Reincarnated in the game world ~ A gamer's beginning to [Dungeon job hunting recommendation]

Vol. 8 - 429.5 - Academy’s information Terminal – Public bulletin board 31

199. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

I have completed my investigation about the ?Eden? sub-guild ?Arc-Arcadia?.

200. Nameless 3rd Supporter

Godspeed, Investigator.

201. Nameless 1st year Shielder

Ahhh, I don't want to know! But maybe just a bit!

202. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Choose one!

I do understand your feelings as someone who was rejected. The emotion where you don't want to know about the lucky ones, but at the same time, the smoldering curiosity to know about the new members, ?Eden?, right?

203. Nameless 2nd year Alchemist

What's with this unfairness, I should have been there as well!

204. Nameless 2nd year Priest

No, they definitely don't need you there, though.

205. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Well, then, here I began. Though I would refrain from revealing their name on a forum, you know why.

206. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Oh, so we don't have any of those biggies this time?

207. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Point on.

They seemed to have sufficient background, but not all of them are from distinguished families.

Let's begin with the part we already know.

First of all, two of the frequent visitors to this forum have amazingly blitzed their way into the team--- First year Songstress Princess and Racoon Shielder.

208. Nameless 1st year Songstress

Fufu, that's right. I managed to slide in!

I am really over the cloud.

209. Nameless 1st year Raccoon Shielder

Presumptuous as it might be, I, too, have passed!

210. Nameless 1st year Shielder


211. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Yes, thank you for letting us know you're hurt.

212. Nameless 1st year Female Soldier

Ahh, my tears are streaming non-stop due to jealousy.

213. Nameless 1st year Merchant

It is truly an infuriating dilemma. I don't know if I should congratulate you or drown in jealousy!

214. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Hold on; the option is obviously congratulations, huh, Brave fan.

Aren't you all comrades?

215. Nameless 2nd year Alchemist

What comrade?

216. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

And you're already forgetting them!?

217. Nameless 3rd year Investigator freё

Alright, take a deep breath and calm down, everyone.

They did their best.

?Eden? isn't a place anyone can enter, so there's no doubt about their abilities.

Don't be stuck-up now, and wish them well for their work.

Congratulations, Songstress-chan, Raccoon Shielder-chan.

218. Nameless 1st year Songstress

Thank you for your kind words, Investigator-senpai.

I will do my best in the ?Eden? to stand up to everyone's jealousy.

219. Nameless 1st year Raccoon Shielder

I, too! I will do my best!

220. Nameless 1st year Shielder

Argh, I am jealous.

I am jealous, but do your best, both of you~

221. Nameless 2nd year Alchemist

I will surely make my way there someday. Just wait for me.

222. Nameless 2nd year Priest

So you say, but you're definitely going there as a supporter, right!? Isn't it just your desire?

223. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Let's move on to our next names.

In fact, there are three more Brave fans who have been recruited, though they haven't appeared in this forum.

224. Nameless 1st year Merchant

H-Has my ear finally started to hallucinate!?

225. Nameless 1st year Female Soldier

Are you sure, Investigator-senpai!?

226. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Absolutely. They're from certain combat department class-1, they are even called the Harmonic Trio of Magic Equipment girls.

I am sure they were also at a party with Songstress-chan and Raccoon Shielder-chan.

This indisputably makes them the No.1 party among 1st year Brave fans.

227. Nameless 1st year Shielder

Ah, those girls!

They truly were a piece of cake with their coordination!

228. Nameless 1st year Merchant

All of the princess party members got in!?

Ugh, so there's really no way if you're not at the top!?

229. Nameless 1st year Female Soldier

If they are following the merit system, doesn't that mean there's a chance as long as I stand at the top?

230. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

I am sure I said the same thing. And chance? No, you will surely be accepted.

That's why you better put in double the effort than before. It should be possible after having a goal, right?

231. Nameless 1st year Shielder

I-I am already fireeeeeed up!

Next time! I will make sure to get myself into ?Eden? in the next interview, for sure!!

232. Nameless 1st year Female Soldier

Fufu. Not before me!


233. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Woah, this sure has got everyone excited, huh?

234. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Hmm, then to the next list.

In fact, this is one of the exclusive news stories that will get you all on the fence.

After all, they're someone Brave-kun personally scouted and managed to get in without taking the mass interview.

236. Nameless 2nd year Priest


237. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer

No one wants to hear your moaning. So pack it up, Adventurer!

238. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

He has recruited 3---maybe 4---candidates this way.

One is from the E-rank guild ?Adventures?, one is from the C-rank guild ?Dwarf Gathering?, and the last is an apprentice from the Research Tower.

There's one more, although I am not sure about that, person from the sub-guild of the former A-rank guild ?Temple Saber?, ?White Saber?.

And on a side note, all of them are girls.

239. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Please hold on for a moment!

It's too much for me to process, especially the last.

I sure did hear about ?Adventures? but I didn't expect someone would be crazy enough to move out of a C-rank guild.

240. Nameless 2nd year Magician

?Dwarf Gathering? in particular is quite famous, and I have heard they're go-to for tanks and melee attackers.

They're definitely a super elite guild, and if rumors are to be believed, their actual battle power is on par with at least B, if not A-rank.

Though they have apparently taken a liking to the position of C-rank, they don't seem interested in improving their guild rank.

241. Nameless 3rd Supporter

This is why they're one of the six dividers, the Immovable C-rank guild.

It's really a surprising thing for that to happen.

My gut feeling is telling me I should do a bit of digging around to find out why. I have a hunch I might find something sensational, just like the appearance of ?Dungeon Carriage?.

242. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Oh, that's one way to look at it...

?Eden? is mainly a combat oriented guild, so a production job member really does feel out of place.

Just like Magician said, use the specialist if you need any, unless there's a reason to recruit, eh?

243. Nameless 3rd Supporter

I have heard one of my juniors from the support department move out as well. Well, this isn't as odd of an issue.

The path to the top is fraught with impossibilities without our support. They certainly will need support to aim for the top.

244. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer


245. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Adventurer, you know you are someone from the support department. Were you skipping classes all this while?

246. Nameless 3rd Supporter

But the one that needs attention is that transferee from the former A-rank guild?Temple Saber? in the end.

I am sure this and that uproar are highly connected.

247. Nameless 2nd year Priest

The A-rank guild, huh?

It's just the other day they dropped to B-rank, so it has been fresh in my mind as well. There has been mention of many members withdrawing due to that.

248. Nameless 3rd Supporter


A majority of them have been taken in the sub-guild ?White Saber?, but this has conversely put ?White Saber? in jeopardy.

Fortunately, the guild master of ?White Saber? has made a trip to many guilds to see if they can accept them, sensing the impending situation, which prevented the situation from turning chaotic.

In the end, however, it remains the fact that talents are leaving the former A-rank guild.

249. Nameless 2nd year Priest

And one of the recipients is ?Eden??

But there's no way it should have been possible with the protection circle of Imperial Guards and Brave fans.

I have heard they put a guard so tight that even setting an appointment with them is impossible, much less having a meeting.

How did he pull that?

250. Nameless 3rd Supporter

I am not privy to the details, but the fact remains that he succeeded.

The guildmaster of ?White Saber? truly is a gem.

I believe he must have pulled his connection.

Either way, ?Eden? has gained another talent, this time from a former A-rank guild guild.

This is going to increase their battle power by quite a margin.

251. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Damn it, it really feels unreal.

Will it hurt them to take a break or something?

252. Nameless 1st year Shielder

Impossible. How and what method did he use to break through our barricade?

253. Nameless 2nd year Alchemist

What are you crying for? It was the spot I had arranged for myself by requesting Sage Rabbit-san, you know!?

And with his audacity to snatch away my spot, I will make sure he rests in the deepest part of hell.

254. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

It stings, but calm down, you guys.

I received news that Brave personally visited ?White Saber?. Maybe it was Brave who jumped in to scout the member.

255. Nameless 1st year Female Soldier

This doesn't make it any less stinging---maybe even more! Ah, my raging jealousy will never forgive them!

256. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

T-That reminds me, Investigator-senpai.

All the members are girls, or is there a boy as well?

257. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

A change of topic, huh? Nice follow up, Swordsman.

As for your answer, yes, there is. Just one, though.

He's showing a prospect of being ranked in Class-1 during the next class rotation.

258. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Kuh, another freaking talent.

But one boy and 9 girls...gender ratio is as skewed as it can go.

259. Nameless 1st year Sage Rabbit

You can only blame boys for staring at girls all the time.

Everyone who did so failed.

260. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer


261. Nameless 2nd year Priest


262. Nameless 3rd year Trapper


263. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Well, there you have your answers.

The only boys accepted in ?Eden? are those sincerely aiming for the future.147. Nameless 3rd year Productioner

'Sup folks. We're now officially into the exam phase.

Make sure you study properly and are aware of your duties as a student of the academy, alright?

And all the upperclassmen, pay attention and be the role model that your juniors can look up at you with admiration.

148. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Hey, it's Production-senpai!

It's been yonks!

149. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

So you're alive and well, huh, Senpai.

150. Nameless 3rd year Productioner

Can you not please kill at your convenience, my dear junior?

Anyway, are you all listening? Make sure you study properly.

151. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer

AhAh, I can't hear anything!

The noise from the monster's footsteps is drowning out all the sounds!

152. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

I wonder where these monsters come from with the dungeon closed, huh?

153. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

What a load of lies!

154. Nameless 2nd year Magician

He's quite a crook

155. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer

Hey, hey. Aren't you dissing me too much!?

156. Nameless 3rd year Productioner

I can understand you may want to look sideways when faced with something unpleasant. Right, think about how you just need to work hard for these two weeks. Just two weeks. Easy right?

157. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer

I-I-Isn't that theory a bit s-s-s-skewed?

158. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

Clap-Clap Truly our senior. You do know how to say some nice things.

Anyway, how's your that dungeon exploration going on?

159. Nameless 3rd year Productioner

......You sure know how to change the topic, huh, my dear junior?

But I will reserve my right to comment here.

It's time to perform our duties as students, and we're going to focus on studying. Dungeons come after that.

160. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Well, considering summer vacation is just around the corner, which is going to bring exploration to a standstill, everyone is curious about the current situation.

Of course, I'm dying to know as well. But I guess now isn't the time for that.

161. Nameless 2nd year Magician

The wall of exams, the bigger hurdle in a student's life, is right here after all.

That said, it's not going to be easy for those who have been playing hooky on their daily revision.

162. Nameless 2nd year Priest

But it's a do-or-die moment for second-year students!

They hardly have any energy left to study after going overblown in the dungeon every day and being dead tired at night.

163. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

They're riding on their emotions too much.

Don't they know everything---even training---needs to be done in moderation and digested properly? They really haven't learned their lesson by going through it every day.

But we have also gotten a huge windfall following their enthusiasm.

Everyone, thank you for your patronage, and come again. Okay?

164. Nameless 2nd year Priest


I-I think this is the end of me.

I am no longer in the state of studying or clearing dungeons.

165. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Get a grip on yourself, Priest-san!

What the heck went down?

166. Nameless 3rd year Productioner

It's also hearsay for me, so no, I'm missing details as well, but it seems like a heck of a second has splurged too much on equipment due to influence from a certain guild.

But the sudden surge in equipment has shot up its price. A ?Silver Chest? item now costs twice as much as it did before, and a drop of ?Gold Chest? costs three times as much. The market is quite blooming with the temporary economic rise.

And second-years, well, they're now scrambling to the dungeons to recoup their losses.

167. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Hold on, why does it sound like déjà vu? But, mate, I had no clue about this theater.

168. Nameless 2nd year Magician

You have made the C-rank once, haven't you? Perhaps this is why.

The empty, burnout hush you're seeing now is the remnant of guilds that ?Eden? has just overtaken.

169. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

Remember, folks, the more you buy, the more you will score yourself a good bargain in this price-hike time.

Ack, slip of the tongue. Pardon me.

170. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Who are you kidding with the slip of the tongue!?

Hrkk, this is just...

I thought I had found excellent pieces of equipment, but behold my surprise when I looked at the bill. I checked it out five times just to see if I'm not hallucinating the extra digit, you know!?

But it wasn't an illusion.

I don't even know what to do anymore with dungeons off-limits. Huh, what to do?

171. Nameless 3rd year Productioner

Come on, shouldn't you be studying at this time?

Even ?Eden? is currently reviewing, just so you know, going so far as to hold study meetings with the whole guild.

172. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer

I'm so jealous, I can't stop crying.

Sniff Why did no one in my guild hold a study session?

173. Nameless 2nd year Productioner

Huh? Isn't it simply that they didn't invite you?

174. Nameless 2nd year Adventurer

............Say what?





533. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

The test results are out everyone!

Look at that tsunami of students; they have completely drowned the display board in themselves......

534. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Free, Unfettered. Hold no desire.

Then shall the door be open for you?

535. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Priest-san!? What the fudge happened!?

536. Nameless 2nd year Magician

Let that door remain closed for now, for your sake.

537. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Err, so?

Err, like......Clank (Sound of door being closed)?

538. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Hck! What was I just doing!?

539. Nameless 2nd year Axman

You sure have time to joke around.

Or maybe it's because you don't have time that you have lost some screws in your head?

Are you trying to run away from reality?

540. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Don't do this, you realist! Don't chase after me!

541. Nameless 2nd year Magician

Just accept it for god's sake.

542. Nameless 2nd year Priest

How do you want me to deal with the name from the red list that jumped into my view by tricking me?

543. Nameless 1st year Shielder

Hey, listen to me, guys!

I have explosive news!

544. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Woah there!?

What makes you so jumpy!?

545. Nameless 1st year Female Soldier

The result has just been hung for the first-year ?Combat Department?. And guess what?

?Eden? has hogged the first three top spots in the ranking!!

546. Nameless 1st year Shielder

But wait, there's more to it!

The one at the top is Brave-kun! Number one! Brave-kun! issss!!!

And what's more, full marks in all subjects!!

547. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman


Truly blasting news, in lots of ways!

548. Nameless 1st year Sage Rabbit

Tahaha~. Well, we're truly proud.

549. Nameless 1st year Songstress

You know, almost everyone had burned midnight oil, but we never saw Brave-kun studying.

I was really confused as to how it would turn out for real.

550. Nameless 1st year Shielder

I-I also surprised!

I didn't expect to be in the top 300; it's thanks to their guidance!

551. Nameless 2nd year Alchemist

Kuhh, just so you know, I'm not, not even a bit, mortified hearing that!

Just wait; I will have my seat there one day!

552. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

We know you can do it, so now wipe your tears, Alchemist-chan.

553. Nameless 2nd year Alchemist

I'm not crying!!

554. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Ohh, Investigator-senpai!

Err, I guess you have some kind of information to appear here?

555. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Oho, you have a sharp sense, Swordsman.

556. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Thanks a mil!

557. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

It's not that big of a deal, though, but did you know the boys of ?Combat Department Class 1-1? are currently stranded in a storm?

Half of them have bombed the exam and signed up for make-up lessons.

558. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman


Visit freewёbnoν for the best novel reading experience.

You can't possibly mean the three horsemen of first-year guilds; the ?Best of the Best, the Great Star? and ?Machos??

But No.1 and No.2 are shining in their full glory, though.

559. Nameless 3rd year Supporter

When it rains, it pours. This has completely taken everyone by surprise.

The high horses of two of the three first-year guilds have come to an end for sure.

560. Nameless 2nd year Priest

So you're saying the term-end exam was such a mammoth that it smashed away even the advancement of the first-year strongest guilds!?

We're talking about tests, right!?

What about ?Eden? then?

561. Nameless 1st year Sage Rabbit

Hmm? Of course, they all pass. No obstacle has been born yet to give ?Eden? a run for their money.

The rest of the boys look like walking ghosts, though.

562. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Of course, that was a stupid question to be asked.

But hey, then how the heck did they miss their shot? Surely, they had what it takes to be in class 1, right?

563. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Sharp, huh, Swordsman. Alright, I will explain.

The beginning of it can be traced back to the first week of June, when ?Best of the Best, the Great Star? challenged ?Eden? for guild battle. And after that, they were dragged away.

564. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

What a tragedy that was......

565. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Ahem, they were released safely in the night, however.

But they didn't learn their lesson and continued with their antics. Of course, repeated antics were bound to get them locked for several days. They were thoroughly lectured about common sense and morality at that time.

As a result of missing classes for several days, they couldn't catch up to the lectures in Class-1. And I believe you all must have heard how congested the lecturers in Class-1 are.

566. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Aren't they just reaping what they sowed!?

567. Nameless 1st year Sage Rabbit

Aha~. So that's why they had such a pale face for the last several days.

They were still quite rambunctious when we joined the guild, but then they suddenly turned quiet, which really felt a bit spooky.

568. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

Wait a minute. Then how come ?Machos? too fell into this pitfall?

569. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Well, they were trying their self-designed muscle-study art. Of course, they too bombed.

570. Nameless 2nd year Swordsman

I-I wonder what kind of style that was......

571. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Don't let curiosity get over you, Swordsman. I doubt anything good will come from this.

If anything, you might be pulled into the abyss of...just stop.

572. Nameless 3rd year Investigator

Shall I continue then?

The second-year result is truly a delight to the eyes.

573. Nameless 2nd year Priest

Heavens above, can you not, Investigator-senpai!?

My HP... is already zero!!

---Arc 8 - Over---

T/N - Well, this wasn't a big arc. And I really wondered how the hell the quartet was so quiet. Behind every man's quietness lies an unfortunate circumstance? xD.

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