Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

075 Struggle for power

Cain Lola walked quickly in the corridor, with a gentle smile on his face, but if you are a professional, you will notice that the other person's smile is like a mask. His acting skills are too trendy. If he can win the Oscar, he will be beaten by DiCaprio Beat to death.

His eyes were a little indifferent, as if his eyes were only focused on the front, but in fact they were not. Laura's pupils were dilated, and she used the corner of her sight to observe the surroundings - the murals.

While nodding in a friendly manner towards students whom he or she recognizes or does not know, he uses his nodding movements to carefully observe the movements and dynamics of the murals.

In fact, he lied about the first class. It was not that he had never attended classes. At Ilvermorny College, where he worked, the subjects he taught were similar to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but they were not as extensive, but were subdivided. - Curses and sacrifices or rituals.

Therefore, he is not as ordinary as he introduced himself. It can be said that his 'name' is very loud in that circle-Esoteric Professor Mertura!

If Dumbledore is the most powerful person who radiates brilliance on the road of alchemy, then Cairn Law Mertura is Mr. Jones who digs into ancient secrets!

There was no movement in the mural. Professor Laura silently judged in his mind and walked directly towards the library.

When a wanderer returns home and becomes a lecturer again, it is normal for him to recharge himself.

While secretly making excuses for myself, I relaxed my vigilant nerves a little. Where is this place after all?It is the only magic school in Britain, and the most powerful white wizard in the Western world sits here, so he cannot help but be careless.

But he didn't know that the moment he appeared, he was completely reported.

But he didn't know that the murals could indeed monitor people, but there were also armored men.

The newly appointed defense professor happily walked into the [Restricted Book Zone] that he had been obsessed with since he was a child. After seeing many bloody rituals and actually manipulating evil sacrifices, the 'evil' attached to these books was completely insignificant to him. .

"Tales of the Skinned One", "Tower of the Flesh Mountain", "Rite of the Starry Eyes", "Legend of the Mysteries of Eszera", "Garden of Flesh", "Dark Moon Trail", "Afterglow of the Falling Sun" …

They are all things that can arouse his interest. In Professor Laura's ears, he has recited an unknown murmur since he saw the first book, but because he has done countless rituals, he can effectively 'resist' , so I didn’t take it seriously.

Therefore, he had no idea that the white of his left eye was already scarlet, and there were strange blood threads crawling out of the eye socket, forming a strange eye-covering mask.


"Very good! Ans's answer is very comprehensive!" Professor Sprout smiled and asked Ans to sit down. "Two points for Hufflepuff!"

After previous practical operations, Ans had received three extra points from the professor. Compared with the previous extra points from Professor Snape, the two colleges were tied.

I thought about how Professor Sprout was full of resentment when he found out about this incident. He almost said that Snape was bullying others, and now he can get him back.

It's just that Professor Sprout is a good Hufflepuff woman after all, bah, a good professor. She didn't make Hufflepuff unique in her class. Next, she asked Cassandra to answer the question and gave Extra points. .seven

In this comparison, it seems that she is much better than Professor Snape, but he doesn't care about this. He only hopes that Sprout will add more points to their college.

In the face of the results, they can ignore the slap in the face, because no one said anything, which means nothing happened. As long as the fruit is in hand, it is enough, even if it is sour.

It is autumn now, and the sun is not scorching at noon.

Cassandra and Ans were at the Black Lake. They needed to continue communicating about what happened before. Because of Professor Laura's problem, or perhaps a woman's natural acting skills, she could immediately tell that the other person was wearing a mask and was gradually losing it. Maintain patience.

"I believe it now. What you said before, the guy who is on the side of the United States and is responsible for the royal family is our Professor Laura."

"Yeah, I've told Dumbledore too," he said, holding a bowl with mapo tofu rice in his hands, "I just don't know what they are waiting for."

"At least we need to wait for some tangible evidence?" Cassandra also held a bowl of mapo tofu rice filled with red tones. Her lips were alluringly red. "After all, she was hired by the principal? Or did she undergo an interview? , if you say this, it is equivalent to giving them the label of [Unknown Person]."

"Perhaps this is a fact?" Ansi put the last piece of tofu + rice into his mouth with a spoon. "Have you gone too far in the mysterious realm and can't see clearly the ugliness of people's hearts?"

Ans unceremoniously slandered the professors here in Black Lake. Ans smiled and was slapped on the arm by Cassandra. Then he took the bowl that the other party had finished. After snapping his fingers, Ans handed over the bowl, chopsticks and spoon. Kaka (house elf).

"Let's talk about our topic next time," Ans stood up and stretched out his hand towards Cassandra. "We have guests here. At the very least, whether they are looking for you or me, they have to pick up the guests, right?"

"It's really helpless. It's so insidious that it strikes out unexpectedly like a snake." Cassandra took out her wand and cleaned herself up to remove the dust. "But in a sense, it suits the academy."

"Not bad, miss." When Ans saw that she had finished sorting out, he took the lead and walked in front of her without taking his wand. "Are you kidding me too?"

"Shut up," Kassandra glanced at Ans and waved her wand to clean him up. "Are you sure you want to stay?"

Looking at the nearly thirty seniors in front of him, Ansi tilted his head when he heard this, seeming to be curious and confused about this question.

"Otherwise? You're thirty per dozen?"

Ye Kassandra Question X3?

"Who do you think I am? What's the big deal with just 30 people?"

"Then it's over," Ans spread his hands, "What's the big deal?"

"Hey, isn't this Senior from Melbourne?" Ans was the first to speak as the two sides approached, "There are so many people, is there something wrong?"

"Mr. Wick, I believe you have also made a guess," the Melbourne senior raised his eyebrows. He put his hands behind his back as if he was in control. "Then I won't say much. Slytherin has never had a mixed race in power. Let alone a... Mudblood."

The most malicious ridicule and insult are not sharp and malicious words, but an attitude that is natural and should be like this. Just like in Melbourne now, his attitude towards Cassandra is what they, the Slytherin seniors, learn from. Sister's attitude.

"We don't bully girls either. After all, we are not the barbarians of Gryffindor." Melbourne opened his hands slightly and looked at Ans. "If you don't intervene, then it will be a discussion between ladies, just a little more intense." "

"So, if I intervene, then my opponents will be you gentlemen watching the theater?"

"You're right," Melbourne raised his chin slightly in appreciation, "So what's your answer?"

Ans laughed.

"Excuse my refusal."

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