Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 41: Pleasure Palace (1)

-40 minutes before the vampire queen's resurrection-

"This is the best they can do? Pff. We would have come any day then and not waited for today to..."

I was telling Cid how easy it was to infiltrate this place.

But something weird happened.

My face was sinking against the wall and then I was looking at the buildings in a strange upside down position.

I understood it a bit after I saw a sign of head.


I screamed inwardly as I looked ahead to watch as I approached a building and was no longer in the black tower.

I was going to die no doubt, but I'm not that kind of background character to die in the final battle and not survive.

I quickly activated my Hawkeye and God of Lightning Speed to avoid death.

My eyes were searching for a route where I can propel myself and not end up as a scrambled egg.

My hands and feet were giving a slight boost on the rooftops due to the intense speed I was going.

I had no idea how instead of descending I ended up going higher until a large red building was approaching.

I could only shield myself for the impact that awaited me.


A loud sound echoed in the place accompanied by a cloud of dust.

*Cough, cough*

I coughed while still clinging to the falling wall.

I stood up and wiped the dust on my clothes.

After a while, my eyes opened. At a great distance I visualized the tower I was in a few moments ago.

"This sucks, now how do I get there?"

I said out loud without meaning to.

Something I didn't notice, was the light surrounding me.

I turned around as I was planning to apologize to the people in this place. It must be a hotel, so I will offer my apologies Japanese style so they will spare my life.

I would be angry if a flying bastard destroyed my wall, so I was a bit terrified.

Before I crouched down in a dogeza position, I heard some strange comments.

"Viscount Clover!"

"N-N-N-It can't be... the viscount has..."

"You murdered the viscount!"

My stomach felt a slight churning, it was the same feeling that happened to me when I ate too much and clogged the toilets.

But now it was different.

As I looked around, I was surrounded by a large group of men in suits and women wearing exotic clothes.

Further down, there was the hand of an overweight man peeking out.


That sound because I accidentally killed someone.

"... It was an accident!"

I proceeded to run from the place straight to the exit.


Pleasure Palace was the location where Razel was located.

"An intruder appeared!"

The place is half the size of the black tower.

The interior is identical to a 5-star hotel in Los Angeles.

There were beautiful girls in various rooms doing their job.

On one of the higher floors, a group of men were closing a deal.

Viscount Clover- an obese man, was closing a purchase.

The owner of the place was smiling. The purchase was successful.

Just as he stood up, the wall behind the viscount broke and fell on him.

A strange boy was there. He fled as would a driver who ran over an innocent person.

The boss of the place shouted.

"Catch him and kill him!"

"If anyone finds out what happened because of his escape... It will be the end of us!"

"Bring me his head! Warn everyone!"

An employee nodded and ran to a telephone on the wall. He called all floors and described the fleeing subject.

Everyone was getting ready for the hunt.

The owner of the place went to another floor, was called by his subordinate, but ignored him.


The owner of the place came to a dark room. When he opened the door, there was only darkness, but a shadow was touched by the light.

"... What's wrong? Said a voice in that darkness."

The owner of the place's hair was disheveled, but he didn't care.

"An intruder killed an important customer! Go and kill him!"

"... You have security, don't you? Why don't you do it yourselves?"

"Don't be an idiot!"

"He somehow broke our security! It must be someone sent to ruin our business! The black crows sent you because part of our profits go to them! So get off your ass!"

The figure in the shadows opened his eyes.

Two black holes were staring at the owner of the place.

"I'm interested in how you infiltrated, but if it's no big deal, I'll go back to training."

The figure was touched by the light more clearly as the owner stepped aside.

A man was upside down on the ceiling.

His feet were on the ceiling.

As he released his toes, his body fell in slow motion.

He was a very tall man, went to a corner to grab a gun, and said.

"Let's see if you're worth it."

I started running as I was being chased.

"Come back here you brat!"

"Don't let him get away."

The people in this place were very angry with me.

They were chasing me with their rifles and swords.

Some were coming towards me and I was dodging them.

Instead of going down, I was going up because down there were these guys.

One guy with two swords was chasing me.

Since they are not my enemies and I did something wrong, I couldn't kill them.

His anger was natural.

I was running and screaming like crazy.

But then... a strong tremor happened.

The guys chasing me fell down, but not me.

I used that opportunity to climb up and hide.

I climbed floor after floor until I seemed to reach the last one.

It is possible that there is a hidden elevator here as I doubt they could walk that many floors.

I opened the door using so much force that it popped out.

Then, in that darkness, a faint red light illuminated the room and I gasped.

In there, instead of finding an elevator, I found a person.

A beautiful girl was on her knees looking at the moon through a window.

Her skin was white as snow.

She had nine tails. Yes, nine tails and ears.

The ears were pointed and long.

She wore a modified traditional blue kimono.

The skirt was a mini skirt, showing her plump thighs covered by white stockings.

Her hair was long, reaching down to the floor.

It was white as the moon.

The tips of her tails and ears were blue.

Her eyes were sapphire blue. They shone with a light that could be compared to Eli's ruby eyes or the color of a lake like Lily's.

But what struck me most was not her innocent, youthful face. It was something else, something that caught my attention from the moment the light shone on her.

On her breasts, two huge fleshy fruits rested.

They were so firm they looked like ice cream in cups.

They were as large as Barbara's.

Undoubtedly an exotic beauty.

The odd thing was that she had a chain around her neck.

Such an accessory was disgusting on a huge-breasted beauty.

I asked her name.

"What is your name?"

She, in a slightly doubtful tone answered after looking straight into my face.


That name was undoubtedly Japanese.

But the pronunciation was beautiful.

From the way she said it. I imagine she uses the characters for snow and princess. A snow princess like her hair and tails.

Very beautiful indeed.

"What are you doing here I asked her?"

She said a little shyly.

"That's a strange question. You mean what am I doing here? Well, it's strange to answer since I've lived here for 20 years."

"Huh?" I said in surprise at that crazy answer.

She looked at me as if she didn't understand what I said.

"Is it strange? I came here together with my vassal and I have been in this place waiting for my owner. Are you my new owner?"


I took a look around. She had luxurious things, but they were just generic basics like paper, toothbrush, hairbrushes and sheets.

This was the good life of a prisoner.

I forgot for a second where I was for a second.

Behind me I heard voices.

"There he is!"

"Get him!"

I looked at her briefly. She looked at me the same way.

Her beautiful eyes were tired.

I asked her.

"Do you like it here?"

The guys in the back were getting closer and closer.

She turned to the window and looked carefully at the moon.

Without turning to look at me she said.

"I accepted my destiny a long time ago. No matter what it was, since I have no place to go, no family to wait for me, and nothing to live for."

They were getting closer and closer.

"Kill him!"

They were meters away from my back, but I didn't care.

I opened my mouth and said.

"If you have no reason to live, no place to go, let alone care what happens to you from now on."

A light shone from the ground where I was standing.

"Would you like to come with me? At my side, you will never suffer, you will never suffer hardship, much less feel loneliness."

She turned to look at me with startled eyes.

They immediately grew bigger because of what I did.

In a split second, I beat the crap out of all these guys.

Their heads were smashed in and their necks were broken.

I don't care about the lives of those who are my enemies, I won't show mercy to anyone... unless it's a woman with big breasts. In that case I will look for the solution to avoid killing her.

Yukihime had a strange glow in her eyes.

"Knight... sama?"


Well, the emperor appointed me as one, but not that I really care.

"I'm an upstart nobleman really. Will you come with me? There are other women like you who are happy and you can be happy too if you wish."

I held out my hand to see if this girl wished to be part of my harem.

Was it wrong to use an opportunity like this to get more women?

Fuck those who say yes. I am a selfish being. I don't help anyone unless it interests or benefits me.

I feel no remorse in doing so. In my former life religions and politicians took advantage of that.

Thanks to whoever is upstairs, I can prove that everything they said is bullshit.

Yukihime looked confused, she looked at me and then at the moon repeatedly.

In the end, she agreed in a tender way.

"Yes. Please release me, knight-sama."

I won't say anything about it.

I reached over and put my hands on the necklace around his neck.

I put a lot of force and destroyed the collar.

It hurt a little. Nah, bullshit. I don't feel pain anymore since that day.

Now that she was liberated, I acted like a playboy in a game.

I took her hand in an affectionate way and gave her a kiss.

"Let me check around, it would be bad if there are more guys like that around here."

"Yes, please take care of yourself."

She was cute and she cared about me. She reminded me of Lily in a way.

I headed down the hallway and showed a happy idiot face.

"I got a new lover~"

"Her breasts were as big as Barbara's~"

"Now I got a feast- no, a festival of huge breasts all to myself~"

My joyous moment of lust did not last long.

For in that split second, my right eye became aware of an invisible saber heading towards my face.

It was the equivalent of a blink of an eye.

If I hadn't seen it, my head would be on the ground right now.

But I made it in time.

I crouched down as if I were doing squats.

Then came another invisible saber over my head.

I activated my Hawkeye from earlier. That's why I could see that phantom blade heading for my head.

I managed to dodge it by moving to the side.

After taking cover, I heard a voice.

"It's amazing that I dodged it not once, but twice. I thought it was a fluke like a sneeze, but it looks like you actually saw it."

"My respects."

When the voice stopped, a strange mirage-like silhouette was happening in front of me.

A man was formed from head to toe.

His clothing was too similar to a ninja, but he had shoulder pads and other equipment of a mini samurai armor on his limbs.

His mouth and nose were covered like those bank robbers.

He had a diagonal scar on his face, running from his forehead to his nose.

His skin was tanned and his eyes were small but menacingly black.

His hair was completely slicked back and was dark purple in color.

The man introduced himself.

"Good evening, I am the second strongest of the black raven special forces. Helmut of Despair."

My expression darkened with anger when he said that name.

"Black Crows, you said?"

"Yes. Do you know them?"

I took the special ring Amy made me and put it on.

"Of course. They're my enemies, I hate their guts. In fact, I already killed one of your friends' months ago and several of your bosses."

When I put it on, a black shadow covered me momentarily. Then it disappeared and I became my alter ego.

The one that was born to hide my presence so that no one would discover me.

"I am the light that shines in the most intense darkness."

"My existence is a necessary evil for this world."

"My hand is a dagger that exists to purge the darkness of this world."

My entire body was dressed in jet black.

My hands wore special gloves.

A long hooded cloak and a mask on my face.

"I am your greatest enemy. Licht is my name."

I introduced myself in a very cool way waiting for his reaction.

But this guy said.

"Boy, what are you playing at?"

I let out a ridiculous "Huh?" Because of what he said.

This guy not only believed me, he seemed to be making fun of me.

"Are you Licht? Don't think me foolish, kid, you're not a killer, your eyes tell me you're just a kid playing at being one."

I was speechless and looking like an idiot at what he said.


Me... playing?

Don't fuck with me!

I'm totally serious about this!

He still didn't believe me and even averted his eyes from me.

"I thought you were a threat, but you're really just a kid playing. My mistake, it must be because I've been in the dark all day and haven't seen any light for hours."

I was starting to get irritated since I wasn't playing.

Without meaning to, I stepped out of my role and shouted.

"You say I'm playing, don't fuck with me, I'm totally serious about this!"

He still didn't believe me, in fact, he turned away.

"I'll turn a blind eye, so go home to your mommy. Go now."

I got so irritated, but so irritated, that I didn't realize I kicked him at high speed.

The guy didn't even move.

But... in a split second.

Half of his body was pushed aside.

Imagine someone standing next to you and the instant you take your eye off, they're now on the other side.

That's what I felt before I buried myself in the door I broke through.

Once I got out, I just stared at him.

He was really looking down on me.

"What are you doing kid? Hurry up and go home."

"I'm not a kid! I'm Razel- I mean. I'm Licht!"

This time I moved my right fist with electricity, the hand turned into an electric blade.

It was rapidly approaching him, this time I couldn't dodge it, but-

"Kiri no jutsu: Kyoka Suigetsu."

With those strange words that reminded me of an anime, my hand pierced his skull.

It was my victory without a doubt.

"Where are you aiming?"

Immediately at the sound of his voice, I turned around and he was in the same position.

He hadn't even moved.

What happened?

I stepped back and analyzed what happened.

(What the fuck happened exactly?)

The situation was strange, but I didn't care what he did, I only cared about killing him.

Again I headed towards him, but this time I used lightning speed god... the name is too long, I'd better shorten it.


I know!

From today onwards I will call it... Raijin.

Unlike the previous one, the name written in kanji is shorter.

Once again I activated my Raijin and went to pierce his skull.

But it had no effect either.

The bastard was intact.

Again I did it again, and again, and again.

Every time I seemed to cut him or pierce him.

It appeared on the side.

I was starting to get anxious.

The guy would explain to me as he pointed his finger up.

"If you were a real killer, you should understand that an enemy you can't defeat, it's advisable to run away and look for information on his weakness."

"That's the basics of the basics."

Something I didn't notice, was that in his hands he was holding a Japanese katana.

It had a mirror on one side.

It was red in color with a red handle and a white edge.

He observed that I saw his sword and said.

"Finally you notice it? How slow you are, this sword is an heirloom from my clan, I am a foreigner. Several years ago, my homeland was destroyed by a country. That's why I had to change my name to live here."

"I am the last existing 'Sendo' master. What you call foot style, for us it is part of our training."

He walked towards me, and before I knew it, he was in front of me.

"You're not a killer, you're just a kid playing at being one. I can smell the iron stench of blood on you, but that doesn't mean you are one."

"A butcher kills every day, but that doesn't mean he is a serial killer or a genocide."

I couldn't react as for some reason I was dumbfounded.

"Stop playing games and react for once, kid. The world of adults and the darkness of this world is none of your business."

He kicked me hard and I climbed out of a window.

As there were no buildings nearby, I ended up falling straight onto the roof of a building.

Before I fell, I watched as ghouls entered the streets of this district lit by natural red light.

But I didn't have time to worry about them.

I activated my Raijin and fell roughly, but on two legs against the roof.

I made a loud clatter.

I looked up to think about how to climb up.

"Kiri no jutsu: Meikyo Shisui."

I heard his voice again.

I didn't know where it came from.

But what I could see was that the edge of his sword cut my face.

Fortunately, the mask was made of slime and spider queen web.

It took the damage and nothing happened to me, but it was destroyed.

It was the first time- no, the second time this has happened to me.

The first time was months ago. Now it was the second time I was facing an enemy that could hurt me.

But I don't have time for absurd worries.

The vampire queen's resurrection will come soon.

As my Raijin was still activated, I activated my Hawkeye and resumed the attack.

The bastard only moved slightly leaving a silhouette that vanished after a few seconds.

It looked like a computer effect.

"This style of footwork is superior to yours. It consists of using the Sendo to distribute internal energy to the bottom of the feet for perfect balance."

My punches and kicks were far surpassed, I was actually the second strongest of those guys.

"The only one who can keep up with me perfectly is Vassago, the strongest of them all. Kid, if you were really a threat, they would have sent that guy after you."

I ignored him and decided to use a stronger attack.

"Lightning palm!"

My right hand glowed and a large electrical discharge in the form of a jet shot out at him.

He deflected it with his sword.

For some reason, he looked annoyed.

"You... did you use an attack that came directly from your body?"

I didn't answer, I used more electric clapping.

It reminded me of a game the way I threw the jets of electricity at him.

Each and every one repelled them and his discomfort increased.

"Those attacks really come from your body, you're not using natural energy from outside to create them like me, are you?"

I have no idea what he was talking about.

So I used another attack.

"Lightning Magic: Electric Wheelbarrow."

I gave a few light kicks in the air and started to create friction to give a sensation similar to flying.

That was possible because the electricity coursing through my body created small explosions in the air that gave me momentum.

I did a full spin and threw my lightning palm attacks at him.

He looked at me and said.

"Kiri no jutsu: Tsukuyomi."

As if in slow motion, his hand with his sword came down and turned around like the hands of a clock.

The attacks were repelled and he was heading towards me.

But I didn't care and rushed towards him.

I was going to use the same thing I used with my duel with Lambert, but he stopped me.

A strong kick came to my stomach accompanied by the words.

"You fucking idiot!"

"You're a big asshole kid!"

He sent me flying away and I landed on a nearby roof.

Before I woke up, a rain of blows fell on me.

"Do you even know what you've done! Do you?"

"Do you have any idea what you're doing to your body?!"

"You're destroying your limiter! No... You destroyed it a long time ago!"

The beating was so tremendous that we broke the roof and fell floor after floor until we reached the first floor.

He grabbed my shirt and threw me out.

Then, he came over with a big leap and attacked me from above.

"Kiri no jutsu: Tsukuyomi."

It looked like tiny blades of a sword approaching.

My body was hit by something and I spat blood.

I could hear in the distance how a group of ghouls were approaching, but this guy's voice resounded more.

"The limiters are to prevent humans from doing crazy things!"

"Just like putting your hand on a stove, you remove it because your nerves send a sensation to the brain warning of harm."

"But you... you know what you did don't you? You understand what you've done to your body!"

I didn't care what he said, instead I, started to get irritated and became more ruder than I was.

"You've totally destroyed that sense!"

I got on all fours, a current of electricity coursing through my body.

"You can't feel pain anymore! It doesn't matter if you break your arm or break a finger, the pain will never come back to you."

From my position I watched as the tail of my cape began to glow.

"The worst thing you've done is to have external energy coursing through your body!"

My arms and legs were covered with a light blue mesh that became an armor of electricity.

"You, you are killing your own body, it is impossible for the human body to generate electricity from within other than the small nerve discharges sent by the brain."

The way it adapted to my body, it was like the limbs of a cat.

Even on my hood, signs of ears appeared from the electricity.

In my previous life, I liked cats, perhaps it is for this reason that I named this form as-

"God of Lightning Speed: Phase 2..."

I looked at him and he looked a little sad.

"Your body is slowly getting poisoned, I could feel it. Your heart is not beating in a normal way, it is likely, you will die tonight of an internal stroke from the calcination of your organs."

"Wildcat! Shaa!"

Even if I have to die, I will finish off my enemies.

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