Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

070 multi-party


The dent in the roof of the car made Suits A and C understand what happened. Suit A, who was sitting in the back seat confining the two children, scolded his companions for their failure.

"Damn it, Bob failed. What a waste of medicine." Then, he patted the chair in front of him, took the pistol handed over by his companion, pulled the bolt and loaded it. "Bernard, don't worry too much, just drive away and throw it away." Fly this guy!”

"Haha, leave it to me Aesop," Bernard flipped the gear lever skillfully. "You know, I once competed with that tofu delivery car in the island country."

bang bang-

"Oh? Win?"

bang bang bang-

"No, I lost."

bang bang bang-

"Then shut up."

Aesop rolled his eyes and replaced the magazine while paying attention behind him. He found that no body fell down, so he was sure that the other party was still on the roof of the car.

"You are really difficult to deal with. You are worthy of being a member of the Freedom Riders."

And what did Ans do at this time?He was currently holding on to the rear end of the roof of the car, using an inverted posture to avoid bullets that might appear on the entire roof of the car in front. After getting on the roof of the car, he didn't have much time, so he could only dodge bullets in this posture for the time being. .

Fortunately, the other party did not use the submachine gun unscrupulously, otherwise Ans would not have been able to hold on for too long. After all, the car suddenly stopped suddenly, drifted, etc. This also tested Ans's control of the body.

Well, it’s also torture.

When the gunfire stopped, Ans thought carefully and realized that the other party was changing the magazine. So, taking advantage of this gap, Ans dropped down and hung on the rear door of the SUV. His right hand was pressed against the rear window, deep inside. After taking a breath, use force from the waist and abdomen to drive the lumbar spine to the shoulders and wrists and five fingers.


Aesop turned around suddenly, his eyes full of surprise.

"How can it be? !That's bulletproof glass! 』

Although he reacted quickly, it was still too late, because Ans' hand had already pinched Aesop's wrist, and the force was so great that his wrist screamed unbearably.

Just when Aesop wanted to threaten the lives of the princes, he was dragged towards Ans uncontrollably. Even after he took the potion, even if the effect of the medicine was still there, his strength could not be compared to Ans.


After Aesop's head hit the rear window and made no sound, Ans, who was driving Bernard and got into the car, quickly dealt with him.

The SUV with the replaced person drove to the safe house that he had visited before. After changing the car there, Ans took the princes back to the apartment.

After all, the public cannot know that the little princes have been kidnapped. Although it is a fact, it needs to be concealed. People's hearts cannot be turbulent. Once chaos breaks out, reactionaries will take advantage of it.

That's why Ans needs to change cars. He believes that the cars left in the safe house are enough to publish news such as "Car racing in the city", rather than "Royal heir kidnapped in a car racing" that will cause fluctuations and stain the little princes. Dirty news.

As for the tidbits of cheating, they are not considered a stain, at most they are considered a peach.

"Oh! You're back!" Barry saw a car coming in, it was the safe house's car, and he quickly understood, "Princes...that's great! As expected of you!!"

"Mom!!" x2

When Barry came over, the prince and his wife, who had been paying attention outside the apartment, also came out. Although the rift between them could not be healed, the child was their blood after all.

So when they were kidnapped, Charles also hurried back from the recovery party. After scolding his wife, he could only sit at the door and wait and pray that the bodyguard named 'Nobondi' could take his children with him. Come back safely.

So at this moment, when the car drove in and Barry greeted it, the two couples ran out. At this moment, they both lost the royal etiquette.

The two little princes threw themselves into the embrace of the princess, leaving Charles standing awkwardly beside him with his hands open. Ans glanced at it and ignored it, but took Barry to open the trunk. There were two corpses inside. He picked up one and inspected it briefly before looking at Barry.

"Where's the body of the man in the suit who died in the park before?"

"Leave it to the police station," Barry, who didn't know why he asked this, responded obediently, "Probably in the morgue over there."

"Call and ask them to take care of the body."

"Oh, okay." Perhaps it was Ans' eagerness that made Barry think something big might be going on. He quickly called and gave the order and then hung up with an ugly face. "It's late. The body is gone, so how can I get back?" thing?"

Ans didn't hide anything, he just picked up Aesop's body and showed the position of the back of his head.

"This place was originally punctured by a piece of glass."

But now there is no trace of wounds except for a stain of blood.

What does this represent?

This means that if the injury is not fatal, it only takes time for the wound to heal itself. What is this, a plug-in that automatically restores blood and injuries?

Barry took a breath. He already understood the reason why Ans was anxious about the corpse. He suddenly remembered those suspenseful horror movies he had watched.



"Do you think it's possible...that guy's not dead?"

Ans, who was conducting a rigorous search, rolled his eyes and found a bottle of light blue potion from the middle of the other party's belt. Barry didn't see it. He spread it out with a flip of his wrist and disappeared.

"How is it possible? What I attacked was the spleen." He found the same medicine on another corpse at the same position and stood up. "The dead are dead after all. It's just that the activity of the human body prompts the other party's wounds to repair themselves."

This is no longer a battle at the level of ordinary people. This potion and the traces of spells on the princess's friends, as well as the wizard who disappeared before, all show that this round of killers and wizards cooperated.

So now at least three parties are eyeing the British royal family, trying to subvert the country or cause instability in the country.

Templars, suit forces this time, and wizards.

The mortal class actually doesn't matter. What makes Ans uncomfortable the most is the presence of traces of wizards, which makes it difficult to judge whether these potions are the result of magic potions or mortal science.

It would be fine if it were a magic potion, but if it were the result of mortal science...

He shook his head and threw away this crazy idea. After all, if it is a scientific product for the general public, it will definitely become a [product] and the production of a product requires raw materials. The raw materials for this kind of thing are most likely not ordinary. Herbal medicine is the material for magical creatures. When the time comes, I don’t know what will happen.

A re-launch of medieval witch hunts?

For safety reasons, Ans knocked their heads flat, took out two glass bottles from the suitcase, poured the medicines in his hands into them and sealed them, then put the empty medicine bottles back to their original places, and then asked Barry The notifier recycles both of them.

Since one of them is 'away' and the person cannot be resurrected, we have to consider whether the other party will take the risk of losing a few more people to recover the two corpses, but Ans wants to ensure the safety of the little princes, so since the corpses If there is no information, and the useful information has been collected, the useless things should be thrown out to avoid attracting people's attention.

Watching the car collecting the body taking away the 'person', Ans wrote a letter through his own organization's channels and sent the medicine bottle back home, hoping that his parents would use a cuckoo (white-faced owl) to send a message to Ans. Professor Pu.

Leave professional things to professionals.

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