Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

063 No need to be nervous

After watching the three senior men in black leave, Ans turned around and went upstairs with the Holy Sword of Eden, nodding towards the two people on the stairs.

"It's okay, have a sweet dream."

They walked past the princess and Barry calmly and calmly as if nothing happened, just like drinking tea and eating.

Ans knew about their appearance, and the three men in black also knew it. Ans was not surprised by Barry's appearance, but the princess... this surprised him.

But Ans had no idea that she and the bodyguard were hooking up, because after nightfall, the cobweb-like warning magic from Professor Card had been running.

Although there is a trace of silk, it is like the 'curse' is not the 'silk' put into the wand, but a magic that falls into the soul and consciousness. But who is Ans? He is an Obscurus, but he does not destroy it. Trace silk, but confine and isolate it.

Therefore, it can be said without hesitation that this entire villa-like apartment with its own large garden swimming pool has always been under Ans' surveillance.

When the man in black fell from the wall, Ans sensed the vibration of the cobweb like a spider, got up and drew his knife to hunt for prey. It was a pity that the man just came to say hello, and he was a senior, so he always had to give face.

Yes, the three of them are seniors, seniors who belong to the Templars. Unlike the Assassin Brotherhood, when the two organizations merged, the Templars organization did not have a unified policy, but split into two factions.

One faction, like Anse's mother's Thorpe family, responded to the integration to create and maintain order for the new world, while the other faction did not integrate with its old rivals, but was unable to stop the trend of integration between the two parties, so they went out independently to [St. He calls himself the "Knight of the Palace".

But he didn't expect that they would also come to interfere with the princess's family.

On one side, Ansi went back to his room to sleep leisurely, while on the other side, Barry and the princess were not so calm.

Barry was already wary because of his duty as a bodyguard and knowing that there had been a lot going on recently, while the princess simply couldn't sleep because she was 'scared'. .seven

At first, the two heard a clanking sound and sensed something was wrong, so they met in the corridor. Then, a silent understanding made them lie down in the gap of the stairs and looked down. They saw four men in black fighting in close combat in the living room.

The three of them wore masks and their faces were unknown, and all they knew was that the young bodyguard was 'dancing' in the darkness waving an invisible knife.

This shows what?

It shows that the new bodyguard's combat prowess is not as young as his age, but he can handle the siege of three people with ease, which makes people feel so - artistic.

But in the end, there was no blood splattering as the princess and Barry thought. Instead, they took a step back from each other in an orderly manner, as if they were exiting. The man in black left, and Ans returned upstairs.

It was as calm as if nothing had happened and it was not him who was fighting with a knife in the hall just now.

It was so plain that it made the princess even more scared. It was a very irrational emotion. It was like an inspired investigator encountering an ancient being. The other party didn't do anything, but it frightened the investigator.


On the first day of the morning, Ans got up early and went out for morning exercises, and kindly covered the two bodyguard colleagues who had received the anesthesia injection with two blankets. Perhaps they slept too peacefully, and Ans was out doing morning exercises, so the maids didn't notice. inappropriate.

It wasn't until Barry walked out of the apartment that he saw Ans doing his morning exercise and his colleagues lying dead outside the door. He pursed his lips and looked at Nobandi, who was running and jumping like a human. In the end, he didn't say anything and just called the two colleagues Pick it up.

The dew had soaked their suits all night long. If they didn't tidy them up, they might have to replace the two colleagues.

After finishing his morning exercise, Ans returned to the place where the 'servants' ate and greeted the aunt who was cooking with a smile. His young and handsome smile once again lit up the aunt's eyes.

Aunt Mary, who had been prepared for a long time, had prepared a trolley for the Plus breakfast for ten people specially prepared by Ans. Ans gave Aunt Mary a thumbs up and pushed the cart to the table to eat.

Yesterday, Ans's appetite had refreshed Aunt Mary's perception of the world. She had never known that such a thin and small boy (1 meters is considered small) could have such a big appetite.

It's not like they, the maids, have never seen the Big Eater Competition, but everyone in it is fat and big, how can there be such a small one?

The maid named Anne put a pot of tea and a cup in Ans's hand. After pouring [-]% of the tea, she rubbed Ans's head. It was obvious that this maid who was good at making tea also liked Ans very much.

Who doesn’t like a good-looking boy with good physical strength? I’m asking about girls here.

After settling down his two colleagues, Barry changed his clothes and came over, then took a standard dinner plate from Aunt Mary and sat opposite Ans. Comparing this, he looked like an adult and a child.

"last night……"

"They just came to say hello." Without Barry asking, Ans answered Barry's question while cutting the meat, "No need to be nervous at all."

After hearing what Ans said, Barry took a few bites of the sandwich. Then, before he could wait for Ans's answer, because there was food in his mouth, Barry knocked on the table, made eye contact with Ans, and sent out a questioning signal with his eyes. .





Barry is not calm anymore, why doesn't he need to be nervous?Did the other party retreat?

"It's useless to be nervous," Ans finished eating the fish steak made from Longli fish, poured a cup of hot tea and took a sip. "We are prey on the bright side, they are hunters hiding in the dark. , we don’t have perspective, can you find it?”

This is a lie, Ans can see through it.

Barry blinked and lowered his head to eat the sandwich in silence.

After judging that there was nothing wrong with him, Ans put the plates, cutlery and forks into the cart, walked into the kitchen and complimented Aunt Mary, and then washed the dishes in the kitchen.

After all, his appetite is relatively large, which increases Aunt Mary's workload. As a knight, he needs to pay for himself, but it has nothing to do with Aunt Mary. This is Ans's self-satisfaction.

This is like giving a coin to a beggar on the roadside. Just one coin cannot help the beggar too much. At most, a steamed bun or a bottle of water?But it can give yourself a sense of satisfaction.

Ah ~ I am a kind person

This kind of inner satisfaction can adjust one's psychology very well.

Coming out of the kitchen, the laughter of the two princes could be heard outside. It seemed that they had already gotten up.

Walking to the courtyard, Ans and Annie nodded, then looked at Barry, who saw him standing on one side of the courtyard in a suit, looking very professional.


Ans looked at the princess.

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