Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 61.2

Yo, I wanted to post this chapter much earlier, but I wasn't able to write for three to four days and I'm only now back on my laptop.


Anyways, fight's over, we're calming down a little, I hope you guys enjoy the aftermath.


Also, I have a question for you guys, until now I posted the NSFW sections in separate but smaller chapters, around 1.5 to 2k words of pure smut, do you guys want me to continue that way or would it be better if I incorporated it into chapters? More natural and exciting to read?

I'd still put a warning for those who DON'T want to read smut, but the writing would be incorporated into the writing.


They appeared inside Kara’s safe room, several heavy weapons retreating back into the walls as they verified it was only authorized personnel, but one large cannon locked on to the Joker, awaiting Kara’s command.

Kara ordered it to deactivate too, watching as the sealed doors snapped open with a hiss and release of white smoke. She stepped down from the platform and motioned to her drones, making the Joker float a few meters behind her.

Kori rose a few centimeters in the air and followed her. “Please, where are the others?”

“Designation: Poison Ivy is being analyzed inside a stasis pod at the third laboratory,” Kara’s newest AI assistant answered with a robotic voice that only slightly resembled Alfred’s. “Designation: Kite-Man and Designation: Catwoman are being treated inside the Medbay. Designation: Detective Chimp is accompanying them.”

Ugh, she’d have to change that. In her defense, she had never worked on an AI and it had been a side-project done in an afternoon. Maybe she should just make a copy of the Fortress AI?

She was no expert at that type of coding and, most importantly, didn’t find it fun. Fascinating to look at, yes, but not fun to do, more tangible engineering was so much better.

“Go on, if they’re here they’ll be fine, go home,” Kara said. “With his wounds, Kite-Man should already be awake and I don’t want to reveal your identity to him. Go, get out of the armor, I know you don’t enjoy it.”

“I do not despise it, moreover, it has proven invaluable in battle… But it is slightly constraining for normal activity, yes?” Kori looked down at her covered belly and sighed. “Are you certain?”

“Yeah, it’s only gonna take a few minutes. I’ll deal with the Joker first and check on the base’s analysis before transferring them to another location,” Kara had an involuntary shudder at that thought. “Ugh, having so many people in my secret lair is giving me hives.”

Even without working limbs, she didn’t dare leave the Joker alone.

“Very well, I will await you at home. Be prepared, such a successful mission demands pizza!”

With a smile, Kara watched Kori leaving, flying towards the Medbay at a fast pace. Now that there was no danger, she couldn’t help but admire how hot she looked wearing the armor, or how hot she had looked wielding her sword to fight villains.

Rao, for a second, Kori had faced all five Villains alone and managed to score hits on three of them, stopped Circe’s casting and, if he were designed anything like his siblings, almost pierced Red Volcano’s core, taking him out of the fight with her sword before being repealed.

Yes, the Villains had been underestimating them, but the fact Kori could manage that…

Shaking her head, Kara refocused on the task at hand. Soon, the Joker was locked inside a stasis pod in her first laboratory, the device itself protected in every way she could think of, she even attached the magic drain to his pod just in case.

Later, after she got her companions out of the base, she’d use the Medbay to operate on him. Her tech could keep him alive as long as the brain was intact and a head was much easier to store.

For a second, she stared at the frozen body inside the pod, then thought about Klarion’s arm still in her safe… Kara sighed.

Being honest with herself, she quite enjoyed the Mad Scientist motif she was cultivating, but collecting body parts… She never wanted to be that kind of Mad Scientist. “Kal must never find out.”

Ordering the drones to take her more valuable devices to the second lab, Kara also blocked access to the entire room. The damn Joker should stay there until she built him a true prison… or found a way to kill him and make it stick. She knew the universe had ways of annihilating a soul, even if she couldn’t remember any right now.

Ten minutes later, she stepped into the Medbay, armor still on. Kite-Man was already missing from the place, but the Detective was analyzing some of her computers.

Catwoman was still on the medical table, there was a box covering her chest area while some of Kara’s medical bots worked, but the woman was awake for it.

“So, am I in the market for new swimsuits?” the thief asked.

“Don’t worry,” Kara said, opening the information on her display. “Actually, I’ve no idea, but even if it looks bad, I’m sure I can fix you… On an unrelated note, how do you feel about biomechanical enhancements?”

“Kara, that really doesn’t make me feel better!” Selina growled, even with the rest of her body immobilized, her eyes were still alert.

“No, really, human bodies are surprisingly simple, as long as you get to one of my laboratories alive I can fix anything physical, and I do mean anything. But that doesn’t mean I can’t make improvements if you want.”

“I’d rather keep my body as is, thank you,” Selina said, letting her head rest on the bed. “I spent far too much effort getting it just right.”

“What about bigger breasts?” Kara teased, reading the data with a frown. “I can make them entirely natural… Talia’s are quite large.”

Quickly, she took a look at Kite-Man’s information, he had lost the arm, but that was easily fixed though so she switched to Poison Ivy. The Villain being the most wounded by far… And the most puzzling.

“As much as I enjoy hearing your amusing friendship ritual,” Detective Chimp said while stepping away from the computers and pocketing a memory stick. “I’d rather be sent back to the planet now. I’ve a borrowed sword to return and half an hour of footage to review.”

Kara frowned harder. There shouldn’t have been any clues they weren’t on Earth, her base was made to mimic the planet perfectly, but she couldn’t really say she was surprised he had figured it out.

“Have you ever heard of a demon called Neron?”

“Can’t say the name’s familiar,” Bobo shrugged, then scratched at his chin in thought. “Ah, he’s the organizer then? Must be powerful to have Circe as an ally, I’ll have to ask around.”

“I’ll send you a report later, I don’t think my drones caught our meeting,” With a look, one of the Karabots stepped away from the wall and nodded to the Chimp. “Just follow the robot and it’ll send you back.”

“Right,” Bobo gave the robot an odd look, but followed it, just as he was about to leave the room, he stopped. “By the way, I think I’ve a lead on the girl you had me searching for. It’s weak, but if I’ve time I’ll follow it.”

“Thank you, Detective. I appreciate the help,” Kara called out as he was walking away.

Bobo didn’t turn back or stop, just lifting a hairy arm in the air and waving dismissively, but Kara’s senses didn’t miss his satisfaction at hearing it.

“Alright,” Kara finally closed Selina’s file and turned to her friend. “I’ve good and bad news, which do you prefer?”

“Damnit, you said you could fix everything!”

“I can,” she quickly amended. “It’s just gonna take a little longer than expected.”

“Fine, what’s wrong and how can you fix it?”

“Well, the plant pierced through your liver, stomach and one kidney, almost completely destroying them. It also injected you with a combination of Demonic magic and the Blockbuster formula that mutated them and infected your lungs but didn’t quite reach your heart. The drug is what’s keeping them functioning for now.

“Now, I’ve already drained the magic away and the amount of Blockbuster wasn’t enough to fully mutate the rest of your body, but I’ll need to remove it from your system, and the fastest way of doing that is to excise the affected areas.”

Without even making noise, the box around Selina’s chest retreated back into the table, revealing her bandaged body. With her organs empowered by Blockbuster, she was able to function for a week’s time, but they’d cause problems if left alone.

“Shit,” Selina pushed herself into a sitting position and tried to stretch like a cat, but had to wince as it pulled at her wounds. “Kara, correct me if I’m wrong, but humans need their organs.”

Kara sat on a large chair, made specifically so she could lay on it with her armor on and crossed her legs. “As I keep reminding people, I can easily clone body parts and I can transplant them with no rejection chance. It will only take a few days to grow the replacements, and about a month of recovery, less if it weren’t for the Blockbuster. After that you can go back to your normal activities.”

Selina grimaced again, a hand carefully touching the bandages on her chest. “Is there no other way?”

“Well, I’ve someone working on cleansing the effects of Blockbuster, but that’s still months away, and I believe you already made your stance clear about the augmentation thing,” Kara leaned back in her chair and glanced down at her prosthetic leg. “With mechanical replacements, you could be better than before in three days, but I can honestly say I understand the reluctance.”

“I’ll be out of action for an entire month then? Can I at least exercise?”

“You know,” Kara said, smiling inside her helmet. “I think I can convince Batman to take care of you if you want?”

“What, and stay together with the hussy he’s watching over?”

“Well, the alternative is to continue to leave him alone with Talia…”

“Well, when you say it like that,” Selina mumbled, then her face lost some of her sadness, turning into a cheshire smile. “Defeating so many Villains without a single civilian hurt was quite heroic wasn’t it? I suppose I can relax in a cave for a month, it’s surprisingly quite comfortable.”

“Good, I’ll have things ready in three days.”

“I suppose Kite-Man is already dealt with, but what about Ivy?”

“I’ll have to wait a few days to figure it out, actually,” Kara put her chin on her fist as she thought about the Villain’s situation. “The infernal magic is dealt with, and I was planning on having her go through the cleansing when it was ready, but her body’s more plant than human and it seems to be… overcoming the substance.”

“Well, I’ve seen her regrow limbs before, I don’t know why I’m surprised.”

With a command, Kara had one of her bots fetch Kite-Man. With a sample of his DNA, she’d have a new arm for him in only two days, then she’d be just as happy to never have them on her moon base again.

A little over an hour later, Kara had both Villains standing on top of the teleport platform, she was just about done with people hanging out in her personal sanctum.

“I’ll see what I can do about your recovery location,” she said, being vague now that Kite-Man could hear the conversation.

“You know, I’m really warming up to the idea,” Selina smiled. “Perhaps it’s time this stray found a home.”

“Can I stay with Ivy until she recovers? I want to be there for her,” Kite-Man asked, trying to gesticulate with a missing arm and frowning at the result.

“... No.” with a click, Kara had them both disappear, sent back to Selina’s bar at Gotham before they could say anything else.

She still had to check on the result of the battle, but she still hadn’t had her bath. She could debrief tomorrow.

In another flash, she teleported directly into her apartment, finally unlocking her armor and taking off her helmet, freeing her hair. With a sigh, she stepped out of the armor in her skintight suit, some of it damaged where she had to purge the flower spores.

Kara had taken far too long dealing with things at her moon base, so she assumed Kori was already sleeping. She knew she certainly wanted to go to bed.

Dexter was waiting for her at the bathroom door, mewing loudly and scratching his body against the wood from side to side before looking up at her. With a smile, she lifted him in her arms, touched his nose with her own, and put him on top of the sink, letting a small stream of water run so he could drink.

By the time she managed to fully strip, the cat was done drinking and jumped to the floor, running out of the bathroom and letting her close the door.

Opening the shower stall, she widened her eyes to see a filled bathtub waiting for her. It was formed from her own nanomachines, the surface covered with bubbles and flower petals scattered all over the edge.

Rao, she loved Kori.

Nearly an hour later, Kara stepped out of the bath and used a blast of heat vision to dry herself, her mood greatly improved. Walking into her bedroom she froze, her brain taking a second to recover from the impact it had just received.

Kori was lying on her bed, naked as the day she was born, a thin layer of sweat covering her body as she took a hand away from her breasts and smiled sheepishly. “Apologies, watching you deal with so many Villains may have affected me a little too much, I could not wait.”


If you liked this, I now have an advanced chapter on Patreon, you can support me for as little as a single dolar.

If you enjoy my work take a look at my other fics:   Reincarnated as Supergirl (SFW) / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) / Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW).

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free.

Thanks to Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter!

Thanks for my patrons : AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust), Comics, WanderingDaemon, Travis Cox, High Simp of Mephala, Felrook, NotableRonin, AjiTae, JVR, Fallen Zona, Nisiris, SotoriUhska, Ty Tuttle, LordChoto, Glitched Knights, IrishxButter, Journeyman_Mike, Jason Langford, Elia, rome33, Nyangachi ____, Kraxus, Invernos, ecool, countfork, Eric Hicks, eevin1, Definitely (Not) a Necromancer, EMthe4th, Dinero1121, David C., Snugglepuff, Sansvoid, MagicWafflez, JoeMcCool, Rodney Maestrado, Alex, pistolpete, Chris Chalich, box boy b, Crimsonir, Rockinalice, Dan Nicolae Barzu, Double D, Austin Levy, Asura, Adam Duffy, Trent Nielsen, Esp, Arakhil, Kevin Joseph Tarka, Artman, Justin Archibald, Will, Gerard Steeghs, RJ Wimmer, Mikasane, Daniel Emil Waldstrøm Henriksen, Romane McLeod, Jeff Fischer and FoxLike DownSyndrome.

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