Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

084 Opera

To be honest, the Weasley brothers don't actually like to bully people, they just like to 'tease' people.

Even if he really wanted to 'tease' this soft little fat guy like Opera, he wouldn't use magic to hang him upside down on a tree.

Instead, he made an ink-exploding frog at his desk, and when it sat down, it exploded with ink. Of course, this ink can be replaced, or it can be replaced with the disgusting yellow juice.

It is very simple to base happiness on the embarrassment of others. However, this group of seniors is not the case. They simply enjoy bullying others.

As the saying goes, no one agrees with each other, even if none of them are good kids, the Weasley brothers still think that they are better than these seniors.

At the very least, they don't bully others, at most they just 'tease' or 'prank'.

Therefore, this time they made up their mind to use the new product on their seniors and themselves first.

A product that references Muggle smoke bombs and extra strong smelly ass. The inspiration for this product was that when my father was out collecting magic items and bringing them back to the Ministry of Magic, he accidentally brought back a smoke bomb.

Because it was harmless and out of curiosity, I brought it home. As a result, the whole living room was filled with smoke. Although the father was pulled by the mother's ears and knelt down on the durian, the two brothers laughed loudly in the smoke, and then this super smelly smoke appeared.

It's hard to see clearly and smells bad, it's pungent and hurts the eyes, it's a double torment for both senses, and they're the two most important senses.

Taking a sudden breath, the smell, which was probably similar to hot water flushing the toilet while squatting very close, hit their heads. Most people knelt directly on the ground and followed their instinct to breathe the air 'below', but they were all wrong.

This is a magic product. The effect it produces is on the surrounding five-meter by five-meter space, no more or less. Therefore, human instinct is of no use here. The more you breathe, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

As the creators and pioneers, the Weasley twins rolled their eyes and were stung by the smell and fell to their knees. However, they quickly reacted and rolled forward, not caring whether they 'crush' the senior.

When they broke through the edge of the yellowing fog and breathed the pure air, they quickly helped each other and rescued the little fat guy Opera.

I didn't have time to say anything, so I could only add two more smoke bombs to delay the three of them. In Muggle movies, thieves and ninjas would throw smoke bombs when they leave the scene, so it's not a "compensation" for them. knife'.

As for whether it will be difficult to be a good person in Gryffindor later?

After all, they have already hated the seniors, but will the Weasley twins care about this?

If they really cared, they wouldn't prank Slytherin for no reason at the beginning. Although they just used Grease to make people slip, after seeing the effect of Grease plus fire, they never used Grease to prank people again. For others, at most they are just using the Smoothing Technique.

"Thank you... Weasley... Weasleys."

The little fat man had been hanging for a long time, and his blood was flowing back. His legs were weak and he had no energy to move, and the Weasleys had no [pulsation], so they could only hold him on one side, but it was too heavy.

"It's okay, I can't see you being bullied."

"If you really don't want to be dissatisfied, treat us to cake."

"Yes, I have heard and smelled it for a long time. Your sister and brother's cakes are very fragrant and great."

In response to this, Opera just laughed a few times, but she was vaguely guarded against the twins.

Good guys, I thought you were just people, but unexpectedly, you coveted my...cake? !


Several senior students from the Hufflepuff team hurried over. The group of them spread out to search, and finally they found the embarrassed and exhausted little fat man.


Opera knew them, they were all her seniors. Before they could ask, Opera opened her mouth first, saying that she was 'captured' by the senior Gryffindor and then rescued by the twins.

Seeing more and more Hufflepuffs appearing, the Weasley twins, who felt inexplicably scared, found an excuse and ran away immediately.

Ans and others came over and looked at the two people who had red hair blowing in the wind not far away because they were running. Ans looked at Opera with a confused look on his face.

"What are they running for?"

"I do not know either."

Opera shrugged and said he didn't know, but then smiled softly.

"Maybe, I'm afraid of you?"

"Don't make trouble," Ans rolled his eyes, "I'm so good-looking and not fierce, how can I be scary?"

A group of people walked back to the castle as a group. This kind of large gathering of people was rare. They were like a group of club members, walking in the aisle, and students from other colleges gave way to both sides.

There is quite a feeling of "all-powerful", well... the feeling is coming.

After hearing that her younger brother was found, her sister Su Fuli ran over with her best friend on her arm, pinched her younger brother's face and looked like she was checking his body. Seeing this 'brother' brother's respectful expression, the seniors all dispersed knowingly. , and several of them walked into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, while making cakes, Opera told them her story, which made her sister Su Fuli clenched her little fists and wanted to punch the Gryffindor senior.

Cedric and Ibuprofen wanted to hand it over to the professor. Ans thought so too, but the school regulations did not list in detail the regulations that students were not allowed to bully students at will. At most, they were not allowed to cast spells, cast evil spells, or learn black magic at will. class stuff.

Therefore, this matter may only make Professor McGonagall frown and verbally punish him or deduct a few points. The punishment should not be too serious.

So Ans decided to judge on his own. After all, when the rules cannot protect the public, then some 'self-protection' measures should come into being.

The wicked have their own grind.

Fight magic with magic.

Fight poison with poison.

Such methods to combat school violence are what schools can do when they are unable to protect students and condone the emergence of 'violence', because the only ones who can protect themselves are students.

if not?In the Muggle world, we can still call 110, but in the magical world, we should call it the Ministry of Magic?

Then Mr. Fudge might have scoffed at Dumbledore and picked up a donut from the pink toad's hand.

"Opera, it's time for you to learn to resist." Ans watched the cake embryos being formed under Opera's hands. He didn't want his friend to be bullied all the time. "By the way, I heard you were looking for me, right?" for what?"

"What a coincidence," Opera put down the extra dough. He smiled awkwardly, with a sparkle in his eyes. "I want to learn to duel, no, it should be fighting. I don't want to be bullied anymore. I didn't do it in elementary school." I was bullied as well, and I also wanted to protect my sister."

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