Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

060 People under the tree

Unexpectedly, Princess Diana just chased the children for a while, raised her wrist, looked at her watch, and left with an excuse.

Barry wanted to follow, but was stopped by the princess. She just said that they would just hang around here and let the four of them keep an eye on the two children.

Ans didn't say anything as he watched the young woman in her thirties leave. He knew why Diana left. Perhaps even Barry, an equestrian coach and bodyguard, knew the reason.

When Prince Charles took the lead in exiting the much-anticipated luxury marriage of the century, abandoning the heroine on stage and hooking up with an actress off stage, the heroine on stage tried a lot, but was unable to make the man The protagonist once again appeared on stage with him.

So, is the stage empty and only the heroine is left?

No, no, the heroine has a big girl character. Her husband no longer wants her, and even the queen ignored her pleas for help. Her father-in-law also bluntly said to Charles, "If you are not satisfied, after five years, you can go back and find him." She (Camilla)", which made Diana understand that she was the only one in this royal family.

She is the only one on this stage.

So what did she choose?End sadly and end up alone?No, she is still on the stage, but she has invited some 'supporting actors', 'second male actors' or 'pseudo male protagonists' to come on stage.

She is now looking for an actor with whom she can dance in the darkened stage - James Gilbey.

So, what is the identity of this actor?

Just a car salesman.

When Ans got this information, he wasn't surprised, but he felt like he was watching a fairy tale.

Aladdin's magic lamp?

A sequel to Cinderella?

Ans turned his head back. The couple were each playing their own way. They were worthy of being nobles, and they fit in well with the medieval background of the magical world.

Noticing that Barry seemed to be reminding himself not to delve into the 'mistress' story, Ans nodded to him, focused on the young masters, and used his actions to tell them that he understood.

In the information provided by the organization, the first sequence of protection is the two princes, while the second sequence is Prince Charles and his wife. Of course, Madonna has been promoted to 1.5 by Ans.

Beautiful women always have some privileges. Ans will save her if she is in danger without endangering William and Harry, but if it were another situation, he would have to say goodbye to the couple.


Realizing that he had been called, Ans looked at William. The other two brothers ran over and said they wanted to play hide and seek.

Why not find Barry and the others?He looks like an adult at first glance and cannot play, but Ans is a child regardless of his actual age or appearance.


Looking back at the three Barrys, they were all very professional - looking at the princes.

Following their eyes, they soon found the eldest prince lying there in the grass, but he only thought of 'covering' his head and ignored his buttocks. As for the little prince, he was nestled in the 'safe house', but he ignored it. The shoes on his feet are very expensive, at least not something that children in this park can wear.

First, he lifted up the eldest prince, and after telling him where his flaws were, he began to 'search' for the little prince. After all, he hid it well, so you can't say that your shoes were exposed. This was not an acceptable reason.

In this way, Ans and William walked around the 'safe house', and the other children left obediently when they saw it. After all, an older child taking a younger child and wearing all black did not feel like a good person.

"Look, everyone else ran away, why didn't you follow them out?" Ans knocked on the top of the 'safe house' as if knocking on a door. "Getting together with a lot of people doesn't mean safety, it also means uniqueness. "

Carrying the two little ones back, Ans, as the 'big kid', taught them to climb trees, so that at least they could take shelter if something went wrong.

After getting tired of climbing, and seeing that the princess hadn't come back yet, Ans taught them how to play 'hide and seek', a correct hiding place and hiding posture.

Barry and the others didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that this bodyguard was smart because he was too young after all. But after hearing what Ans taught, they all looked at each other through their sunglasses. Although they didn't say anything, they got closer. Well, didn't you see that the two maids got closer by playing with the princes?

As a maid of the royal family, being able to learn the skill of 'hiding' is enough to save your life at some point.

This skill is no less than the secret passages hidden by eunuchs and maids somewhere in the palace, or the secret passages hidden by the masters who build tombs. .seven

The sky was getting dark, and the princess also came back. Her face was rosy and her slender waist was swaying, and the charm of her posture bloomed in the dusk. When she came back, she apologized to the children first, and there was indeed something wrong this time.

The spring breeze blew, Ans sniffed the scent, and did not smell any strange smell. Ans would understand that the other party was not 'fooling around'. Of course, he had considered the option of 'cleaning', but it was rejected. The trained assassin It's unmistakable.

This princess... seems to be quite clean.

"Okay, everyone, it's getting late, let's leave first!" The hostess gave the instructions, and then took the children with both hands to take a step forward. "How are you guys, did you have a good time?"

Barry, the others, and the maid followed closely behind them, with the maid behind. The three of Barry were vaguely trying to wrap them up in the middle, and with Ans following at the back, they really were the 'package' Formation.

"Really? Is Nobandi that powerful?" The princess and the children understood what they were playing. After hearing this, they turned around and smiled brightly at Ans. "Then you want to play with him next time?"


These are the words of the little prince.

"Mom also wants to come with us!"

These were the words of the eldest prince. He vaguely sensed something and did not want his mother to leave him.

"Okay, next time, mom will play with you."

Approaching the car, Barry and others checked that the car was okay, then asked the princess and the others to get in, followed closely by the men, waiting for Ans' turn.

He suddenly stopped and squatted down to pretend to tie his shoes. He turned his head slightly and a scarlet color appeared in his eyes. He looked over his shoulder and saw two people under a big tree. One could not see clearly because of the shadow and the other's coat was exposed in the shadow. Outside, it's dark red.



Ans stood up. Since the opponent didn't move, he didn't need to move for the time being, because he was on the defensive side. If he took action at this time, the opponent would have many excuses.

He can get away with just saying "I'm a paparazzi", but he will still have to pay for medical expenses, unless Ans is given the opportunity to use Veritaserum. Oh, it is a product of the American intelligence agency, not a medicine from the magical world.

Therefore, there is no value in taking action at this time.

Ans and Barry sat together, and the other side silently nudged Ans with his elbow. After looking at each other, Barry looked at Ans's shoes, and then gently raised his chin toward the window.

He asked if anything was wrong.

Because he saw that Ans's hand was not really tying his shoelaces.

He shook his head silently, indicating that nothing happened and he felt relieved for the time being.

But they all know that just because it's okay now, doesn't mean it won't be okay in the future.

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