Reincarnated as Supergirl (YJ / DC)

Chapter 57.1

As people who visit my Patreon or follow Will of the Force know, I got a bad ear infection (almost the day after I posted the Omake, actually) and hadn't been able to even sleep until yesterday, so things are kinda late this week, I'll try to catch up, but I hope you understand, with the pain, I just couldn't find the concentration to write

Anyways, I'm healing, it still hurts like hell, but the doctor gave me a LOT of antibiotics and painkillers, so I can actually sleep.

Second part of the chapter may came out late tomorrow or Monday, probably Monday. 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the first part!

Also, this is kinda what I imagine for Kara and Kori's armors, more or less:




Kara made one last adjustment to Kori’s power armor and stepped back. 

Her own armor was larger, entirely black and had predominantly masculine features —well, it was better to say the armor was unisex— with several armored plates.

She also had a heavier model ready in case it was ever needed, one that traded flexibility for strength and defense, but the one she operated as Forge was balanced.

Kori’s armor took, in some ways, the opposite approach. Made for a mix of agility and flexibility, it was very clearly female. Lighter and sleeker, the armor relied more on a force field for protection over more straightforward means.

The material could still take a few kryptonian level blows if the forcefield failed, but the equipment was made to hug Kori’s form, allowing for a wide range of movements and not optimized for protection. The helmet was metallic, with only a red visor that blocked some of her field of view, but not enough to cause serious problems.

While the armor did have a few projectile weapons, the main offense was the Sword of Beowulf at her waist. The sheath had been put inside a metal casing so it wouldn’t be immediately recognized, but the sword could easily be drawn out and its magic would augment Kori’s already impressive powers and skills.

Looking at the end product, Kara nodded. At least the armor should cover the Tamaranean’s entire body. 

Kori had NOT liked the first version of the armor, the thick metal plates had blocked her movements and, while she hadn’t said anything about it, she had clearly disliked the bulky look.

Kori wasn’t as strong or resistant as some of the supers like Superman, Black Adam, and Martian Manhunter, so improving her defenses was good, but the Tamaranean’s sheer martial skill more than made up for any lack of durability. 

Turning her girlfriend into a tank was meaningless if Kara also curbed her ability to fight effectively.

Still, Kara reached for her tools and leaned forward again. Perhaps she could improve the shield’s output by another percent if only she could…

An arm wrapped around her neck and, before she could react, pulled her back, dragging her out of the room without a pause. 

“That will be quite enough,” the owner of the arm said, peeved.

“Kori! Come on, I’m almost done,” Kara moaned, but didn’t resist too much.

“Kara!” her girlfriend continued to drag her away from the armor as the AI finished its last minute calibrations. “Please, have you not pledged not to spend such an extended period in your laboratory?”

“It’s not my laboratory, just the workroom,” she complained. Kara didn’t have a laboratory at home yet. That particular failing would be ratified once they finally moved into the reformed house. “I just wanted to have the armor ready for tomorrow.”

“Your excuses will not fool me. My armor does not need any more adjustments,” Kori shook her head and tightened the grip on Kara’s neck. “Perhaps it is time for you to stop worrying and come eat. You still require rest and nourishment, yes? Conceivably, it could be helpful tonight.”

“Conceivably,” Kara grudgingly admitted, her stomach growling at the thought of food and causing her to flush. “Yeah, I guess I could eat, thanks.”

Lifting his head, Dexter seemed to have heard her because he immediately jumped from the sofa and started weaving between their legs, releasing a few meows as if to remind them he wanted food too.

“No, it’s my food, you have your own,” Kara glared at the cat, but it only stared back, round eyes slowly eroding her resolve.

Turning away before he could win, she saw that Kori had ordered pizza. With a sigh, she sat at the table and watched the Tamaranean cover a slice with mustard.

“I will not be hurt,” Kori hugged her, kissing her cheek before floating up to sit at the counter. “I understand Earth has a culture of saving damsels, but this princess is entirely capable of fighting by your side.”

“I know,” Kara sighed, pulling one of her toppings and dropping it to the cat. “Sorry about this.”

“I understand, I worry for your well-being too,” Kori gave her a gentle smile. “That you have a team ameliorates my worries, but only to a modest degree, wherefore I asked to fight by your side. I can not stop you from taking risks, I can only be with you when you do.”

Ugh, ‘ameliorate’? ‘Wherefore’? Why did Kori have to be so smart and wholesome? Now she really couldn’t go back to tinkering. Biting into the pizza, Kara tried to stop thinking about the Injustice League… She really should have just dropped the League on top of them.

Perhaps if they had more time, she would. Unfortunately, while she could rely on both Captain Marvel and Martian Manhunter showing up, most of the League was currently busy and she didn’t want to leave them without possible backup.

Her team would suffice. 

The Lanterns were still at war, Wonder Woman as well as the Hawks and Zatara were in the Magiclands helping Doctor Fate put the magical world in order again after his extended absence and The Flash was having trouble with an unusually active rogues gallery.

Her cousin would show up if needed, but he was helping with several relief efforts and she didn’t want to call him away from that to solve her problems, again.

Aquaman could be called, but he had just repealed an attack from Black Manta and was recuperating, Red Tornado had taken a family leave so he and his brother could help Dany get settled and Batman had exhausted himself with the reforms and taking care of Gotham.  

It wasn’t like none of the others would show up if the situation called for it, but stretching the already strained League further was a bad idea. There was always a chance something would happen or The Light would use the fight as a distraction. Asymmetric attritional warfare had been their goal from the beginning after all.

“So, how did the Titans like the bunnies?”

“They are most delightful. Robin and Kid Flash are still attempting to discover how you plan to use them as weapons, but the others enjoy their presence. Lagomorphs can be surprisingly adorable, yes?”

“I suppose I could use them in planetary sieges or something?...” Kara mumbled. “Rabbits can have around 10 to 12 litters a year, with up to 12 kits each, if I release a hundred breeding pairs in a resisting planet, very few would actually die and they’d probably devastate the planetary food supply in what, six to ten years? I wouldn’t have to do anything.

“Also, with kryptonian powers, they could burrow even in urban areas, causing tremendous infrastructural damage to existing cities even if they didn’t attack anyone, making an attack much easier.”

“Bad Kara,” Kori booped her in the head . “Plotting to starve your enemies is forbidden.”

“Hmph, it probably wouldn’t work anyways. They’d find out about red Sunlight and start exterminating them before too much damage was done.”

“I see. In that case, I shall inform the others you will not be releasing kryptonian lagomorphs as means of warfare. I am certain Robin and Kid Flash will be most relieved.”

“Say, wanna go dancing at Catwoman’s again after this? I kinda liked it.”

“Joy! May I invite Master Diana with me?”

“Sure, I’ll call Dany too, we can make this a girl's night out.”

Having Wonder Woman at Selina’s club would be an… interesting affair, especially if Ivy was there too after her rescue. Would she agree not to arrest her if Pamela agreed to getting treatment?

Well, that was a problem for later. Picking up another topping from her pizza, she cut it into four and pushed it toward the cat. At this point, Dexter had jumped on the counter and was watching, a single paw extending forward before Kara glared at him and he pulled back.

Pucking her slice, Kara bit into it, enjoying just… spending time with Kori and not thinking of anything else.

Later, the two of them entered the workroom, both armors ready. Swiftly, Kori turned towards Kara and wrapped her arms around her neck, giving her a kiss that curled her toes and stole her breath.

“I have been told that giving the kiss of good luck is tradition before such operations.”

“... I’m definitely not opposed to it,” Kara smiled at her, giving Kori another kiss.

Separating, Kara watched as the Princess stepped inside her armor and it closed around her. With a hiss, the clasps locked in place, tightening the plates around her and giving her the full width of movement she needed.

Kori tested the armor again, bending her body and stretching her limbs, but the equipment only hampered her a little bit. Kara stared at the armor’s curves and almost wanted to call it a day. Damn, Kori looked hot in it.

Grabbing the helmet, she stopped behind Kori and took a moment to tie her hair before putting it on her and clasping the equipment in place.

Snapping her arm up, Kori activated all the guns on the armor, causing two missile launchers to rise from her shoulders and both railguns on her arms to glow threateningly red. Lifting her nose into the air, she spoke in a strangely modulated voice. “Surrender or be eliminated. Muwahahahaha!”

“Is that supposed to be me?” Kara snorted, stepping away from the armor. “Come on, I don’t laugh like that.”

Kori didn’t say anything, but Kara could feel her stare even through the armor.

“Shut up! Anyways, how’s the armor?”

“Disturbing yet intriguing. I did not know having such great capacity for destruction could feel so empowering.” 

“Hah, the weapons are only slightly stronger than your starbolts. The defensive fields and sword are the important bits.” 

Stepping into her own armor, Kara checked one last time to see if everything was working correctly before the both of them stepped into the teleportation platform and disappeared from the apartment.


If you enjoy my work, I have an advanced chapter for my patrons or you can also take a look at my other fics: Will of The Force (SFW). - WEEKLY / Dungeon Delving is Damn HARD  (SFW) (HIATUS)/ Reincarnated into a H World (VERY NSFW) (HIATUS)

Also, think about giving me a tip if you have some spare change by supporting me on patreon, ko-fi with the buttons bellow the chapter, or just a one time donation directly to PayPal.  All my content is free and you can support me for a single dollar.

Thanks to Eric Faust for helping out with the chapter!

Thanks for my patrons : Iori Daemona Angel, AlliterativeArts (Eric Faust) Comics, WanderingDaemon, GrumpyJustGrumpy, Travis cox, camarada fugu, Rootbeerguy, High Priest of Torga, Michael Neal, Felrook, NotableRonin, AjiTae, khepri, Louis Kasser, JVR, Joseph,  Vegetables, Nisiris, Flashycow, Ryuda, Commander Miggs, Kaleb, Awais, Ty Tuttle, LordChoto, Allison Jolley, Phillip Webster, Glitched Knights, Robolo42, Zistrum, IrishxButter, Journeyman_Mike, Jason Langford, W01F, janember, AlthePal, Elia , Matthew D, rome33, Jesper Samso Birch, Austin, Pedro Belonia, Danny York, Joe Foreman, Duke, Kraxus, Invernos, john the gamer, ecool, Looting Pillager, Palladya, Tiberius Cristian Radu, Eric Hicks, eevin1, Definitely (Not) a Necromancer, PhillyFlaps, EMthe4th, Dinero1121, Davic C, Michael Rojas and Javier Gonzales for supporting my work!

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