Reincarnated as the butt-spanking Knight with a System

Chapter 58: Track The Foe

"It would be very easy to track that Bitch."

"How do you certain about that, Kuso?" Reili asked him as she was not sure if they could be able to track Layla or not. 

However, the smart one would not be able to get spanked easily or else, they are the stupidest person ever. Kuso knew that logic which led him to answer her,

"Simple. You have the magic trace skill, and Reili has the capability to track from the smell."

"Yikes! How do you know that I could sniff someone's stench easily?" Reili freaked out as Kuso stated so. He replied to her,

"I'm a dog lover and that logic is a thing that every dog lover knows. It is the common secret I could say." 

"Err..." Reili reacted with a shy look. Her face had drawn it clearly of how reddish it was. As red as a strawberry that was about to ripe. But, in a good way as she continued to say,

"Yes... hihihi!!!"

"Damn, Kuso. You're a guessing monster!" Corona looked at him in a look resembling someone who had seen a ghost or paranormal. A shocking expression that people would laugh at. But, Kuso was not the person who would be laughing at someone over that trivial matter. 

He was continued to walk towards the village which had been visibly seen from their point of view. 

Hours passed. They had arrived at the cathedral that the statue of the goddess of war had been built partially. With a height that probably as tall as herself with an awful looking broadsword cast that was not being placed in the back of the statue. 

Still, she knew that it was far from perfect. But, she was tried to smile as she reacted,

"Err... It was kind of reminding me of a man in the ancient earth era. I think I remember the song. But... Better not to talk about it. Copyright issue." 

"Blergh. Copyright!" Kuso replied in a dissatisfying tone. Then, he decided to shift the topic briefly as he moved to the nearest bench. And he started to talk,

"Alright, Reili. Tell me what have you know about Layla?"

Reili moved towards the right of the guy who sat in the middle. And she replied to him as she looked at the guy who was formerly known as a software developer,

"First of all. I have smelled a similar stench with you, Kuso. That earthy stench tells me that you have died earlier. I was not believing you at all when we were met for the first time. But, I decided to play..."


"Kya! What the hell!" Reili reacted as she rubbed her butt hurriedly after Kuso had spanked her by using his right hand. Kuso answered her annoyance,

"Cause you did not believe me and saying that I was dead. But.. Yeah, It's a fact that I was dead thanks to overworking. However, it was no longer an issue for me to deal with. The issue which we have to deal with now is. How to defeat Layla without being caught by her?"

Both of them nodded, and Corona asked him.

"I think... You should use my body instead."

"Why?" Kuso asked her and she replied to him,

"I have better endurance in battles. And you are better in tactical. Of course that you are lacking the battle experience meanwhile those Technoknights were trained to have a capability like a hundred man's experience in a go. But... You did not train and rather that you are helping this village to rebuild from scratch."

"I'm good in archery," Kuso replied to Corona shortly. It had surprised her as she said,

"Whoa! Archery! I never thought that I will have a hawk-eye to assist me at this time!"

Reili questioned him out of curiosity,

"How do you learn archery? I thought that was a noble's combat skill."

"You can learn it simply in my past life's place. It just costs me around ten thousand Japanese yen per month. But, archery was not..."

"Craft: Bow of Kuso!"

Both of them looked at the goddess of war in motion to create the harp styled bow. It had the transparent string that remained invisible except for the one who has the power of hawk-eye to use the string. 

She hurled the bow towards the door of the cathedral. And it hit that door open.

However, the bow was returning to her as she grabs it by using her right hand. She commented,


"A bow with boomerang capability? I thought that hartpeler* did ask some weapon smith that it was impossible to be made. How do you make it?" 

"Experience," Corona replied to him and then, she took the aim as she commanded.

"Bow Magic."

A luminescent arrow had been visibly summoned at her left hand which she moved swiftly to the bow's body and shot it straight away without looking at it. 

The arrow that had been sent away had split onto five. And it created the bloom of flowers from the skies that causing the explosion resembling five C4s being blown together.

It shocked both Reili and Kuso as both of them looked at each other by saying,

"Am I dreaming, Reili?"

"That was too overpowered, Kuso!"

Both of them had their hairs being rose as the hole had been created by the explosion of the arrow with the soots covered their own faces.

Both of them were looking at the girl who had launched that deadly attack. And she reacted to both of them,




"I would know that would be coming out since it's Kuso after all." Reili looked at the girl who rubbed her butt as hard as possible after she blurted that word.


Written and Directed by Hartpeler, Published by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, Any piracy is not advisable as it's a part of a crime.

Corona will send a calamity to earth if you dare to pirate lord Hartpeler's book!

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