Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 62.1

So, RL got in the way and I had to delay releasing a new chapter, but I'm almost done with chapter 63, so you guys get the first part of the chapter today.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the story, have a great day!

Kara woke up feeling a lack of warmth between her arms. Eyes opening, she checked the bed for Kori, then she heard her lover in the kitchen and laid her head back on the pillow, releasing a long breath, a silly smile on her face.


Despite the drawn-out fight she had just been in, Kara felt utterly satisfied, all the stress of the planning and subsequent battle gone. She didn’t even care about the backlash from her actions or the involvement of a Demon in the assault.


Yeah, she was sure she would meet Neron again, probably under even less pleasant circumstances. Kal would also want to have a talk again, and there were now two villains inside her base —Which were two people too many for her liking, even if they were neutralized— but, for the moment, she just felt… relaxed.  


Regardless of what the future may hold, she had fulfilled her promise to Selina and dealt a strong blow against The Light, probably disrupting a significant number of their plans for a long time. 


With Klarion still hurt, Lex busy with a PR crisis and their scapegoat group dealt with in such a permanent manner, she doubted they had half as much control over the underworld as they did in the original show.


Perhaps she should press her advantage, but she couldn’t just go and punch the rest of her enemies, either because she didn’t know where to find them or because it would cause an international incident to do so.


Also, a cornered animal always fought harder and, with how amoral some of her enemies could be, Kara really didn’t want to see how far they could go. 


There were things worse than Klarion Savage could contact if he felt pressed.


No, this last action had bought her time. Time to plan, develop, finally finish healing and fully establish herself on Earth. Her company was also just taking off and she was almost ready to move into the new house.


Hmmmm, thinking about it, perhaps she could lay low for a few days, sleep late and work from home. It would allow things to quiet down, give her time to rest and, to be perfectly honest, all this effort had left her mentally exhausted.


Kara may be able to enjoy going out sometimes, and she had a blast messing with people, but the truth was she was an introvert. She needed to recharge, spend a few days quietly working on her projects and away from too many people.


Mind made up, Kara pulled the sheets closer and turned aside, closing her eyes again.




Kara pulled the sheets closer, covering her head and pretending she hadn’t heard anything.


“Meow,” the soft cry came from closer up this time, from her nightstand. Kara remained immobile, she was sleeping in no matter what!


With a soft impact, she felt Dexter jumping on her waist, his tiny paws making their way up her shoulder until she could just feel the cat staring down at her face, then he meowed again.


Reluctantly cracking open an eye, Kara glared at her feline overlord. Couldn’t he give her a rest?


As to be expected, defiance proved to be a mistake. Now that he knew she was awake, Dexter lifted a paw, extending his claws and slowly touching her cheek, then he did it again and again before releasing a much louder and drawn out cry.


With her resistance, his cute claws didn’t hurt, but they were sharp enough to tickle her, making it almost impossible to ignore.


“Ample appreciation, Feline friend!” Kori said, floating into the room and landing a few meters from the bed with a plate in her hands. She gave the cat a nod and turned to smile at the sleepy Kryptonian. “Raise and emit light, Kara, I have done the making of breakfast!”


The sight of the incoming food immediately caused the cat to shift interest, jump down from her shoulder and start to rub his body against Kori’s legs, his voice becoming weak and pitiful, perfectly calibrated to trick his foolish two-legged servants.


Kori, unfortunately for him, was made of sterner stuff than Kara, simply lowering the plate on Kara’s laps, nanomachines condensing into support legs that adjusted to the bed perfectly.


The Fog really had been a convenient find.


Sitting up, Kara looked at her breakfast, pancakes with syrup, there was a cup of coffee near her… and a glass of mustard with a straw on a corner.


“Please, will you be going to the base today?” Kori said, sitting on the bed and grabbing her drink.


“No. I’ll have to take Selina there tomorrow, but I think I’ll just take it easy today, maybe check on the data I got from the nanomachines at the hospital, see if I can adapt anything.”


“Wonderful, mayhaps you will be willing to accompany me to the mountain?” She asked, starting to suck the mustard at a prodigious rate, even releasing a small moan. “Hmm, the being we faced was not slain by your attack, yes? I do not believe you should be alone right now.”


“Good point, the kids won’t be much help, but there’s a Zeta Tube. Red Tornado will be there and the League will probably feel better if they can verify where I am right now.”


Kara knew her fight with the Injustice League would anger at least some of the heroes, and her cousin probably disapproved of how lethal she had been. She had pretty much resigned herself to their displeasure.


That didn’t mean she wanted to press their buttons by disappearing after the fact and leave them wondering what she’d do next, not when there was no need and, to be honest, the Titans didn’t use the mountain’s underground laboratory so she didn’t even have to interact with them while there.


Also, she had gotten the data from Red Volcano’s damaged head, it wasn’t as good as if she had gotten her hands on his geokinetic core, but perhaps she could use some of the data to improve her volcano.


“The Superman desires to speak with you, but do not worry, the League does not blame you for the damage and there was no loss of life beside the lawbreakers.”


“You talked with them?”


“I contacted friend Diana earlier,” Kori nodded, finishing her drink and sucking loudly on the straw until there was not a drop left.


“Thanks,” her girlfriend understood her so well.


Kara sighed. She had promised Selina she’d talk with Batman, but after waking up she realized she really didn’t want to, even if it would be amusing to push the cat burglar on him.


Finishing her breakfast, she got up, the metal cube on her nightstand immediately floating around her and forming into one of her cloth settings. With a command, she changed it into her Supergirl costume.


Then she grabbed Teth Adam’s amulet and the draining device still filled with his electrical power, not daring to let either out of her vicinity. 


A few minutes later, Kara kissed her girlfriend and used her platform to teleport directly to the only allowed location in her laboratory under the mountain, appearing inside the lava room, Dexter safely held in her arms.


Despite her admin access, the sensors still took a second to verify her identity before letting her step off of the platform and into the clear, white laboratory, the door closing behind her with a snap and leaving only the beautiful lava tank visible.


Depositing the cat on top of a table, Kara opened a can of cat food and gave him two spoons, scratching the spot between his ears as he started eating, tail raised in the air in excitement.


Opening her computers, the first thing Kara did was to connect to the computers in the Fortress of Solitude and upload Selina and Kite-Man’s data to the database, ordering her cloning facilities to start growing the replacements for their contaminated organs and arm.


The process would take one and a half a day, so they’d be ready by tomorrow night.


Poison Ivy would be more complicated, but Kara sent the information to Dubbilex. Hopefully, the genomorph could tell her more about how to undo what had been done and, even if not, at least it could help with the company’s research on reversing Blockbuster.


Speaking of the company, Kara noticed she had received a message from Lena Luthor. Slowly, a smile appeared on her face, it was perfect timing.


From the email, Lena had almost made up her mind, she only asked to meet the team she’d be working with before signing a contract.


Usually, Kara would have worried about Lex doing something, and that was still a possibility, but with the consecutive blows The Light had received, he’d have far less time and resources to stop his sister.


Finally, Kara got to what interested her, taking a look at the schematic data retrieved from the devices on the hospital.


Her computers took almost five minutes to separate the information from all the nanomachines but, when it was done, Kara had the code and designs for every single device her nanomachines had consumed, from Count Vertigo’s namesake device to some of Ultra-Humanite’s tech.


Almost immediately, she threw the information on the Joker’s control gloves aside, it was disappointing. Seems like most of the flower’s strength had come from Poison Ivy, Blockbuster and magic, the technology only serving to control its growth and movement. 


She had to admit it WAS an interesting design, but nothing new and she could already do far better with a neural interface or visual display.


Then Kara started studying the rest of the information, accelerating her thought process so she could go over as much information as possible in a single day. She knew she should take her time, but she could barely wait to get to the interesting part.


Finally, she got to Red Volcano’s head and frowned. It had been too much to hope for that the robot would die so easily.


Similar to Red Tornado and Danette, some of Red Volcano’s programming had been in his head but, like both his siblings, there were at least two real time connections between the hardware housing his personality matrix and other places on his body.


Kara hadn’t dared poke at the connections while inspecting Danette, but her best guess was that they were backup for the heroine’s mind, one on her flame core and another to a second device on her left leg.


Seeing as most of the programming had been wiped by a safeguard when Red Volcano’s head was smashed, the backups were a near certain thing. She doubted the villain would have just killed himself upon capture.


Still, there seemed to be some programs that had survived, some data about his geokinesis had remained, as well as calculations needed to use his power… perhaps this was why Red Volcano’s geokinesis was stronger than his siblings' respective abilities?


More importantly, Red Volcano’s scanning capabilities had been housed in his head and, while most of that information had been erased, some of the data from his incorporated Amazo tech had survived.


Now, to see what she could do with it...


If you liked this, I now have an advanced chapter on Patreon, you can support me for as little as a single dolar.

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics:   Reincarnated as Supergirl (SFW) / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free.

Thanks to Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter!

Thanks for my patrons : AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Comics, WanderingDaemon, Travis Cox, High Simp of Mephala, Felrook, NotableRonin, AjiTae, JVR, Fallen Zona, Nisiris, SotoriUhska, Ty Tuttle, LordChoto, Glitched Knights, IrishxButter, Journeyman_Mike, Jason Langford, Elia, rome33, Nyangachi ____, Kraxus, Invernos, ecool, countfork, Eric Hicks, eevin1, Definitely (Not) a Necromancer, EMthe4th, Dinero1121, David C., Snugglepuff, Sansvoid, MagicWafflez, JoeMcCool, Rodney Maestrado, Alex, pistolpete, Chris Chalich, box boy b, Crimsonir, Rockinalice, Dan Nicolae Barzu, Double D, Austin Levy, Asura, Adam Duffy, Trent Nielsen, Esp, Arakhil, Kevin Joseph Tarka, Artman, Justin Archibald, Will, Gerard Steeghs, RJ Wimmer, Mikasane, Daniel Emil Waldstrøm Henriksen, Romane McLeod, Jeff Fischer and FoxLike DownSyndrome.

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