain a man too much and you risk getting your home going kaboom, so while attacking was banned, defending was allowed.

Of course, overdoing it is NG. This was why we had put Rika out for the job alone.

With the stakes now confirmed, how would you react, my sub-guild?

"Oh? Reglam taking the command and... Noel being the buffer, along with de-buffer specialist Lacritta paired with Reglam's firepower. Uh-huh, this isn't something Rika can handle...perhaps. Unless she gets serious?"

The team spearheaded by Reglam had apparently decided to take down Rika and then the ?Eastern Big Castle?. Hmm, not a bad idea per se. And the flag of victory would be there if they pulled it off. If they managed to do that, that is. Rika was our prided tank. I hope they don't take her lightly. It would be a letdown otherwise.

Noel took the support role and casted buffs on everyone, while Lacritta stepped forward with her two-handed shield. Lacritta was a tank and de-buffer, much like Lulu, but she differed in that she was solid defense, unlike Lulu's damage tacker style.

Following that, she used ?Racc-shell? ace skill, ?Hit-A-Junk?! that literally embodies the essence of 'junk' in the target and lowered their attack, defense, magic attack and magic defense. It was the type of skill that would make you want to go 'oh crap' facing it.

The combo of taunt and ?Hit-A-Junk?! in fact was ridiculously strong, to the point of being labeled unique grade skill, as long as tank ?Racc-Shell? could pull the skill successively.

It was truly strong when played correctly, however...aside from its speciality, ?Hit-A-Junk? couldn't be cast unless she hit her opponent with the shield. Yup, you guessed it right. The were-raccoon must attack (hit) the opponent (junk).

Monsters were usually even if you don't want to, they would still jump at you, so it wasn't tough to pull it off. But, everything changes when the opponent is a person. And the difficulty was further off the roop when the said opponent was parry-master. They came with the longing of 'hit-hit,' but were sent home with 'flip-flip.' Oh, the tragedy.

Ack, there goes Lacritta, once again flipped back by Rila. Though, this time she managed to avoid being blown away by stabbing her shield at the ground.

Reglam took that chance while Rika had just repelled Lacritta and swooped down to attack, but to no avail. I don't call her flawless for no reason, you know.

Oopsie, What's Aegis-senpai and harmonic trio doing? Oh-ho, they were dashing toward Red Base. I almost failed to notice them after having attention taken by Rika's situation.

But raid on base huh. I bet it must be the plan of Aegis-senpai. Excellent judgment. Unfortunately, I doubt they're going to have their wishes fulfilled today with Sierra and Misato there. A tough nut they're going to crack.

Sure enough, Aegis-senpai wavered when she arrived in the vicinity of Red Base.

Sierra was a tank, but she also boasted 200 points in ATK. She could easily one-flip-shot Aegis-senpai—given that she has lost her former max level status—with ?Counter Burst?. Conclusively, Aegis-senpai changed her plan to take down a nearby square along with a harmonic trio.

However she was a step late in her judgment. Pamela and I were already done 'dealing' with ?Western Big Castle? and moved toward ?Northern Big Castle?.

Aegis-senpai yelled seeing that.

"?Western Big Castle? hasn't fallen yet? But its HP...shoot! We must stop them now at

"What's the matter, Aegis-senpai!?"

Belated as it might be, Aegis-senpai finally realized our true plan.

Sachi asked back in a hurried tone, noticing Aegis-senpai's panic... Wait, when did she start calling senpai with ‘-chan’? Cough, right. It doesn't matter.

Anyway, there was just one reason Aegis-senpai was startled. She noticed we didn't take down ?Western Big Castle? completely. We left it hanging at 3%~ HP.

Castles don't regenerate their HP naturally, so by deliberately putting them near a crumbling door, they could be taken down at any given time.

Aegis-senpai's panic was obvious. However Pamela and I were already on the square with protection period. That said, there was no saving a castle at its last pillar. Aegis-senpai hands were bound now.

"Clear off the square around Big Castle at once! From west to North! At your fastest!"

Another great decision. After all, one couldn't Big Castle until they took down surrounding squares. In that case, might as well take down the uncovered masses and limit the opponent's movement to the limit possible.

But of course, the world might turn upside down before there could be such a hole in my plan.

"Arg, even these squares are taken down! N-No way, this too!?"

I had prepared a special limited-time trap just for them—a mess of chaotically taken down squares like the intertwined pieces of white and black chess piece on a chess board. It was at the level of harassment if I may add so though.

The scattered mess of red squares had successively tricked Aegis-senpai to fall into confusion, and now they were left with no plan.

This was precisely what I was aiming for—confuse them. And they fall right into my plan.

My plan played out well, and we managed to bring down ?Western Big Castle? below 3% HP as well with the time we earned. One or two pew-pew and they would be down.

Now, let's see who will come out on top of this game of chess. We obviously excelled at speed, but our opponent had the upper hand in numbers. But dying every red into white should be impossible giving the time frame.

"Kuh, it's all fuzzed up! There's nothing to defend! Everything is falling out. We either have to hurry up and take down ?Eastern Big Castle? or Red Base!"

Aegis-senapi had an inkling of the situation it seemed. Just what I would expect from a veteran. However the same couldn't be said about the harmonic trio, who looked completely puzzled.

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As for the current scoreboard:

?White - 5510P vs Red - 2740P?

?Big Castle: White (2) & Red (1)?

?White in lead by 2770P?

E.T.A - Four minutes and nine second

We were a couple attacks away from making our comeback, and those sweet-sweet 4000P would be in our bag in one full swoop.

Our opponents were completely prepared. Would they be able to stop us from taking down ?Western Big Castle? and ?Northern Big Castle?? It was a question considering Pamela and Mine speed. 'Reinforcement' was impossible in the current situation. But by the time they would be ready to defend, we would have already swept the place.

Aegis-senpai momentarily decided defense was out of reach for them, and started thinking about taking down the ?Eastern Big Castle? for extra 2000P, they would be able to break our points streak of course. A well thought plan indeed.

Unfortunately they're thousand years earlier to outsmart me, who have gone through similar situations countless times.

In the remaining four minutes, I cleared a straight line from from central north to south. For at least two minutes, they wouldn’t be able to cross over this side.

However Aegis-senpai showed exceptional judgment by taking down the western squares, putting a blockade in my path.

"N-Next is the detour from the north! Hurry up!"

Sure enough, seeing us circling around from the southern spot we were in, Aegis-senpai moved in clock 9 route in order to intercept our advancing path. We avoided them by taking north.

Pamela and I rushed off for the ?Western Big Castle? from there. We passed by the White Base and took down the nearby squares in typical chaotic style to cut hindrance from the opponent and waited for the time pass at ?Western Big Castle?.

"Two minutes and eight seconds left! It's our time to shine! Let's go, Pamela! ?Sonic Sword?!"

"Yes sir! ?Giant Shuriken Art?!"

We slammed forth with our speed skill and swiftly took down the last silver of health ?Western Big Castle? had left.

?Eden? gained the fresh holding of 2000 points and it also put ?Western Big Castle? into Eden's protection period. And by the time it would end, there would be mere 4 seconds left. Well, that sealed any interference from the opponent for any foreseeable time. Just four seconds though, hahaha.

From there, we smoothly dashed toward ?Northern Big Castle? hitchfree.

?Northern Big Castle? still had adjacent squares left to clear, so we took the shortest route, ignoring any other small squares and safely managed to gain another Big Castle. Alright, another big haul, and ?Eden? now has made its comeback! fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

Next stop, ?Eastern Big Castle?! And whistle, look at it, The party of Aegis-senpai, harmonic trio, Reglam, Noel, Lacritta and Kairi all were grappling against Rika and Misato. Apparently, Misato jumped in the frey here seeing no one coming for our base.

"—!! 'Reinforcement' is here! Zephyr-kun and Pammechi are here!"

"W-What to do!"

"Aegis-senpai, what should I do?"

The first to notice us was harmonic trio.

?E.T.A - 1 minute and 22 second?.

And from the look of it, they have already taken down some of ?Eastern Big Castle? HP, but Rika and Misato still managed to stop it at 70% top.

Well, that's our flawless parry master and social butterfly for you. —Oh wait, considering their level is pretty much double of the opponent, that much should be a piece of cake maybe?

"W-We're going to be sandwiched by the opponent's force at this rate. It seems like we can no longer afford luxury, change in plan. We're going to target Red Base. Empty up any skill, magic that aren't in cooldown!"

" " "Roger!" " "

Aegis-senpai and harmonic trio took a change of course there, and moved toward the Red Base down the south. The lack of time must have brought their frustration.

Well, that does happen even to the best. Pamela and I were examiners after all, so judging that anymore 'reinforcement' would be too much, we were in fact not going to interfere into the fight. However, Aegis-senpai didn't catch up to it and instead rushed toward Red Base.

But then again, it wasn't like they would have taken down ?Eastern Big Castle? otherwise with Rika and Misato there. So it wasn't technically a bad plan to target Red Base when Sierra is the sole person left behind.

That said, she was our last bastion. A minute? They could never hope to breach that.

"You're not taking it down."

"Push through!"

Sierra with her shield hoisted up against Aegis-senpai on her horse, along with harmonic trio following behind her.

"Haaa! ?Knight Spear Charge?!"

And thus the clash began, Aegis-senpai intoned her skill! However—

"I have already seen Ester using it to death. ?Counter Burst?!"


?Knight Spear Charge? was a powerful skill whose might could be further increased when riding a horse. However Sierra brushes it off as easily as swatting a fly. The difference between on foot and on horse did play quite a significant role, however the effect hardly holds off when one is familiar with skill itself. And that difference wasn't enough to pierce the defense of Sierra.

On the side note, Dandy-kun was all okay. The damage of a horse is typically borne by the rider's HP.

As for harmonic trio—they tried to follow up with long-range attack, ignoring Sierra, but that too was prevented by her using ?Induction Cover?. Cut to chase, there were only 20 seconds left at the end.

"Aw, geez. It's impossible now!"

"I-If only time may stop..."

"Shucks, guess that's the end."

Harmonic trio somehow managed to slip past Sierra, but even then, they no longer had any skill left to take down Red Base. They were now like the rats in a bag, all hands tied.

And at last, the time truly comes to stop, for that guild battle that is, as the buzzer signifying the end of guild battle follows immediately after, pulling the curtain over the guild battle with ?Arc-Arcadia? and ?Eden?.


?White - 5700P bs Red - 6800P?

?E.T.A - 00:00?

?Big Castle - White (0) & Red (3)?

—Victor - ?Eden?!

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