Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

034 Dean of Eagles and Badgers

Even Tox, who was born in Gryffindor, was shocked by that silent gesture. If he had known this when he was in school, he would not have been caught wandering at night so often.

But it was precisely because he understood the importance of this ability that he finally became a little more serious.

Even if the other person is a junior from the same school, it doesn't mean that he, a senior, wants to be touched behind his back by a junior. Isn't that the same treatment as Snape?

"Let's go Jeff," after enough time, Moody walked in first with a wand. "Be careful Jeff, cheer up!"

"Yes, sir!"

Geoff Tox is an Auror for the British Ministry of Magic.

Half an hour later, with a few crackling sounds, the house elf appeared with a disgraced Moody and Jeff. Each of them suffered not particularly serious injuries. Moody's head was broken, and Jeff's right hand was broken. The bones in these three locations, from the wrist, elbow to shoulder, were broken.

When he appeared, he had already passed out. Madam Pomfrey didn't know why Dumbledore's phoenix brought her here at first. She thought it was just a group of adult wizards feeding the little wizard, but unexpectedly, the reality was... Give her an eye opener.

"They are fine. Mr. Moody is indeed an Auror with a high reputation. He has rich combat experience and is really powerful."

Professor McGonagall turned around and took a few steps back like a cat, the wand in his hand looming. Moody and Tox suddenly appeared just now, and they gathered around to observe the injuries. In the end, no one noticed Ans's appearance.

Oh, maybe Dumbledore knows, but this quiet feeling, are you a ghost?

Seeing the catgirl's violent reaction, Snape pursed his lips and began to cross his chest with his hands again, rarely trying to choke Professor McGonagall.

Although this reaction is indeed very similar to a cat's jump shot.

"How? Mr. Anonymous?"

Dumbledore's meaning was obvious.

"I'm okay, it just depends on the next few."

"Come on!"

Flitwick jumped up to announce his presence, and pulled Professor Sprout from the same camp. After all, the two of them belonged to the Buddhist sect among the four colleges, and they just watched the drama of snakes and lions fighting each other. .

Professor Sprout didn't say much. She was very gentle, just like Hufflepuff. She was not opposed to this way of getting familiar with each other and fighting, because she was the dean and professor of this school. How could she let others come in and do it? Destruction yet.

"Well, Mr. Anonymous," Professor Sprout took out a bag of seeds, "I am the professor of Herbology, so..."

"Of course, use it to your heart's content. There are no restrictions except human life." This sentence was said by Ans, because he himself did not intend to limit himself. He needed to feel his own strength. "Because you cannot have any influence on the enemy." However, there is a saying in the East, which translates to, when a lion hunts, even a rabbit will try its best.”

Because Ans' emotions exaggerated them, the 'frivolousness' visible to the naked eye at the beginning disappeared, and they finally looked like some battle-hardened wizards.

Ans was still the first to enter, and 10 minutes later, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout entered at the same time.

In the field, Ans was squatting on a tree. Because of Professor Sprout, he didn't need to guess what she wanted to do with the seeds.

It integrates offense and defense, and can also track enemies. It is a mage template like a plant summoner, but the main body does not rely solely on plants, and its own combat effectiveness can still be seen.

When he saw the two people entering the room at the highest point, he waved the wand wrapped in black gauze and whispered the magic spell of transformation in his mouth.

There was no trap set, because he was the intruder and the opponent was the defender. Logically speaking, it was Ans who should attack. The professors set up traps and warning magic to defend, but in order to be able to confront each other, they acquiesced to such a duel.

The thorns formed by the condensed snow and soil emerged one by one, destroying the plants that Professor Sprout had just arranged and activated. However, with Professor Flitwick's iron armor spell, he and Sprout were destroyed. Protected in a circle.

The insight brought by his bloodline allowed Ans to clearly see the flickering fireflies in Professor Flitwick's eyes, as well as the sunflower-like plant as tall as a human being left behind by Professor Sprout. They were all magic and magic that sought out the enemy. plant.

Squinting his eyes slightly, the magic power in his body exploded. The earth and snow crystals that had condensed into thorns suddenly erupted, and the crystal prisms shot out in all directions, knocking the iron armor spell cast by Professor Flitwick to the point of collapse.


Snowflakes are scattered!

Amidst the snowflakes in the sky, Professor Sprout and Professor Flitwick disappeared.

Hit, but not quite.


There was a sound from behind.

"Oh, are you looking for us?"

Without even turning around to respond to Professor Flitwick's words, Ans jumped off the six or seven-story tree, giving Professor Flitwick a headache.

I felt a vine-type wooden branch behind my back. If I hadn't jumped in time, I might have been tied up directly, or I might have been touched by the mask?

Although there is a mask on the face, the feeling of the cold wind touching the eyes is not false. This kind of discovery enters the trap, and then waits in a tight formation. After discovering the enemy's location, he quietly appears behind the enemy. At the critical moment, If the 'crackling' sound hadn't been too obvious, Ans might not have had time to play.

In the strong wind, Ans laughed equally wildly. Less than three meters from the ground, the vine branches behind him had touched his back. The wand in his hand suddenly waved and turned into a hook, disappearing again like Tarzan. In front of the two professors.

"Just a little bit, Pomona."

Professor Flitwick crouched on a treetop that was thick enough for his size to serve as a bed.

"Maybe, keep chasing, Filius, don't let the students look down on you, even if you are unfamiliar with him, you still have to lose with dignity."

Professor Sprout was not surprised at all. There was a slight smile in his eyes. Although the jumping posture had changed, it still looked familiar. Plus, plants don't lie.

"Oh? Has Pomona already chosen someone? That's not possible, because I am Ravenclaw. Let me think about it." Professor Flitwick touched his beard and looked at such a high distance from the ground. He smiled and said, "Indeed, perhaps, no student dares to jump from such a high place, not even the two Gryffindor twins."

"Maybe they didn't want to hide it?"

Pomona smiled, she didn't really care about the identity of 'Anonymous', as long as what he did was good, then she agreed.

"No, no, maybe they don't want to hide it from us."

Professor Flitwick showed a smile belonging to the 'Ravenclaw' style, which can also be called the smile of a 'student master' or a 'person who sees through everything'.

"Then we need to teach him well," Professor Sprout flipped his wrist, and a small bag appeared in his palm. He buckled it backwards, and seeds kept falling and flying in the wind. "After all, he is a good boy, right?" .”

"Yes, he is indeed a good boy, with eyes like an eagle. What a pity..."

Professor Flitwick was sitting on the treetop. The wand in his hand was like a musician's baton, waving to a certain rhythm. Although there was no strange phenomenon, he could detect it with a careful feel - the wind had changed. .

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